ByteScout Cloud API Server - DOC To PDF API - Delphi - Convert DOC To PDF From Uploaded File - ByteScout

ByteScout Cloud API Server – DOC To PDF API – Delphi – Convert DOC To PDF From Uploaded File

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How to convert DOC to PDF from uploaded file for DOC to PDF API in Delphi using ByteScout Cloud API Server

ByteScout Cloud API Server: the ready to deploy Web API Server that can be deployed in less than thirty minutes into your own in-house Windows server (no Internet connnection is required to process data!) or into private cloud server. Can store data on in-house local server based storage or in Amazon AWS S3 bucket. Processing data solely on the server using built-in ByteScout powered engine, no cloud services are used to process your data!.

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program ConvertDOCToPDFFromUploadedFile; //*******************************************************************************************// // // // Download Free Evaluation Version From: // // // // Also available as Web API! Get Your Free API Key: // // // // Copyright ? 2017-2020 ByteScout, Inc. All rights reserved. // // // // // // // //*******************************************************************************************// {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils, Classes, IdHTTP, IdURI, IdSSL, IdSSLOpenSSL, System.JSON, IdMultipartFormData; const // The authentication key (API Key). // Get your own by registering at API_KEY: string = '********************************************' // Source DOC or DOCX file SOURCE_FILE: string = 'sample.docx'; // Destination PDF file name DESTINATION_FILE: string = 'result.pdf'; var http: TIdHTTP; http_file_downloader: TIdHTTP; http_file_uploader: TIdHTTP; response_stream: TStringStream; response: string; io_handler: TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL; response_json: TJSONObject; is_error: TJSONBool; file_url: string; file_stream: TFileStream; error_message: TJSONString; presigned_url: string; uploaded_file_url: string; query: string; waiting_any_key: char; multi_part_form_data_stream: TIdMultiPartFormDataStream; file_name: string; begin // Put the necessary libeay32.dll & ssleay32.dll library versions in the // program folder io_handler := TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create(nil); io_handler.SSLOptions.Method := sslvSSLv23; io_handler.SSLOptions.SSLVersions := [sslvSSLv23]; http := TIdHTTP.Create(nil); http.HTTPOptions := http.HTTPOptions + [hoForceEncodeParams]; http.AllowCookies := true; http.HandleRedirects := true; http.Request.Connection := 'keep-alive'; http.Request.ContentType := 'application/json; charset=utf-8'; http.Request.UserAgent := 'User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.116 Safari/537.36'; http.IOHandler := io_handler; response_stream := TStringStream.Create(); file_stream := nil; http_file_uploader := nil; multi_part_form_data_stream := nil; http_file_downloader := nil; try try // 1. RETRIEVE THE PRESIGNED URL TO UPLOAD THE FILE. // * If you already have a direct file URL, skip to the step 3. // Prepare URL for `Get Presigned URL` API call query := TIdURI.URLEncode(Format('https://localhost/file/upload/get-presigned-url' + '?contenttype=application/octet-stream&name=%s', [ExtractFileName(SOURCE_FILE)])); // Set API Key http.Request.CustomHeaders.AddValue('x-api-key', API_KEY); // Execute request http.Get(query, response_stream); // Parse JSON response response_json := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(response_stream.DataString, false) as TJSONObject; is_error := response_json.Values['error'] as TJSONBool; if (not is_error.AsBoolean) then begin // Get URL to use for the file upload presigned_url := TJSONString(response_json.Values['presignedUrl']).ToString(); presigned_url := StringReplace(presigned_url, '"', '', [rfReplaceAll]); // Get URL of uploaded file to use with later API calls uploaded_file_url := TJSONString(response_json.Values['url']).ToString(); uploaded_file_url := StringReplace(uploaded_file_url, '"', '', [rfReplaceAll]); // 2. UPLOAD THE FILE TO CLOUD. http_file_uploader := TIdHTTP.Create(nil); http_file_uploader.AllowCookies := true; http_file_uploader.HandleRedirects := true; http_file_uploader.Request.CustomHeaders.AddValue('x-api-key', API_KEY); http_file_uploader.Request.CustomHeaders.AddValue('content-type', 'application/octet-stream'); file_stream := TFileStream.Create(SOURCE_FILE, fmOpenRead); response := http_file_uploader.Put(presigned_url, file_stream); file_stream.Free(); // 3. CONVERT UPLOADED DOC (DOCX) FILE TO PDF // Prepare URL for `DOC To PDF` API call query := TIdURI.URLEncode(Format('https://localhost/pdf/convert/from/doc' + '?name=%s&url=%s', [ExtractFileName(DESTINATION_FILE), uploaded_file_url])); // Execute request response_stream.Clear(); http.Get(query, response_stream); response_json := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(response_stream.DataString, false) as TJSONObject; is_error := response_json.Values['error'] as TJSONBool; if (not is_error.AsBoolean) then begin file_url := TJSONString(response_json.Values['url']).ToString(); file_url := StringReplace(file_url, '"', '', [rfReplaceAll]); file_name := ExtractFileName(StringReplace(file_url, '/', '\', [rfReplaceAll])); file_name := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))) + file_name; http_file_downloader := TIdHTTP.Create(nil); // Download generated file file_stream := TFileStream.Create(file_name, fmCreate); http_file_downloader.Get(file_url, file_stream); Writeln(Format('Generated PDF file saved as "%s" file."', [file_name])); end else begin error_message := response_json.Values['message'] as TJSONString; raise Exception.Create(error_message.ToString); end; end else begin error_message := response_json.Values['message'] as TJSONString; raise Exception.Create(error_message.ToString); end; except on E: Exception do begin response := http.ResponseText; Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; end; finally response_stream.Free(); http.Free(); if (Assigned(file_stream)) then file_stream.Free(); if (Assigned(multi_part_form_data_stream)) then multi_part_form_data_stream.Free(); if (Assigned(http_file_uploader)) then http_file_uploader.Free(); if (Assigned(http_file_downloader)) then http_file_downloader.Free(); Writeln('Press any key to continue...'); Readln(waiting_any_key); end; end.



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