ByteScout BarCode Generator SDK - VB.NET - Add Custom Images To PDF Document - ByteScout

ByteScout BarCode Generator SDK – VB.NET – Add Custom Images To PDF Document

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How to add custom images to PDF document in VB.NET using ByteScout Barcode SDK

This code in VB.NET shows how to add custom images to PDF document with this how to tutorial

Source code documentation samples provide quick and easy way to add a required functionality into your application. What is ByteScout Barcode SDK? It is the robost SDK that generates high quality barcode images and pdf. Can generate all popular types of barcodes from QR Code, Code 39, Code 128, UPC, GS1, GS-128, PDF417, Datamatrix to more exotic barcode types. Fully customizable fonts, colors, print sizes. Includes special functions to ensure output quality, and tools for adding barcodes to new or existing pdf files and images. It can help you to add custom images to PDF document in your VB.NET application.

The SDK samples like this one below explain how to quickly make your application do add custom images to PDF document in VB.NET with the help of ByteScout Barcode SDK. Follow the instructions from the scratch to work and copy the VB.NET code. Further enhancement of the code will make it more vigorous.

Trial version of ByteScout Barcode SDK is available for free. Source code samples are included to help you with your VB.NET app.

On-demand (REST Web API) version:
 Web API (on-demand version)

On-premise offline SDK for Windows:
 60 Day Free Trial (on-premise)

Imports System.Diagnostics Imports System.Drawing Imports Bytescout.BarCode ' This example demostrates adding of barcode together with some custom images (e.g. target marks) to PDF document. ' Also shows the manual calculation of barcode size from inches to pixels and document units (points). ' Task: place Code39 barcode of 2" x 3/8" size at 2" from top-right corner and two target marks at 1" from top-right and bottom-left corners. Namespace AddBarcodeToPdfDocument Class Program Friend Shared Sub Main(args As String()) ' Create Barcode instance and set it up Dim barcode As New Barcode("demo", "demo") barcode.Symbology = SymbologyType.Code39 barcode.Value = "00090112" barcode.DrawCaption = True barcode.CaptionFont = New Font("Courier", 12.0F, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point) barcode.DrawQuietZones = False barcode.ResolutionX = 300 ' High resolution for better quality on document scaling and printing. barcode.ResolutionY = 300 ' Compute barcode image dimension from inches to pixels at 300 DPI: Dim barHeight As Integer = CInt(Math.Truncate(3.0F / 8 * 300)) ' = 3/8" * 300 DPI = height of bars Dim captionHeight As Integer = CInt(Math.Truncate(barcode.CaptionFont.GetHeight(barcode.ResolutionY))) Dim captionGap As Integer = CInt(Math.Truncate(1.0F / 8 * 300)) ' = 1/8" gap Dim barcodeImageWidth As Integer = 2 * 300 ' = 2" * 300 DPI = width of barcode Dim barcodeImageHeight As Integer = barHeight + captionGap + captionHeight + 28 ' 28 = height of watermark text (painted in Trial version only) ' Get final barcode image: barcode.BarHeight = barHeight barcode.FitInto(barcodeImageWidth, barcodeImageHeight, UnitOfMeasure.Pixel) Dim barcodeImage As Image = barcode.GetImage() ' Arrays of images and points to apply to PDF document Dim images As Image() = New Image(2) {} Dim points As Point() = New Point(2) {} ' Compute coordinates of barcode image and target marks ar 72 DPI ' (page size is 8.5" x 11", PDF document resolution is always 72 DPI): Dim x As Integer = CInt(Math.Truncate(8.5F * 72 - 2 * 72 - barcodeImageWidth / 300.0F * 72)) ' = page width - 2" - barcodeImageWidth at 72 DPI = X coordinate to put the barcode image Dim y As Integer = 2 * 72 ' = 2" - Y coordinate to put the barcode image ' Put barcode image into array images(0) = barcodeImage points(0) = New Point(x, y) ' Load target mark image. ' TargetMark.png is 1/8" 300 DPI image (38x38 pixels) Dim targetMarkImage As Image = Image.FromFile("TargetMark.png") ' Coordinates of top-right target mark x = CInt(Math.Truncate(8.5F * 72 - 1 * 72 - 1.0F / 8 * 72)) ' = pageWidth - 1" - target mark width (1/8") at 72DPI = X coordinate to put the barcode image y = 1 * 72 ' = 1" - Y coordinate to put the barcode image ' Put first target mark image into array images(1) = targetMarkImage points(1) = New Point(x, y) ' Coordinates of bottom-left target mark x = 1 * 72 ' = 1" y = CInt(Math.Truncate(11.0F * 72 - 1 * 72 - 1.0F / 8 * 72)) ' = page height - 1" - target mark height (1/8") at 72DPI ' Put second target mark image into array images(2) = targetMarkImage points(2) = New Point(x, y) ' Draw images on all PDF document pages. barcode.DrawImagesToPDF("wikipedia.pdf", -1, images, points, "result.pdf") ' Cleanup barcodeImage.Dispose() targetMarkImage.Dispose() barcode.Dispose() ' Open the result document in default associated application Process.Start("result.pdf") End Sub End Class End Namespace


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