ByteScout Barcode Suite - VBScript - Read barcode from webcam or scanner with barcode reader sdk - ByteScout

ByteScout Barcode Suite – VBScript – Read barcode from webcam or scanner with barcode reader sdk

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How to read barcode from webcam or scanner with barcode reader sdk in VBScript using ByteScout Barcode Suite

Learn to read barcode from webcam or scanner with barcode reader sdk in VBScript

These source code samples are assembled by their programming language and functions they apply. ByteScout Barcode Suite: the set that includes three different SDK products to generate barcodes, read barcodes and read and write spreadsheets: Barcode SDK, Barcode Reader SDK and Spreadsheet SDK. It can read barcode from webcam or scanner with barcode reader sdk in VBScript.

Want to quickly learn? This fast application programming interfaces of ByteScout Barcode Suite for VBScript plus the guidelines and the code below will help you quickly learn how to read barcode from webcam or scanner with barcode reader sdk. Just copy and paste the code into your VBScript application’s code and follow the instructions. Want to see how it works with your data then code testing will allow the function to be tested and work properly.

You can download free trial version of ByteScout Barcode Suite from our website to see and try many others source code samples for VBScript.

On-demand (REST Web API) version:
 Web API (on-demand version)

On-premise offline SDK for Windows:
 60 Day Free Trial (on-premise)

Set wia = CreateObject("Bytescout.BarCodeReader.WIAImageScanner") wia.OutputFileNameTemplate = "BarCodeReader-scanned" wia.OutputFolder = "." ' set output folder to current folder wia.OutputImageFormat = 1 ' = WiaImageFormatType.PNG wia.ImageQuality = 131072 ' = 0x00020000 = WiaImageBias.MaximizeQuality wia.ImageIntent = 0 ' = WiaImageIntent.UnspecifiedIntent wia.ShowDeviceSelectionDialog = True If wia.Acquire() Then ' acquire images from device outputFiles = wia.OutputFilesCOM ' get names of acquire image files Msgbox outputFiles(0) ' display first file name End If Set wia = Nothing


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