ByteScout Data Extraction Suite - VB.NET - Import from dataset with spreadsheet sdk - ByteScout

ByteScout Data Extraction Suite – VB.NET – Import from dataset with spreadsheet sdk

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How to import from dataset with spreadsheet sdk in VB.NET with ByteScout Data Extraction Suite

Learn to code in VB.NET to import from dataset with spreadsheet sdk with this step-by-step tutorial

On this page you will learn from code samples for programming in VB.NET.Writing of the code to import from dataset with spreadsheet sdk in VB.NET can be executed by programmers of any level using ByteScout Data Extraction Suite. Want to import from dataset with spreadsheet sdk in your VB.NET app? ByteScout Data Extraction Suite is designed for it. ByteScout Data Extraction Suite is the bundle that includes three SDK tools for data extraction from PDF, scans, images and from spreadsheets: PDF Extractor SDK, Data Extraction SDK, Barcode Reader SDK.

The SDK samples given below describe how to quickly make your application do import from dataset with spreadsheet sdk in VB.NET with the help of ByteScout Data Extraction Suite. Just copy and paste the code into your VB.NET application’s code and follow the instructions. Applying VB.NET application mostly includes various stages of the software development so even if the functionality works please test it with your data and the production environment.

If you want to try other source code samples then the free trial version of ByteScout Data Extraction Suite is available for download from our website. Just try other source code samples for VB.NET.

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On-premise offline SDK for Windows:
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Imports System.IO Module Module1 Sub Main() Const fileName As String = "VBNetImportFromDataSet.xls" 'Create a new spreadsheet Dim spreadsheet As Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Spreadsheet = New Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Spreadsheet 'Get the data from the 2D array that we want to import Dim dataset = GetDataSet() 'Import data into spreadheet spreadsheet.ImportFromDataSet(dataset) 'Insert row with column captions For i As Integer = 0 To dataset.Tables.Count - 1 Dim dataTable As DataTable = dataset.Tables(i) Dim worksheet As Worksheet = spreadsheet.Worksheets(i) worksheet.Rows.Insert(0) For colIndex As Integer = 0 To dataTable.Columns.Count - 1 worksheet.Cell(0, colIndex).Value = dataTable.Columns(colIndex).Caption Next Next 'Save the spreadsheet If (File.Exists(fileName)) Then File.Delete(fileName) End If spreadsheet.SaveAs(fileName) 'Close spreadsheet spreadsheet.Close() 'Open the spreadsheet Process.Start(fileName) End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Returns a dataset containing 2 tables ''' </summary> ''' <returns>Dataset containing 2 tables</returns> Function GetDataSet() As DataSet Dim dataSet = New DataSet dataSet.Tables.Add(GetDataTableOfElements()) dataSet.Tables.Add(GetDataTableOfScientists()) Return dataSet End Function ''' <summary> ''' Creates a data table of the periodic table of elements ''' </summary> ''' <returns>A data table of the periodic table of elements</returns> Function GetDataTableOfElements() As DataTable Dim periodicTable = New DataTable("PeriodicTable") Dim dr As DataRow periodicTable.Columns.Add("Name", GetType(String)) periodicTable.Columns.Add("Symbol", GetType(String)) periodicTable.Columns.Add("AtomicNumber", GetType(Integer)) dr = periodicTable.Rows.Add() dr(0) = "Hydrogen" dr(1) = "H" dr(2) = "1" dr = periodicTable.Rows.Add() dr(0) = "Helium" dr(1) = "He" dr(2) = "2" dr = periodicTable.Rows.Add() dr(0) = "Lithium" dr(1) = "Li" dr(2) = "3" dr = periodicTable.Rows.Add() dr(0) = "Beryllium" dr(1) = "Be" dr(2) = "4" dr = periodicTable.Rows.Add() dr(0) = "Boron" dr(1) = "B" dr(2) = "5" dr = periodicTable.Rows.Add() dr(0) = "Carbon" dr(1) = "C" dr(2) = "6" Return periodicTable End Function ''' <summary> ''' Creates a data table of scientists ''' </summary> ''' <returns>A datatable of scientists</returns> ''' <remarks></remarks> Function GetDataTableOfScientists() As DataTable Dim scientistsTable = New DataTable("Scientists") Dim dr As DataRow scientistsTable.Columns.Add("Name", GetType(String)) dr = scientistsTable.Rows.Add() dr(0) = "Antoine Lavoisier" dr = scientistsTable.Rows.Add() dr(0) = "Julius Lothar Meyer " dr = scientistsTable.Rows.Add() dr(0) = "Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev" Return scientistsTable End Function End Module


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