ByteScout Cloud API Server - PDF To XML API - Python - Convert PDF To XML From Uploaded File Asynchronously - ByteScout

ByteScout Cloud API Server – PDF To XML API – Python – Convert PDF To XML From Uploaded File Asynchronously

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How to convert PDF to XML from uploaded file asynchronously for PDF to XML API in Python and ByteScout Cloud API Server

Learn to write code convert PDF to XML from uploaded file asynchronously for PDF to XML API in Python: Simple How To Tutorial

This page displays the step-by-step instructions and algorithm of how to convert PDF to XML from uploaded file asynchronously and how to apply it in your application. ByteScout Cloud API Server helps with PDF to XML API in Python. ByteScout Cloud API Server is API server that is ready to use and can be installed and deployed in less than 30 minutes on your own Windows server or server in a cloud. It can save data and files on your local server-based file storage or in Amazon AWS S3 storage. Data is processed solely on the API server and is powered by ByteScout engine, no cloud services or Internet connection is required for data processing..

This simple and easy to understand sample source code in Python for ByteScout Cloud API Server contains different functions and options you should do calling the API to implement PDF to XML API. Open your Python project and simply copy & paste the code and then run your app! This basic programming language sample code for Python will do the whole work for you in implementing PDF to XML API in your app.

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""" Cloud API asynchronous "PDF To Text" job example. Allows to avoid timeout errors when processing huge or scanned PDF documents. """ import os import requests # pip install requests import time import datetime # Please NOTE: In this sample we're assuming Cloud Api Server is hosted at "https://localhost". # If it's not then please replace this with with your hosting url. # Base URL for Web API requests BASE_URL = "https://localhost" # Source PDF file SourceFile = ".\\sample.pdf" # Comma-separated list of page indices (or ranges) to process. Leave empty for all pages. Example: '0,2-5,7-'. Pages = "" # PDF document password. Leave empty for unprotected documents. Password = "" # Destination XML file name DestinationFile = ".\\result.xml" # (!) Make asynchronous job Async = True def main(args = None): uploadedFileUrl = uploadFile(SourceFile) if (uploadedFileUrl != None): convertPdfToXml(uploadedFileUrl, DestinationFile) def convertPdfToXml(uploadedFileUrl, destinationFile): """Converts PDF To Xml using Web API""" # Prepare URL for 'PDF To Xml' API request url = "{}/pdf/convert/to/xml?async={}&name={}&password={}&pages={}&url={}".format( BASE_URL, Async, os.path.basename(destinationFile), Password, Pages, uploadedFileUrl ) # Execute request and get response as JSON response = requests.get(url, headers={ "content-type": "application/octet-stream" }) if (response.status_code == 200): json = response.json() if json["error"] == False: # Asynchronous job ID jobId = json["jobId"] # URL of the result file resultFileUrl = json["url"] # Check the job status in a loop. # If you don't want to pause the main thread you can rework the code # to use a separate thread for the status checking and completion. while True: status = checkJobStatus(jobId) # Possible statuses: "working", "failed", "aborted", "success". # Display timestamp and status (for demo purposes) print("%H:%M.%S") + ": " + status) if status == "success": # Download result file r = requests.get(resultFileUrl, stream=True) if (r.status_code == 200): with open(destinationFile, 'wb') as file: for chunk in r: file.write(chunk) print(f"Result file saved as \"{destinationFile}\" file.") else: print(f"Request error: {response.status_code} {response.reason}") break elif status == "working": # Pause for a few seconds time.sleep(3) else: print(status) break else: # Show service reported error print(json["message"]) else: print(f"Request error: {response.status_code} {response.reason}") def checkJobStatus(jobId): """Checks server job status""" url = f"{BASE_URL}/job/check?jobid={jobId}" response = requests.get(url) if (response.status_code == 200): json = response.json() return json["status"] else: print(f"Request error: {response.status_code} {response.reason}") return None def uploadFile(fileName): """Uploads file to the cloud""" # 1. RETRIEVE PRESIGNED URL TO UPLOAD FILE. # Prepare URL for 'Get Presigned URL' API request url = "{}/file/upload/get-presigned-url?contenttype=application/octet-stream&name={}".format( BASE_URL, os.path.basename(fileName)) # Execute request and get response as JSON response = requests.get(url) if (response.status_code == 200): json = response.json() if json["error"] == False: # URL to use for file upload uploadUrl = json["presignedUrl"] # URL for future reference uploadedFileUrl = json["url"] # 2. UPLOAD FILE TO CLOUD. with open(fileName, 'rb') as file: requests.put(uploadUrl, data=file, headers={ "content-type": "application/octet-stream" }) return uploadedFileUrl else: # Show service reported error print(json["message"]) else: print(f"Request error: {response.status_code} {response.reason}") return None if __name__ == '__main__': main()


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