ByteScout BarCode Generator SDK - C# - Generate Word Document With Barcodes - ByteScout

ByteScout BarCode Generator SDK – C# – Generate Word Document With Barcodes

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How to generate word document with barcodes in C# and ByteScout Barcode SDK

This code in C# shows how to generate word document with barcodes with this how to tutorial

These sample source codes on this page below are demonstrating how to generate word document with barcodes in C#. What is ByteScout Barcode SDK? It is the robost library (Software Development Kit) that is designed for automatic generation of high-quality barcodes for printing, electronic documents and pdf. All popular barcode types are supported from Code 39 and Code 129 to QR Code, UPC, GS1, GS-128, Datamatrix, PDF417, Maxicode and many others. Provides support for full customization of fonts, colors, output and printing sizes. Special tools are included to verify output quality and printing quality. Can add generated barcode into new or existing documents, images and PDF. It can help you to generate word document with barcodes in your C# application.

The SDK samples like this one below explain how to quickly make your application do generate word document with barcodes in C# with the help of ByteScout Barcode SDK. Just copy and paste the code into your C# application’s code and follow the instruction. Use of ByteScout Barcode SDK in C# is also explained in the documentation included along with the product.

Trial version of ByteScout Barcode SDK is available for free. Source code samples are included to help you with your C# app.

On-demand (REST Web API) version:
 Web API (on-demand version)

On-premise offline SDK for Windows:
 60 Day Free Trial (on-premise)

// This example uses Word Automation to create a document, add some text, add a table, // fill it with random data and generate barcode images for it. using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word; using Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word; using Bytescout.BarCode; namespace GenerateWordDocumentWithBarcodes { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { object optional = Missing.Value; object endOfDocBookmark = "\\endofdoc"; /* \endofdoc is a predefined bookmark */ // start Word _Application word = new Application(); word.Visible = false; // create new document _Document document = word.Documents.Add(ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional); // insert a paragraph at the beginning of the document Paragraph paragraph1 = document.Content.Paragraphs.Add(ref optional); paragraph1.Range.Text = "Heading 1"; paragraph1.Range.Font.Bold = 1; paragraph1.Format.SpaceAfter = 24; // 24 pt spacing after paragraph paragraph1.Range.InsertParagraphAfter(); // insert another paragraph object range = document.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref endOfDocBookmark).Range; Paragraph paragraph2 = document.Content.Paragraphs.Add(ref range); paragraph2.Range.Text = "This is a sentence of normal text. Now here is a table:"; paragraph2.Range.Font.Bold = 0; paragraph2.Format.SpaceAfter = 24; paragraph2.Range.InsertParagraphAfter(); // insert a 5 x 2 table, make the first header row bold and italic range = document.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref endOfDocBookmark).Range; Table table = document.Tables.Add((Range) range, 5, 2, ref optional, ref optional); table.Cell(1, 1).Range.Text = "Value"; // 1st column header table.Cell(1, 2).Range.Text = "Barcode"; // 2nd column header table.Rows[1].Range.Font.Bold = 1; table.Rows[1].Range.Font.Italic = 1; AddBorders(table.Cell(1, 1).Range); AddBorders(table.Cell(1, 2).Range); Random random = new Random(); string tempImage = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "tempImage.png"); // create barcode object Barcode barcode = new Barcode("demo", "demo"); barcode.Symbology = SymbologyType.Code128; barcode.DrawCaption = false; // fill the table with random data and add barcode images for (int row = 2; row <= 5; row++) { string randomValue = random.Next().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Range cell = table.Cell(row, 1).Range; cell.Text = randomValue; AddBorders(cell); // generate barcode and save it to temporary image file barcode.Value = randomValue; barcode.SaveImage(tempImage); // put barcode image to second column cell = table.Cell(row, 2).Range; cell.InlineShapes.AddPicture(tempImage, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional); AddBorders(cell); } // save document object fileName = @"sample.doc"; // use full file path in your app document.SaveAs(ref fileName, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional); // quit Word object saveChanges = true; word.Quit(ref saveChanges, ref optional, ref optional); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start((string) fileName); } // Adds borders to provided Range static void AddBorders(Range cell) { cell.Borders[WdBorderType.wdBorderLeft].LineStyle = WdLineStyle.wdLineStyleSingle; cell.Borders[WdBorderType.wdBorderTop].LineStyle = WdLineStyle.wdLineStyleSingle; cell.Borders[WdBorderType.wdBorderRight].LineStyle = WdLineStyle.wdLineStyleSingle; cell.Borders[WdBorderType.wdBorderBottom].LineStyle = WdLineStyle.wdLineStyleSingle; } } }


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