ByteScout PDF Suite - C# - Index PDF Documents In Folder with PDF Extractor SDK - ByteScout

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How to index PDF documents in folder with PDF extractor SDK in C# using ByteScout PDF Suite

Learning is essential in computer world and the tutorial below will demonstrate how to index PDF documents in folder with PDF extractor SDK in C#

The sample source codes on this page shows how to index PDF documents in folder with PDF extractor SDK in C#. ByteScout PDF Suite is the set that includes 6 SDK products to work with PDF from generating rich PDF reports to extracting data from PDF documents and converting them to HTML. This bundle includes PDF (Generator) SDK, PDF Renderer SDK, PDF Extractor SDK, PDF to HTML SDK, PDF Viewer SDK and PDF Generator SDK for Javascript. It can index PDF documents in folder with PDF extractor SDK in C#.

The SDK samples given below describe how to quickly make your application do index PDF documents in folder with PDF extractor SDK in C# with the help of ByteScout PDF Suite. IF you want to implement the functionality, just copy and paste this code for C# below into your code editor with your app, compile and run your application. This basic programming language sample code for C# will do the whole work for you to index PDF documents in folder with PDF extractor SDK.

All these programming tutorials along with source code samples and ByteScout free trial version are available for download from our website.

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using Bytescout.PDFExtractor; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; namespace IndexDocsInFolder { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { try { // Output file list var lstAllFilesInfo = new List<FileIndexOutput>(); // Get all files inside directory var allFiles = Directory.GetFiles(@".\Files", "*.*"); // Iterate all files, and get details foreach (var itmFile in allFiles) { // Get basic file information FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(itmFile); // Check whether file is supported if (_IsFileSupported(fileInfo)) { // Fill file index model var oFileIndex = new FileIndexOutput(); oFileIndex.fileName = fileInfo.Name; oFileIndex.fileDate = fileInfo.CreationTime; oFileIndex.content = _GetFileContent(fileInfo); // Add to final list lstAllFilesInfo.Add(oFileIndex); } } // Print all output Console.WriteLine("Total {0} files indexed\n", lstAllFilesInfo.Count); foreach (var itmFileInfo in lstAllFilesInfo) { Console.WriteLine("fileName: {0}", itmFileInfo.fileName); Console.WriteLine("fileDate: {0}", itmFileInfo.fileDate.ToString("MMM dd yyyy hh:mm:ss")); Console.WriteLine("content: {0}", itmFileInfo.content.Trim()); Console.WriteLine(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); } /// <summary> /// Get File Content /// </summary> private static string _GetFileContent(FileInfo fileInfo) { string fileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileInfo.FullName); if (fileExtension == ".pdf") { return _GetPdfFileContent(fileInfo); } else if (fileExtension == ".png" || fileExtension == ".jpg") { return _GetImageContet(fileInfo); } throw new Exception("File not supported."); } /// <summary> /// Get PDF File Content /// </summary> private static string _GetPdfFileContent(FileInfo fileInfo) { //Read all file content... using (TextExtractor textExtractor = new TextExtractor("demo","demo")) { //Load Document textExtractor.LoadDocumentFromFile(fileInfo.FullName); return textExtractor.GetText(); } } /// <summary> /// Get Image Contents /// </summary> private static string _GetImageContet(FileInfo fileInfo) { //Read all file content... using (TextExtractor extractor = new TextExtractor()) { // Load document extractor.LoadDocumentFromFile(fileInfo.FullName); //Set option to repair text extractor.OCRMode = OCRMode.TextFromImagesAndVectorsAndRepairedFonts; // Enable Optical Character Recognition (OCR) // in .Auto mode (SDK automatically checks if needs to use OCR or not) extractor.OCRMode = OCRMode.Auto; // Set the location of OCR language data files extractor.OCRLanguageDataFolder = @"c:\Program Files\Bytescout PDF Extractor SDK\ocrdata\"; // Set OCR language extractor.OCRLanguage = "eng"; // "eng" for english, "deu" for German, "fra" for French, "spa" for Spanish etc - according to files in "ocrdata" folder // Find more language files at // Set PDF document rendering resolution extractor.OCRResolution = 300; // Read all text return extractor.GetText(); } } /// <summary> /// Check whether file is valid /// </summary> private static bool _IsFileSupported(FileInfo fileInfo) { //Get File Extension string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileInfo.Name); //Check whether file extension is valid return (fileExtension == ".pdf" || fileExtension == ".png" || fileExtension == ".jpg"); } } /// <summary> /// FileIndexOutput class /// </summary> public class FileIndexOutput { public string fileName { get; set; } public DateTime fileDate { get; set; } public string content { get; set; } } }


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