ByteScout PDF SDK - C# - Convert Email with Attachments to PDF - ByteScout

ByteScout PDF SDK – C# – Convert Email with Attachments to PDF

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How to convert email with attachments to PDF in C# using ByteScout PDF SDK

The tutorial below will demonstrate how to convert email with attachments to PDF in C#

The sample shows steps and algorithm of how to convert email with attachments to PDF and how to make it work in your C# application. Want to convert email with attachments to PDF in your C# app? ByteScout PDF SDK is designed for it. ByteScout PDF SDK is the SDK for pdf documents generation, modification and updates. Can also generate and fill PDF forms. Provides support for text (fonts, style, size, font family), layers, pdf form fields, vector and raster drawings.

This rich sample source code in C# for ByteScout PDF SDK includes the number of functions and options you should do calling the API to convert email with attachments to PDF. In your C# project or application you may simply copy & paste the code and then run your app! Implementing C# application typically includes multiple stages of the software development so even if the functionality works please test it with your data and the production environment.

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using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing.Printing; using System.IO; using System.Text; using Bytescout.PDF; using Bytescout.PDF.Converters; using Font = Bytescout.PDF.Font; using SolidBrush = Bytescout.PDF.SolidBrush; namespace EmailToPDF_EmailWithAttachment { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { try { // Parse MessageContents using MsgReader Library // MsgReader library can be obtained from: using (var msg = new MsgReader.Outlook.Storage.Message("EmailWithAttachments.msg")) { // Get Sender information var from = msg.GetEmailSender(false, false); // Message sent datetime var sentOn = msg.SentOn; // Recipient To information var recipientsTo = msg.GetEmailRecipients(MsgReader.Outlook.RecipientType.To, false, false); // Recipient CC information var recipientsCc = msg.GetEmailRecipients(MsgReader.Outlook.RecipientType.Cc, false, false); // Recipient BCC information var recipientBcc = msg.GetEmailRecipients(MsgReader.Outlook.RecipientType.Bcc, false, false); // Message subject var subject = msg.Subject; // Get Message Body var msgBody = msg.BodyHtml; // Prepare PDF docuemnt using (Document outputDocument = new Document()) { // Add registration keys outputDocument.RegistrationName = "demo"; outputDocument.RegistrationKey = "demo"; // Add page Page page = new Page(PaperFormat.A4); outputDocument.Pages.Add(page); // Add sample content Font font = new Font(StandardFonts.Times, 12); Brush brush = new SolidBrush(); // Add Email contents int topMargin = 20; page.Canvas.DrawString({code}quot;File Name: {msg.FileName}", font, brush, 20, (topMargin += 20)); page.Canvas.DrawString({code}quot;From: {from}", font, brush, 20, (topMargin += 20)); page.Canvas.DrawString({code}quot;Sent On: {(sentOn.HasValue ? sentOn.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm") : "")}", font, brush, 20, (topMargin += 20)); page.Canvas.DrawString({code}quot;To: {recipientsTo}", font, brush, 20, (topMargin += 20)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(recipientsCc)) { page.Canvas.DrawString({code}quot;CC: {recipientsCc}", font, brush, 20, (topMargin += 20)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(recipientBcc)) { page.Canvas.DrawString({code}quot;BCC: {recipientBcc}", font, brush, 20, (topMargin += 20)); } page.Canvas.DrawString({code}quot;Subject: {subject}", font, brush, 20, (topMargin += 20)); page.Canvas.DrawString("Message body in next page.", font, brush, 20, (topMargin += 20)); // Convert Html body to PDF in order to retain all formatting. using (HtmlToPdfConverter converter = new HtmlToPdfConverter()) { converter.PageSize = PaperKind.A4; converter.Orientation = Bytescout.PDF.Converters.PaperOrientation.Portrait; // Get all inline attachment, and replace them foreach (MsgReader.Outlook.Storage.Attachment itmAttachment in msg.Attachments) { if (itmAttachment.IsInline) { var oData = itmAttachment.Data; var dataBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(oData); // Replace within email msgBody = msgBody.Replace({code}quot;src=\"{itmAttachment.FileName}\"", {code}quot;src=\"{ "data:image/jpeg;base64," + dataBase64}\""); } } // Convert input HTML to stream byte[] byteArrayBody = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msgBody); MemoryStream inputStream = new MemoryStream(byteArrayBody); // Create output stream to store generated PDF file using (var outputStream = new MemoryStream()) { // Convert HTML to PDF converter.ConvertHtmlToPdf(inputStream, outputStream); // Create new document from generated output stream Document docContent = new Document(outputStream); // Append all pages to main PDF foreach (Page item in docContent.Pages) { outputDocument.Pages.Add(item); } // Apped all other attachments foreach (MsgReader.Outlook.Storage.Attachment itmAttachment in msg.Attachments) { if (!itmAttachment.IsInline) { // Attachment is image, so adding accordingly var pageAttachment = new Page(PaperFormat.A4); Canvas canvas = pageAttachment.Canvas; var oAttachmentStream = new MemoryStream(itmAttachment.Data); Image imageAttachment = new Image(oAttachmentStream); canvas.DrawImage(imageAttachment, 20, 20); // Add attachment outputDocument.Pages.Add(pageAttachment); } } // Save output file outputDocument.Save("result.pdf"); } } // Open result document in default associated application (for demo purpose) ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("result.pdf"); processStartInfo.UseShellExecute = true; Process.Start(processStartInfo); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Press enter key to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); } } } }


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <packages> <package id="MsgReader" version="3.4.0" targetFramework="net45" /> <package id="OpenMcdf" version="" targetFramework="net45" /> </packages>


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