ByteScout Cloud API Server - Document Parser API - C# - Parse and Generate HL7 Output - ByteScout

ByteScout Cloud API Server – Document Parser API – C# – Parse and Generate HL7 Output

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How to parse and generate hl7 output for document parser API in C# with ByteScout Cloud API Server

ByteScout Cloud API Server is the ready to deploy Web API Server that can be deployed in less than thirty minutes into your own in-house Windows server (no Internet connnection is required to process data!) or into private cloud server. Can store data on in-house local server based storage or in Amazon AWS S3 bucket. Processing data solely on the server using built-in ByteScout powered engine, no cloud services are used to process your data!.

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 Web API (on-demand version)

On-premise offline SDK for Windows:
 60 Day Free Trial (on-premise)


Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00 # Visual Studio 2013 VisualStudioVersion = 12.0.40629.0 MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1 Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "ByteScoutWebApiExample", "ByteScoutWebApiExample.csproj", "{1E1C2C34-017E-4605-AE2B-55EA3313BE51}" EndProject Global GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU EndGlobalSection GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution {1E1C2C34-017E-4605-AE2B-55EA3313BE51}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU {1E1C2C34-017E-4605-AE2B-55EA3313BE51}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU {1E1C2C34-017E-4605-AE2B-55EA3313BE51}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU {1E1C2C34-017E-4605-AE2B-55EA3313BE51}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU EndGlobalSection GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution HideSolutionNode = FALSE EndGlobalSection EndGlobal


using HL7.Dotnetcore; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace HL7CreationFromJson { class Hl7Helper { /// <summary> /// Get HL7 format representation from input model /// </summary> public static string GetHL7Format(JsonHL7Fields inpModel) { // // Message oHl7Message = new Message(); // Add MSH Segment Segment mshSegment = new Segment("MSH", new HL7Encoding()); mshSegment.AddNewField("SendingApp", 3); mshSegment.AddNewField(inpModel.LabName ?? "", 4); mshSegment.AddNewField(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyymmddhhMMss"), 7); mshSegment.AddNewField("ORM", 9); // Message type mshSegment.AddNewField("2.3", 12); // Message version oHl7Message.AddNewSegment(mshSegment); // Add PID Segment Segment pidSegment = new Segment("PID", new HL7Encoding()); pidSegment.AddNewField("1", 1); pidSegment.AddNewField(inpModel.PatientChartNo ?? "", 2); // Patient ID pidSegment.AddNewField(inpModel.PatientChartNo ?? "", 4); // Alternate Patient ID pidSegment.AddNewField({code}quot;{inpModel.PatientLastName ?? ""}^{inpModel.PatientFirstName ?? ""}", 5); // Patient Name pidSegment.AddNewField(inpModel.PatientDOB ?? "", 7); // Patient DOB pidSegment.AddNewField(inpModel.PatientGender ?? "", 8); // Patient Gender pidSegment.AddNewField(inpModel.PatientAddress ?? "", 11); // Patient Address pidSegment.AddNewField(inpModel.PatientPhoneHome ?? "", 13); // Patient Home Phone number pidSegment.AddNewField(inpModel.PatientSSN ?? "", 19); // Patient SSN Number oHl7Message.AddNewSegment(pidSegment); // Add PV1 Segment Segment pv1Segment = new Segment("PV1", new HL7Encoding()); pv1Segment.AddNewField({code}quot;{inpModel.PhysicianNpi ?? ""}^{inpModel.PhysicianName}", 7); // Physician information oHl7Message.AddNewSegment(pv1Segment); // Add IN1 Segment Segment in1Segment = new Segment("IN1", new HL7Encoding()); in1Segment.AddNewField("1", 1); in1Segment.AddNewField(inpModel.InsuranceName ?? "", 4); // Insurance Name in1Segment.AddNewField(inpModel.InsuranceGroup ?? "", 8); // Insurance Group Name in1Segment.AddNewField(inpModel.InsuredName ?? "", 16); // Insured Name in1Segment.AddNewField(inpModel.RelationToPatient ?? "", 17); // Insured Relatino in1Segment.AddNewField(inpModel.InsuredDob ?? "", 18); // Insured Date of Birth in1Segment.AddNewField(inpModel.InsurancePolicy ?? "", 36); // Insurance Policy Number oHl7Message.AddNewSegment(in1Segment); // Add ORC Segment Segment orcSegment = new Segment("ORC", new HL7Encoding()); orcSegment.AddNewField("NW", 1); // New Order orcSegment.AddNewField(inpModel.CollectionDateTime ?? "", 9); // Date/Time of Transaction orcSegment.AddNewField({code}quot;{inpModel.PhysicianNpi ?? ""}^{inpModel.PhysicianName ?? ""}", 12); // Ordering Provider oHl7Message.AddNewSegment(orcSegment); // Add OBR Segment Segment obrSegment = new Segment("OBR", new HL7Encoding()); obrSegment.AddNewField(inpModel.CollectionDateTime ?? "", 7); // Date/Time of Transaction obrSegment.AddNewField({code}quot;{inpModel.PhysicianNpi ?? ""}^{inpModel.PhysicianName ?? ""}", 16); // Ordering Provider oHl7Message.AddNewSegment(obrSegment); // Add Diagnosis for (int i = 0; i < inpModel.Icd10Codes.Count; i++) { Segment dg1Segment = new Segment("DG1", new HL7Encoding()); dg1Segment.AddNewField((i + 1).ToString(), 1); dg1Segment.AddNewField("I10", 2); // Icd Type dg1Segment.AddNewField(inpModel.Icd10Codes[i], 3); // Icd Code oHl7Message.AddNewSegment(dg1Segment); } // Add OBX for (int i = 0; i < inpModel.QuestionAnswer.Count; i++) { Segment obxSegment = new Segment("OBX", new HL7Encoding()); obxSegment.AddNewField((i + 1).ToString(), 1); obxSegment.AddNewField("ST", 2); // Value Type obxSegment.AddNewField(inpModel.QuestionAnswer[i].Key, 3); // Question obxSegment.AddNewField(inpModel.QuestionAnswer[i].Value, 5); // Answer oHl7Message.AddNewSegment(obxSegment); } string oRetMessage = oHl7Message.SerializeMessage(false); return oRetMessage; } } }


using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace HL7CreationFromJson { public class JsonHL7Fields { public JsonHL7Fields() { Icd10Codes = new List<string>(); QuestionAnswer = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>(); } public string LabName { get; set; } public string PatientLastName { get; set; } public string PatientFirstName { get; set; } public string PatientSSN { get; set; } public string PatientDOB { get; set; } public string PatientPhoneHome { get; set; } public string PatientPhoneWork { get; set; } public string PatientChartNo { get; set; } public string PatientGender { get; set; } public string PatientAddress { get; set; } public string PhysicianName { get; set; } public string PhysicianAccountNo { get; set; } public string PhysicianNpi { get; set; } public string InsuranceName { get; set; } public string InsurancePolicy { get; set; } public string InsuranceGroup { get; set; } public string InsuredName { get; set; } public string InsuredSSN { get; set; } public string InsuredDob { get; set; } public string RelationToPatient { get; set; } public string CollectionDateTime { get; set; } public List<string> Icd10Codes { get; set; } public List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> QuestionAnswer { get; set; } } }


using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; namespace HL7CreationFromJson { class JsonParserHelper { /// <summary> /// Parse Json Fileds in class format /// </summary> public static JsonHL7Fields ParseJsonHL7Fields(string jsonData) { // Get Object data from input file JObject jsonObj = JObject.Parse(jsonData); var oRet = new JsonHL7Fields(); oRet.LabName = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["labName"]["value"]); oRet.PatientLastName = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["patientLastName"]["value"]); oRet.PatientFirstName = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["patientFirstName"]["value"]); oRet.PatientSSN = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["patientSSN"]["value"]); oRet.PatientDOB = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["patientDOB"]["value"]); oRet.PatientPhoneHome = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["patientHomePhone"]["value"]); oRet.PatientPhoneWork = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["patientWorkPhone"]["value"]); oRet.PatientAddress = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["patientAddress"]["value"]); oRet.PatientChartNo = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["patientChartNo"]["value"]); string patGenderMaleSelectedVal = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["patientGenderMale"]["value"]); string patGenderFemaleSelectedVal = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["patientGenderFemale"]["value"]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(patGenderMaleSelectedVal)) { oRet.PatientGender = "M"; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(patGenderFemaleSelectedVal)) { oRet.PatientGender = "F"; } oRet.PhysicianName = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["physicianName"]["value"]); oRet.PhysicianAccountNo = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["physicianAccountName"]["value"]); oRet.PhysicianNpi = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["physicianNPI"]["value"]); oRet.InsuranceName = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["insuranceName"]["value"]); oRet.InsurancePolicy = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["insurancePolicy"]["value"]); oRet.InsuranceGroup = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["insuranceGroup"]["value"]); oRet.InsuredName = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["insuredName"]["value"]); oRet.InsuredSSN = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["insuredSSN"]["value"]); oRet.InsuredDob = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["insuredDOB"]["value"]); string relToPatIsSelf = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["relationToPatientIsSelf"]["value"]); string relToPatIsSpouse = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["relationToPatientIsSpouse"]["value"]); string relToPatIsDependent = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["relationToPatientIsDependent"]["value"]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(relToPatIsSelf)) { oRet.RelationToPatient = "Self"; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(relToPatIsSpouse)) { oRet.RelationToPatient = "Spouse"; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(relToPatIsDependent)) { oRet.RelationToPatient = "Dependent"; } // Add Collection Date/Time string colDate = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["collectionDate"]["value"]); string colTime = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["collectionTime"]["value"]); string colTimeIsAm = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["collectionTimeIsAM"]["value"]); string colTimeIsPm = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["collectionTimeIsPM"]["value"]); string colTimeAmPm = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(colTimeIsAm)) { colTimeAmPm = "AM"; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(colTimeIsPm)) { colTimeAmPm = "PM"; } oRet.CollectionDateTime = {code}quot;{colDate} {colTime} {colTimeAmPm}"; // Add ICD Codes string IcdCodes = Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["icD10DxCodes"]["value"]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(IcdCodes)) { var arrIcdCodes = IcdCodes.Split(','); foreach (var itmIcd in arrIcdCodes) { oRet.Icd10Codes.Add(itmIcd.Trim()); } } // Add Question/Answers string Ques_ClinicalHistoryIsRoutinePap = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["clinicalHistoryIsRoutinePap"]["value"])) ? "No" : "Yes"; string Ques_ClinicalHistoryIsAbnormalBleeding = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(jsonObj["fields"]["clinicalHistoryIsAbnormalBleeding"]["value"])) ? "No" : "Yes"; oRet.QuestionAnswer.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Is Routine PAP?", Ques_ClinicalHistoryIsRoutinePap)); oRet.QuestionAnswer.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Is Abnormal Bleeding?", Ques_ClinicalHistoryIsAbnormalBleeding)); return oRet; } } }


using HL7CreationFromJson; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Threading; // Cloud API asynchronous "Document Parser" job example. // Allows to avoid timeout errors when processing huge or scanned PDF documents. namespace ByteScoutWebApiExample { // Please NOTE: In this sample we're assuming Cloud Api Server is hosted at "https://localhost". // If it's not then please replace this with with your hosting url. class Program { // The authentication key (API Key). // Get your own by registering at const String API_KEY = "*********************************"; // Source PDF file const string SourceFile = @".\Test_Report_Format.pdf"; // PDF document password. Leave empty for unprotected documents. const string Password = ""; // Destination TXT file name const string DestinationFile = @".\result.json"; // (!) Make asynchronous job const bool Async = true; static void Main(string[] args) { // Template text. Use Document Parser SDK ( // to create templates. // Read template from file: String templateText = File.ReadAllText(@".\TestReportFormat.yml"); // Create standard .NET web client instance WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); // Set API Key webClient.Headers.Add("x-api-key", API_KEY); // 1. RETRIEVE THE PRESIGNED URL TO UPLOAD THE FILE. // * If you already have a direct file URL, skip to the step 3. // Prepare URL for `Get Presigned URL` API call string query = Uri.EscapeUriString(string.Format( "https://localhost/file/upload/get-presigned-url?contenttype=application/octet-stream&name={0}", Path.GetFileName(SourceFile))); try { // Execute request string response = webClient.DownloadString(query); // Parse JSON response JObject json = JObject.Parse(response); if (json["error"].ToObject<bool>() == false) { // Get URL to use for the file upload string uploadUrl = json["presignedUrl"].ToString(); string uploadedFileUrl = json["url"].ToString(); // 2. UPLOAD THE FILE TO CLOUD. webClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/octet-stream"); webClient.UploadFile(uploadUrl, "PUT", SourceFile); // You can use UploadData() instead if your file is byte[] or Stream webClient.Headers.Remove("content-type"); // 3. PARSE UPLOADED PDF DOCUMENT // URL of `Document Parser` API call string url = "https://localhost/pdf/documentparser"; Dictionary<string, object> requestBody = new Dictionary<string, object>(); requestBody.Add("template", templateText); requestBody.Add("name", Path.GetFileName(DestinationFile)); requestBody.Add("url", uploadedFileUrl); requestBody.Add("async", Async); // Convert dictionary of params to JSON string jsonPayload = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestBody); // Execute request response = webClient.UploadString(url, "POST", jsonPayload); // Parse JSON response json = JObject.Parse(response); if (json["error"].ToObject<bool>() == false) { // Asynchronous job ID string jobId = json["jobId"].ToString(); // Get URL of generated JSON file string resultFileUrl = json["url"].ToString(); // Check the job status in a loop. // If you don't want to pause the main thread you can rework the code // to use a separate thread for the status checking and completion. do { string status = CheckJobStatus(webClient, jobId); // Possible statuses: "working", "failed", "aborted", "success". // Display timestamp and status (for demo purposes) Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + ": " + status); if (status == "success") { // Download JSON file webClient.DownloadFile(resultFileUrl, DestinationFile); // Parse document data in JSON format string jsonString = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(DestinationFile); // Step 2: Parse Json fileds in class format var oInpModel = JsonParserHelper.ParseJsonHL7Fields(jsonString); // Step 3: Get Data in HL7 Format var oHL7Format = Hl7Helper.GetHL7Format(oInpModel); // Store HL7 File and open with default associated program var outputFile = "outputHl7.txt"; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(outputFile, oHL7Format); Console.WriteLine("Generated HL7 file saved as \"{0}\" file.", outputFile); break; } else if (status == "working") { // Pause for a few seconds Thread.Sleep(3000); } else { Console.WriteLine(status); break; } } while (true); } else { Console.WriteLine(json["message"].ToString()); } } else { Console.WriteLine(json["message"].ToString()); } } catch (WebException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } webClient.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key..."); Console.ReadKey(); } static string CheckJobStatus(WebClient webClient, string jobId) { string url = "https://localhost/job/check?jobid=" + jobId; string response = webClient.DownloadString(url); JObject json = JObject.Parse(response); return Convert.ToString(json["status"]); } } }


templateName: Untitled document kind templateVersion: 4 templatePriority: 0 detectionRules: keywords: [] objects: - name: LabName objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 98.4065933 - 33.2967033 - 90 - 8.24175835 pageIndex: 0 - name: LabAddress objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 99.0659332 - 42.3626366 - 89.175827 - 9.23077011 pageIndex: 0 - name: LabCity objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 100.549454 - 53.0769272 - 21.7582436 - 8.90109921 pageIndex: 0 - name: LabState objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 125.109894 - 52.9120865 - 12.5274725 - 8.24175835 pageIndex: 0 - name: LabZip objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 138.131882 - 52.5824203 - 24.3956051 - 8.90109921 pageIndex: 0 - name: LabPhone objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 115.219788 - 63.4615402 - 51.7582436 - 7.74725294 pageIndex: 0 - name: LabFax objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 184.780212 - 63.9560471 - 52.5824203 - 7.91208792 pageIndex: 0 - name: PatientLastName objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 18.6075935 - 106.139236 - 21.8354435 - 9.49367046 pageIndex: 0 - name: PatientFirstName objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 150.759491 - 106.329109 - 37.0253143 - 8.54430389 pageIndex: 0 - name: PatientSSN objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 18.6075935 - 125.316452 - 99.4936676 - 9.68354416 pageIndex: 0 - name: PatientAge objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 150.949371 - 125.126579 - 35.3164558 - 10.2531643 pageIndex: 0 - name: PatientDOB objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true dataType: date rectangle: - 190.5 - 125.25 - 38.25 - 9.75 pageIndex: 0 - name: PatientAddress objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 18.7974682 - 144.493668 - 189.113922 - 9.8734169 pageIndex: 0 - name: PatientHomePhone objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 18.3870964 - 163.548386 - 90.9677429 - 11.1290321 pageIndex: 0 - name: PatientWorkPhone objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 114.677414 - 164.032242 - 71.6128998 - 11.1290321 pageIndex: 0 - name: PatientChartNo objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 209.516129 - 164.032242 - 91.9354858 - 11.1290321 pageIndex: 0 - name: PhysicianName objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 305.806427 - 104.999992 - 259.838715 - 10.6451607 pageIndex: 0 - name: PhysicianAccountName objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 305.806427 - 125.80645 - 165.967743 - 9.1935482 pageIndex: 0 - name: PhysicianAccountNo objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 480 - 125.322578 - 92.9032211 - 10.1612902 pageIndex: 0 - name: PhysicianNPI objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 308.035736 - 163.392853 - 94.2857132 - 11.7857141 pageIndex: 0 - name: PhysicianPhone objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 409.821442 - 163.928589 - 79.821434 - 9.64285755 pageIndex: 0 - name: PhysicianFax objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 494.516113 - 164.032242 - 77.4193497 - 11.1290321 pageIndex: 0 - name: InsuranceName objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 17.9032249 - 263.2258 - 279.677399 - 8.70967674 pageIndex: 0 - name: InsurancePolicy objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 16.9354839 - 302.903229 - 57.5806465 - 9.67741871 pageIndex: 0 - name: InsuranceGroup objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 151.935471 - 302.903229 - 62.4193573 - 9.67741871 pageIndex: 0 - name: InsuredName objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 18.3870964 - 322.741943 - 77.9032211 - 12.0967741 pageIndex: 0 - name: InsuredSSN objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 149.032257 - 323.709686 - 89.5161285 - 10.1612902 pageIndex: 0 - name: InsuredDOB objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true dataType: date rectangle: - 244.5 - 322.5 - 54.75 - 10.5 pageIndex: 0 - name: CollectionDate objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 86.756752 - 351.891876 - 55.9459457 - 9.32432365 pageIndex: 0 - name: CollectionTime objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 263.035736 - 352.5 - 29.4642868 - 8.57142925 pageIndex: 0 - name: PatientGenderMale objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 273.214294 - 128.035721 - 8.0357151 - 6.96428585 pageIndex: 0 - name: PatientGenderFemale objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 289.285736 - 127.5 - 7.50000048 - 8.0357151 pageIndex: 0 - name: PhysicianAddress objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 305.892883 - 145.714294 - 176.785721 - 8.0357151 pageIndex: 0 - name: BillToIsPhysician objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 53.035717 - 206.250015 - 8.57142925 - 6.96428585 pageIndex: 0 - name: BillToIsMedicare objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 95.8928604 - 206.250015 - 8.0357151 - 7.50000048 pageIndex: 0 - name: BillToIsMedicaid objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 139.285721 - 206.250015 - 8.0357151 - 8.0357151 pageIndex: 0 - name: BillToIsInsurance objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 183.750015 - 206.250015 - 7.50000048 - 7.50000048 pageIndex: 0 - name: BillToIsPatient objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 231.428589 - 206.250015 - 7.50000048 - 6.4285717 pageIndex: 0 - name: RelationToPatientIsSelf objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 117.321434 - 245.357147 - 7.50000048 - 8.0357151 pageIndex: 0 - name: RelationToPatientIsSpouse objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 144.642868 - 244.821442 - 8.0357151 - 8.57142925 pageIndex: 0 - name: RelationToPatientIsDependent objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 184.821442 - 245.357147 - 6.96428585 - 7.50000048 pageIndex: 0 - name: CollectionTimeIsAM objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 303.75 - 354.107178 - 6.96428585 - 6.4285717 pageIndex: 0 - name: CollectionTimeIsPM objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 328.392883 - 354.642853 - 7.50000048 - 7.50000048 pageIndex: 0 - name: ICD10DxCodes objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 17.6785736 - 381.964325 - 73.9285736 - 10.7142868 pageIndex: 0 - name: ClinicalHistoryIsRoutinePap objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 18.7500019 - 423.214294 - 7.50000048 - 8.0357151 pageIndex: 0 - name: ClinicalHistoryIsAbnormalBleeding objectType: field fieldProperties: fieldType: rectangle regex: true rectangle: - 20.3571453 - 433.392853 - 6.96428585 - 9.1071434 pageIndex: 0


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