ByteScout Screen Capturing SDK - VBScript and VB6 - Capture Entire Screen and Web Cam Video - ByteScout

ByteScout Screen Capturing SDK – VBScript and VB6 – Capture Entire Screen and Web Cam Video

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ByteScout Screen Capturing SDK – VBScript and VB6 – Capture Entire Screen and Web Cam Video

ByteScout Screen Capturing SDK can aid all developers, designed to streamline various tasks such as capturing the entire screen and web cam video in VBScript and VB6.

Other ByteScout SDK also provide flexibility and operability in other programming languages and frameworks. They have a built-in OCR and images recognition technology and they can be utilized in generating barcodes, as well as in reading them in image files, scanned documents, and PDFs.

Feel free to check out the sample code we prepared for you to help you save time and energy in writing and testing codes. Just copy and paste it to your VBScript application and you are ready to implement ByteScout Screen Capturing SDK.

To avail of the FREE ByteScout trial version, just download it from our website. Source code samples and programming tutorials are bundled with the trial version.


' create video capturer activex object
Set capturer = CreateObject("BytescoutScreenCapturing.Capturer")

' set output video file name (WMV), you can also set to AVI
capturer.OutputFileName = "ScreenWithWebCamera.wmv"

' set web camera device to add overlaying video to the source

' set webcamera device name or you can set the device by index using .CurrentWebCam property
capturer.CurrentWebCamName = "USB Video Device"

' set rectangle to show overlaying video from webcam into the rectangle 160x120 (starting with left point at 10, 10)
capturer.SetWebCamVideoRectangle 10, 10, 160, 120

' enable webcam overlaying capture device
capturer.AddWebCamVideo = true

' set capturing type to the caScreen =3 to capture the entire screen
capturer.CapturingType = 3

' uncomment to enable recording of semitransparent or layered windows (Warning: may cause mouse cursor flickering)
' capturer.CaptureTransparentControls = true

' uncomment to set Bytescout Lossless Video format output video compression method
' do not forget to set file to .avi format if you use Video Codec Name
' capturer.CurrentVideoCodecName = "Bytescout Lossless"

MsgBox "This script will record 160x120 video from web camera for 15 seconds. Output video will go to ScreenWithWebCamera.wmv."

' run video capturing

' IMPORTANT: if you want to check for some code if need to stop the recording then make sure you are 
' using Thread.Sleep(1) inside the checking loop, so you have the loop like
' Do 
' Thread.Sleep(1) 
' While StopButtonNotClicked

' wait for 15 seconds (15000 msec)

' stop capturing

' destroy Capturer object so the video will be saved into the disk
Set capturer = Nothing


Set capturer = CreateObject("BytescoutScreenCapturing.Capturer")

if capturer.WebCamCount > 0 Then
 for i=0 to capturer.WebCamCount-1
  MsgBox "Webcamera device name = " & CStr(i) & ", Name: " & capturer.GetWebCamName (i)
 MsgBox "no web cam installed or plugged to this computer"
End If

Set Capturer = Nothing

  Click here to get your Free Trial version of the SDK

