ByteScout Data Extraction Suite - C# - Add column chart with spreadsheet sdk - ByteScout

ByteScout Data Extraction Suite – C# – Add column chart with spreadsheet sdk

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How to add column chart with spreadsheet sdk in C# with ByteScout Data Extraction Suite

Continuous learning is a crucial part of computer science and this tutorial shows how to add column chart with spreadsheet sdk in C#

We made thousands of pre-made source code pieces for easy implementation in your own programming projects. ByteScout Data Extraction Suite: the set that includes 3 SDK products for data extraction from PDF, scans, images and from spreadsheets: PDF Extractor SDK, Data Extraction SDK, Barcode Reader SDK. It can add column chart with spreadsheet sdk in C#.

These C# code samples for C# guide developers to speed up coding of the application when using ByteScout Data Extraction Suite. Simply copy and paste in your C# project or application you and then run your app! Use of ByteScout Data Extraction Suite in C# is also described in the documentation included along with the product.

All these programming tutorials along with source code samples and ByteScout free trial version are available for download from our website.

On-demand (REST Web API) version:
 Web API (on-demand version)

On-premise offline SDK for Windows:
 60 Day Free Trial (on-premise)

using System; using System.Diagnostics; using Bytescout.Spreadsheet; using Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Charts; namespace CSharp { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Create new Spreadsheet object Spreadsheet spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet(); spreadsheet.RegistrationName = "demo"; spreadsheet.RegistrationKey = "demo"; // Add new worksheet Worksheet sheet = spreadsheet.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sample"); // Add few random numbers int length = 10; Random rnd = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { sheet.Cell(i, 0).Value = rnd.Next(10); sheet.Cell(i, 1).Value = rnd.Next(10); } // Add charts to worksheet Chart columnChart = sheet.Charts.AddChartAndFitInto(1, 3, 16, 9, ChartType.ColumnClustered); columnChart.SeriesCollection.Add(new Series(sheet.Range(0, 0, length - 1, 0))); columnChart.SeriesCollection.Add(new Series(sheet.Range(0, 1, length - 1, 1))); columnChart = sheet.Charts.AddChartAndFitInto(1, 10, 16, 16, ChartType.ColumnStacked); columnChart.SeriesCollection.Add(new Series(sheet.Range(0, 0, length - 1, 0))); columnChart.SeriesCollection.Add(new Series(sheet.Range(0, 1, length - 1, 1))); columnChart = sheet.Charts.AddChartAndFitInto(1, 17, 16, 23, ChartType.ColumnStacked100); columnChart.SeriesCollection.Add(new Series(sheet.Range(0, 0, length - 1, 0))); columnChart.SeriesCollection.Add(new Series(sheet.Range(0, 1, length - 1, 1))); columnChart = sheet.Charts.AddChartAndFitInto(17, 3, 32, 9, ChartType.ColumnClustered3D); columnChart.SeriesCollection.Add(new Series(sheet.Range(0, 0, length - 1, 0))); columnChart.SeriesCollection.Add(new Series(sheet.Range(0, 1, length - 1, 1))); columnChart = sheet.Charts.AddChartAndFitInto(17, 10, 32, 16, ChartType.ColumnStacked3D); columnChart.SeriesCollection.Add(new Series(sheet.Range(0, 0, length - 1, 0))); columnChart.SeriesCollection.Add(new Series(sheet.Range(0, 1, length - 1, 1))); columnChart = sheet.Charts.AddChartAndFitInto(17, 17, 32, 23, ChartType.ColumnStacked1003D); columnChart.SeriesCollection.Add(new Series(sheet.Range(0, 0, length - 1, 0))); columnChart.SeriesCollection.Add(new Series(sheet.Range(0, 1, length - 1, 1))); columnChart = sheet.Charts.AddChartAndFitInto(33, 10, 48, 16, ChartType.Column3D); columnChart.SeriesCollection.Add(new Series(sheet.Range(0, 0, length - 1, 0))); columnChart.SeriesCollection.Add(new Series(sheet.Range(0, 1, length - 1, 1))); // Save it as XLS spreadsheet.SaveAs("Output.xls"); // Close the document spreadsheet.Close(); // Cleanup spreadsheet.Dispose(); // Open generated XLS file in default associated application Process.Start("Output.xls"); } } }


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