ByteScout Data Extraction Suite - C# - Extract Text From Large PDF Document in Parallel Processing - ByteScout

ByteScout Data Extraction Suite – C# – Extract Text From Large PDF Document in Parallel Processing

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How to extract text from large PDF document in parallel processing in C# with ByteScout Data Extraction Suite

Learning is essential in computer world and the tutorial below will demonstrate how to extract text from large PDF document in parallel processing in C#

The documentation is designed for a specific purpose to help you to apply the features on your side. ByteScout Data Extraction Suite can extract text from large PDF document in parallel processing. It can be applied from C#. ByteScout Data Extraction Suite is the set that includes 3 SDK products for data extraction from PDF, scans, images and from spreadsheets: PDF Extractor SDK, Data Extraction SDK, Barcode Reader SDK.

Want to save time? You will save a lot of time on writing and testing code as you may just take the C# code from ByteScout Data Extraction Suite for extract text from large PDF document in parallel processing below and use it in your application. Just copy and paste the code into your C# application’s code and follow the instructions. Want to see how it works with your data then code testing will allow the function to be tested and work properly.

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using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Threading; using Bytescout.PDFExtractor; namespace MultithreadProcessing { class Program { // Limit to 4 threads in queue. // Set this value to number of cores in your CPU for max performance. private static readonly Semaphore _threadLimiter = new Semaphore(4, 4); private static int _runningThreadsCounter; static void Main(string[] args) { const string inputFileName = "sample.pdf"; const string resultFileName = "result.txt"; int CHUNK_SIZE = 10; int pageCount; // Get document page count using (var infoExtractor = new InfoExtractor("demo", "demo")) { infoExtractor.LoadDocumentFromFile(inputFileName); pageCount = infoExtractor.GetPageCount(); } Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); int numberOfThreads = pageCount / CHUNK_SIZE; if (pageCount - numberOfThreads * CHUNK_SIZE > 0) numberOfThreads += 1; ManualResetEvent allFinishedEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); _runningThreadsCounter = 0; string[] chunks = new string[numberOfThreads]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; i++) { // Wait for the queue _threadLimiter.WaitOne(); var startPage = i * CHUNK_SIZE; var endPage = Math.Min(pageCount - 1, (i + 1) * CHUNK_SIZE - 1); // Prepare temp file name for the chunk chunks[i] = string.Format("temp-{0}-{1}.txt", startPage, endPage); // Increase the thread counter Interlocked.Increment(ref _runningThreadsCounter); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(ThreadProc), new object[] { i, allFinishedEvent, inputFileName, chunks[i], startPage, endPage }); } // Wait for all threads allFinishedEvent.WaitOne(); // Merge pieces into a single text file using (Stream resultFileStream = File.Create(resultFileName)) { foreach (string tempFile in chunks) using (Stream srcStream = File.OpenRead(tempFile)) srcStream.CopyTo(resultFileStream); } // Delete temp files foreach (string tempFile in chunks) File.Delete(tempFile); Console.WriteLine("All done in {0}.", stopwatch.Elapsed); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); } private static void ThreadProc(object stateInfo) { int threadIndex = (int) ((object[]) stateInfo)[0]; ManualResetEvent allFinishedEvent = (ManualResetEvent) ((object[]) stateInfo)[1]; string inputFile = (string) ((object[]) stateInfo)[2]; string outputFile = (string) ((object[]) stateInfo)[3]; int startPage = (int) ((object[]) stateInfo)[4]; int endPage = (int) ((object[]) stateInfo)[5]; try { Console.WriteLine("Thread #{0} started with the page range from {1} to {2}.", threadIndex, startPage, endPage); Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // Process the piece using (TextExtractor textExtractor = new TextExtractor("demo", "demo")) { // Set page separator. Default is '\f' (Form Feed) textExtractor.PageSeparator = Environment.NewLine; // Since we are only extracting text, disable the caching to reduce memory usage textExtractor.PageDataCaching = PageDataCaching.None; textExtractor.OCRMode = OCRMode.Auto; textExtractor.OCRLanguageDataFolder = @"c:\Program Files\Bytescout PDF Extractor SDK\net4.00\tessdata\"; textExtractor.OCRLanguage = "eng"; // 300 DPI resolution is recommended. // Using of higher values will slow down the processing but does not guarantee the higher quality. textExtractor.OCRResolution = 300; textExtractor.LoadDocumentFromFile(inputFile); textExtractor.SaveTextToFile(startPage, endPage, outputFile); } Console.WriteLine("Thread #{0} finished in {1}.", threadIndex, stopwatch.Elapsed); } finally { // If it was the last thread, signal the main thread about the finish. if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref _runningThreadsCounter) == 0) allFinishedEvent.Set(); // Release semaphore _threadLimiter.Release(); } } } }


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