ByteScout Data Extraction Suite - VBScript - Extract text from page area from pdf with pdf extractor sdk - ByteScout

ByteScout Data Extraction Suite – VBScript – Extract text from page area from pdf with pdf extractor sdk

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How to extract text from page area from pdf with pdf extractor sdk in VBScript with ByteScout Data Extraction Suite

This code in VBScript shows how to extract text from page area from pdf with pdf extractor sdk with this how to tutorial

These sample source codes on this page below are displaying how to extract text from page area from pdf with pdf extractor sdk in VBScript. ByteScout Data Extraction Suite is the bundle that includes three SDK tools for data extraction from PDF, scans, images and from spreadsheets: PDF Extractor SDK, Data Extraction SDK, Barcode Reader SDK and you can use it to extract text from page area from pdf with pdf extractor sdk with VBScript.

Want to quickly learn? This fast application programming interfaces of ByteScout Data Extraction Suite for VBScript plus the guidelines and the code below will help you quickly learn how to extract text from page area from pdf with pdf extractor sdk. Simply copy and paste in your VBScript project or application you and then run your app! Further improvement of the code will make it more robust.

ByteScout provides the free trial version of ByteScout Data Extraction Suite along with the documentation and source code samples.

On-demand (REST Web API) version:
 Web API (on-demand version)

On-premise offline SDK for Windows:
 60 Day Free Trial (on-premise)

' Create TextExtractor object Set extractor = CreateObject("Bytescout.PDFExtractor.TextExtractor") extractor.RegistrationName = "demo" extractor.RegistrationKey = "demo" ' Load sample PDF document extractor.LoadDocumentFromFile("..\..\sample1.pdf") ' Get page count pageCount = extractor.GetPageCount() ' Iterate through pages For i = 0 to pageCount - 1 ' Set extraction area (in Points. 1 Point = 1/72 in.) extractor.SetExtractionArea 0, 0, 200, 200 ' Extract text from the extraction area text = extractor.GetTextFromPage(i) Wscript.echo "Page #" & CStr(i) & " text from area (0, 0, 200, 200): " & vbCr & vbLf & text extractor.ResetExtractionArea Next Set extractor = Nothing


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