ByteScout Barcode Suite - C# - Convert xls to sql server with spreadsheet sdk - ByteScout

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How to convert xls to sql server with spreadsheet sdk in C# and ByteScout Barcode Suite

Continuous learning is a crucial part of computer science and this tutorial shows how to convert xls to sql server with spreadsheet sdk in C#

The sample shows instructions and algorithm of how to convert xls to sql server with spreadsheet sdk and how to make it run in your C# application. Want to convert xls to sql server with spreadsheet sdk in your C# app? ByteScout Barcode Suite is designed for it. ByteScout Barcode Suite is the bundle that privides 3 SDK products to generate barcodes (Barcode SDK), read barcodes (Barcode Reaer SDK) and read and write spreadsheets (Spreadsheet SDK).

Want to quickly learn? This fast application programming interfaces of ByteScout Barcode Suite for C# plus the guidelines and the code below will help you quickly learn how to convert xls to sql server with spreadsheet sdk. Simply copy and paste in your C# project or application you and then run your app! Enjoy writing a code with ready-to-use sample C# codes.

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using System; using System.IO; using Bytescout.Spreadsheet; using System.Data.SqlClient; namespace ExportToSQLServer { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { try { // MODIFY THE CONNECTION STRING WITH YOUR CREDENTIALS!!! string connectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=true;"; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); // Drop test database if exists ExecuteQueryWithoutResult(connection, "IF DB_ID ('XlsTests') IS NOT NULL DROP DATABASE XlsTests"); // Create empty database ExecuteQueryWithoutResult(connection, "CREATE DATABASE XlsTests"); // Switch to created database ExecuteQueryWithoutResult(connection, "USE XlsTests"); // Create a table for XLS data ExecuteQueryWithoutResult(connection, "CREATE TABLE XlsTest (Name VARCHAR(40), FullName VARCHAR(255))"); // Load XLS document using (Spreadsheet document = new Spreadsheet()) { document.LoadFromFile("SimpleReport.xls"); Worksheet worksheet = document.Workbook.Worksheets[0]; for (int row = 0; row <= worksheet.UsedRangeRowMax; row++) { String insertCommand = string.Format("INSERT XlsTest VALUES('{0}','{1}')", worksheet.Cell(row, 0).Value, worksheet.Cell(row, 1).Value); ExecuteQueryWithoutResult(connection, insertCommand); } } // Check the data successfully exported using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * from XlsTest", connection)) { SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader != null) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Exported XLS data:"); Console.WriteLine(); while (reader.Read()) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} | {1}", reader[0], reader[1])); } } } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key."); Console.ReadKey(); } } catch(Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message); Console.ReadKey(); } } static void ExecuteQueryWithoutResult(SqlConnection connection, string query) { using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, connection)) { command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } }


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