ByteScout PDF Suite - VBScript - Create submit form action in pdf with pdf sdk - ByteScout

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How to create submit form action in pdf with pdf sdk in VBScript using ByteScout PDF Suite

Learn to create submit form action in pdf with pdf sdk in VBScript

ByteScout simple and easy to understand tutorials are planned to describe the code for both VBScript beginners and advanced programmers. ByteScout PDF Suite is the set that includes 6 SDK products to work with PDF from generating rich PDF reports to extracting data from PDF documents and converting them to HTML. This bundle includes PDF (Generator) SDK, PDF Renderer SDK, PDF Extractor SDK, PDF to HTML SDK, PDF Viewer SDK and PDF Generator SDK for Javascript. It can create submit form action in pdf with pdf sdk in VBScript.

This prolific sample source code in VBScript for ByteScout PDF Suite contains various functions and other necessary options you should do calling the API to create submit form action in pdf with pdf sdk. Follow the instructions from scratch to work and copy the VBScript code. Check VBScript sample code samples to see if they respond to your needs and requirements for the project.

ByteScout PDF Suite free trial version is available on our website. VBScript and other programming languages are supported.

On-demand (REST Web API) version:
 Web API (on-demand version)

On-premise offline SDK for Windows:
 60 Day Free Trial (on-premise)

' This example demonstrates how to submit or reset form. ' Create Bytescout.PDF.Document object Set pdfDocument = CreateObject("Bytescout.PDF.Document") pdfDocument.RegistrationName = "demo" pdfDocument.RegistrationKey = "demo" Set comHelpers = pdfDocument.ComHelpers ' Add page Set page1 = comHelpers.CreatePage(comHelpers.PAPERFORMAT_A4) pdfDocument.Pages.Add(page1) ' Create sample form Set timesFont = comHelpers.CreateStandardFont(comHelpers.STANDARDFONTS_TIMES, 14) Set blackBrush = comHelpers.CreateSolidBrush(comHelpers.CreateColorGray(0)) ' EditBox Set editBox1 = comHelpers.CreateEditBox(20, 20, 100, 25, "editBox1") editBox1.Text = "editBox1" page1.Annotations.Add(editBox1) ' CheckBox Set checkBox1 = comHelpers.CreateCheckBox(20, 60, 15, 15, "checkBox1") page1.Annotations.Add(checkBox1) page1.Canvas.DrawString "CheckBox", (timesFont), (blackBrush), 45, 60 ' Add Submit button Set submitButton = comHelpers.CreatePushButton(20, 120, 80, 25, "buttonSubmit") submitButton.Caption = "Submit" page1.Annotations.Add(submitButton) ' Add action Set submitAction = comHelpers.CreateSubmitFormAction("") submitAction.SubmitFormat = comHelpers.SUBMITDATAFORMAT_HTML submitAction.SubmitMethod = comHelpers.SUBMITMETHOD_GET submitAction.Fields.Add(editBox1) submitAction.Fields.Add(checkBox1) submitButton.OnActivated = submitAction ' Add Reset button Set resetButton = comHelpers.CreatePushButton(120, 120, 80, 25, "butonReset") resetButton.Caption = "Reset" page1.Annotations.Add(resetButton) ' Add action Set resetAction = comHelpers.CreateResetFormAction() resetAction.Fields.Add(editBox1) resetAction.Fields.Add(checkBox1) resetButton.OnActivated = resetAction ' Save document to file pdfDocument.Save("result.pdf") ' Open document in default PDF viewer app Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") shell.Run "result.pdf", 1, false


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