ByteScout Barcode Suite - Microsoft Excel - Batch Generate Barcodes In Cells with VBA with BarCode SDK - ByteScout

ByteScout Barcode Suite – Microsoft Excel – Batch Generate Barcodes In Cells with VBA with BarCode SDK

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How to batch generate barcodes in cells with VBA with barcode SDK in Microsoft Excel and ByteScout Barcode Suite

How to write a robust code in Microsoft Excel to batch generate barcodes in cells with VBA with barcode SDK with this step-by-step tutorial

Source code documentation samples give simple and easy method to install a needed feature into your application. ByteScout Barcode Suite: the set that includes three different SDK products to generate barcodes, read barcodes and read and write spreadsheets: Barcode SDK, Barcode Reader SDK and Spreadsheet SDK. It can batch generate barcodes in cells with VBA with barcode SDK in Microsoft Excel.

Want to quickly learn? This fast application programming interfaces of ByteScout Barcode Suite for Microsoft Excel plus the guidelines and the code below will help you quickly learn how to batch generate barcodes in cells with VBA with barcode SDK. This Microsoft Excel sample code is all you need for your app. Just copy and paste the code, add references (if needs to) and you are all set! Use of ByteScout Barcode Suite in Microsoft Excel is also described in the documentation included along with the product.

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' IMPORTANT: This demo uses VBA so if you have it disabled please temporary enable ' by going to Tools - Macro - Security.. and changing the security mode to ""Medium"" ' to Ask if you want enable macro or not. Then close and reopen this Excel document ' You should have evaluation version of the ByteScout SDK installed to get it working - get it from ' If you are getting error message like ' "File or assembly named Bytescout SDK, or one of its dependencies, was not found" ' then please try the following: ' ' - Close Excel ' - (for Office 2003 only) download and install this hotfix from Microsoft: ' ' ' and then try again! ' ' If you have any questions please contact us at or at '============================================== 'References used '================= 'Bytescout Barcode SDK ' ' IMPORTANT: ' ============================================================== '1) Add the ActiveX reference in Tools -> References '2) Loop through the values from the Column A for which barcode has to be generated '3) Parse the value to Bytescout Barcode Object to generate the barcode using QR Code barcode type. '4) Save the generated Barcode Image '5) Insert the Barcode Image in the Column B '6) Repeat the steps 3 to 5 till the last Value in Column A ' '================================================================== Option Explicit ' declare function to get temporary folder (where we could save barcode images temporary) Declare Function GetTempPath _ Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempPathA" _ (ByVal nBufferLength As Long, _ ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long ' function to return path to temporary folder Public Function fncGetTempPath() As String Dim PathLen As Long Dim WinTempDir As String Dim BufferLength As Long BufferLength = 260 WinTempDir = Space(BufferLength) PathLen = GetTempPath(BufferLength, WinTempDir) If Not PathLen = 0 Then fncGetTempPath = Left(WinTempDir, PathLen) Else fncGetTempPath = CurDir() End If End Function Sub Barcode_Click() 'Fetch the Worksheet Dim mySheet As Worksheet Set mySheet = Worksheets(1) 'Barcode_Data Sheet 'temp path to save the Barcode images Dim filePath As String filePath = fncGetTempPath() 'Change the Path But should end with Backslash( \ ) 'Prepare the Bytescout Barcode Object '==================================== Dim myBarcode As New Bytescout_BarCode.Barcode myBarcode.RegistrationName = "demo" 'Change the name for full version myBarcode.RegistrationKey = "demo" 'Change the key for full version 'Barcode Settings myBarcode.Symbology = SymbologyType_QRCode ' QR Code barcode, you may change to other barcode types like Code 39, Code 128 etc ' set barcode image quality resolution myBarcode.ResolutionX = 300 'Resolution higher than 250 is good for printing myBarcode.ResolutionY = 300 'Resolution higher than 250 is good for printing myBarcode.DrawCaption = True 'Showing Barcode Captions in the Barcode Image myBarcode.DrawCaptionFor2DBarcodes = True ' show captions for 2D barcodes like QR Code ' first clean the B column from old images (if any) Dim Sh As Shape With mySheet For Each Sh In .Shapes If Not Application.Intersect(Sh.TopLeftCell, .Range("B1:B50")) Is Nothing Then If Sh.Type = msoPicture Then Sh.Delete End If Next Sh End With ' now generate new barcodes and insert into cells in the column B ' Repeat the steps for each row from 2 to 6 Dim myVal As Integer For myVal = 2 To 6 'change the code to all rows with values 'Parse the Value from the Column A to Bytescout Barcode Object myBarcode.Value = mySheet.Cells(myVal, 1).Text 'Fit the barcode into 80X30 mm rectangle myBarcode.FitInto_3 80, 30, 4 '4 refers to units of measurement as millimeter 'Save the barcode image to a file in temporary folder myBarcode.SaveImage filePath & "myBarcode" & myVal & ".png" 'Insert the Barcode image to the Column B and resize them to fit the cell. '========================================================================== With mySheet.Pictures.Insert(filePath & "myBarcode" & myVal & ".png") .ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = True ' lock aspect ratio .Left = mySheet.Cells(myVal, 2).Left + 1 ' set left .Top = mySheet.Cells(myVal, 2).Top + 1 ' set right .PrintObject = True ' allow printing this object .Placement = xlMove ' set placement mode to move but do not resize with the cell .ShapeRange.ScaleHeight 1, True ' set height scale to 1 (no scale) .ShapeRange.ScaleWidth 1, True ' set width scale to 1 (no scale) End With Next myVal ' move to next cell in the column ' Release the Barcode Object. Set myBarcode = Nothing End Sub


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Reference Error – README.txt
' IMPORTANT: This demo uses VBA so if you have it disabled please temporary enable ' by going to Tools - Macro - Security.. and changing the security mode to ""Medium"" ' to Ask if you want enable macro or not. Then close and reopen this Excel document ' You should have evaluation version of the ByteScout SDK installed to get it working - get it from ' If you are getting error message like ' "File or assembly named Bytescout SDK, or one of its dependencies, was not found" ' then please try the following: ' ' - Close Excel ' - (for Office 2003 only) download and install this hotfix from Microsoft: ' ' ' and then try again! ' ' If you have any questions please contact us at or at


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