ByteScout PDF Suite - C# - Extract CSV from PDF and Fill Database (SQL Server) with PDF Extractor SDK - ByteScout

ByteScout PDF Suite – C# – Extract CSV from PDF and Fill Database (SQL Server) with PDF Extractor SDK

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How to extract CSV from PDF and fill database (sql server) with PDF extractor SDK in C# and ByteScout PDF Suite

Learn to code in C# to extract CSV from PDF and fill database (sql server) with PDF extractor SDK with this step-by-step tutorial

On this page you will learn from code samples for programming in C#.Writing of the code to extract CSV from PDF and fill database (sql server) with PDF extractor SDK in C# can be executed by programmers of any level using ByteScout PDF Suite. ByteScout PDF Suite can extract CSV from PDF and fill database (sql server) with PDF extractor SDK. It can be applied from C#. ByteScout PDF Suite is the bundle that provides six different SDK libraries to work with PDF from generating rich PDF reports to extracting data from PDF documents and converting them to HTML. This bundle includes PDF (Generator) SDK, PDF Renderer SDK, PDF Extractor SDK, PDF to HTML SDK, PDF Viewer SDK and PDF Generator SDK for Javascript.

These C# code samples for C# guide developers to speed up coding of the application when using ByteScout PDF Suite. IF you want to implement the functionality, just copy and paste this code for C# below into your code editor with your app, compile and run your application. If you want to use these C# sample examples in one or many applications then they can be used easily.

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using Bytescout.PDFExtractor; using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; namespace ExtractCsvAndFillDatabase { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { try { // Step-1: Get Datatable var oDataTable = GetDataTableFromDocument("sample.pdf"); // PLEASE NOTE: Please replace with your connection string, You need to have "PersonData" table into your database. // You can find that table from Scripts.sql file string connectionString = @"Data Source=REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_DATA_SOURCE;Initial Catalog=DATABASE_NAME;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=USERID;Password=PASSWORD"; // Step-2: Insert into database InsertIntoSqlServerDatabase(oDataTable, connectionString); // Step-3: Fetch from database and display results DisplayDatabaseResults(connectionString); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } Console.WriteLine("Press enter key to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); } /// <summary> /// Inserts into Sql Server database /// </summary> /// <param name="oDataTable"></param> private static void InsertIntoSqlServerDatabase(DataTable oDataTable, string connectionString) { using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { // Open connection con.Open(); // Sql query to insert data string cmdInsert = "Insert into PersonData (id, first_name, last_name, email, gender, ip_address) values (@id, @first_name, @last_name, @email, @gender, @ip_address)"; foreach (DataRow itmRow in oDataTable.Rows) { // Prepare sql command SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdInsert, con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@id", Convert.ToString(itmRow["id"]))); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@first_name", Convert.ToString(itmRow["first_name"]))); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@last_name", Convert.ToString(itmRow["last_name"]))); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@email", Convert.ToString(itmRow["email"]))); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@gender", Convert.ToString(itmRow["gender"]))); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ip_address", Convert.ToString(itmRow["ip_address"]))); // Execute sql command cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } // Close connection con.Close(); } } /// <summary> /// Displays inserted database results /// </summary> private static void DisplayDatabaseResults(string connectionString) { // Person data holder DataTable personDataTable = new DataTable(); using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { // Sql query to fetch data string cmdInsert = "SELECT id, first_name, last_name, email, gender, ip_address FROM PersonData;"; // Prepare sql command SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdInsert, con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; // Prepare DataAdapter SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); // Fill person dataTable dataAdapter.Fill(personDataTable); } // Display all person data if any if (personDataTable != null && personDataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { // Print all columns foreach (DataColumn column in personDataTable.Columns) { Console.Write("{0} | ", column.ColumnName); } Console.WriteLine(); // Print all data foreach (DataRow dataRow in personDataTable.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn column in personDataTable.Columns) { Console.Write("{0} | ", dataRow[column.ColumnName]); } Console.WriteLine(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("No data retrieved.."); } } /// <summary> /// Get DataTable from Document /// </summary> private static DataTable GetDataTableFromDocument(string fileName) { DataTable oDataTable = null; // Initialise table detector using (TableDetector tableDetector = new TableDetector("demo", "demo")) { using (CSVExtractor CSVExtractor = new CSVExtractor("demo", "demo")) { // Set table detection mode to "bordered tables" - best for tables with closed solid borders. tableDetector.ColumnDetectionMode = ColumnDetectionMode.BorderedTables; // We should define what kind of tables we should detect. // So we set min required number of columns to 2 ... tableDetector.DetectionMinNumberOfColumns = 2; // ... and we set min required number of rows to 2 tableDetector.DetectionMinNumberOfRows = 2; // Load PDF document tableDetector.LoadDocumentFromFile(fileName); CSVExtractor.LoadDocumentFromFile(fileName); // Get page count int pageCount = tableDetector.GetPageCount(); if (tableDetector.FindTable(0)) { // Set extraction area for CSV extractor to rectangle received from the table detector CSVExtractor.SetExtractionArea(tableDetector.FoundTableLocation); // Generate CSV data var allCsvData = CSVExtractor.GetCSV(); // Generate Datatable oDataTable = GetDataTableFromCSV(allCsvData); } } } return oDataTable; } /// <summary> /// Get Datatable from CSV /// </summary> private static DataTable GetDataTableFromCSV(string allCsvData) { var oRetDataTable = new DataTable(); oRetDataTable.Columns.Add("id"); oRetDataTable.Columns.Add("first_name"); oRetDataTable.Columns.Add("last_name"); oRetDataTable.Columns.Add("email"); oRetDataTable.Columns.Add("gender"); oRetDataTable.Columns.Add("ip_address"); var rows = allCsvData.Split('\n'); // Ignore first column line for (int iRow = 1; iRow < rows.Length; iRow++) { // Get all column data var columns = rows[iRow].Split(','); if (columns.Length >= 5) { // Prepare new row var oRow = oRetDataTable.NewRow(); oRow["id"] = columns[0]; oRow["first_name"] = columns[1]; oRow["last_name"] = columns[2]; oRow["email"] = columns[3]; oRow["gender"] = columns[4]; oRow["ip_address"] = columns[5]; // Add row back to datatable oRetDataTable.Rows.Add(oRow); } } // Return DataTable return oRetDataTable; } } }


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