' create video capturer activex object Set capturer = CreateObject("BytescoutScreenCapturing.Capturer") ' set output video file name (WMV), you can also set to AVI capturer.OutputFileName = "RegionAroundMouseCaptured.wmv" ' set capturing type to the caMouse =2 to capture the region around the mouse curosr. You can also set to caRegion = 0 (to record from the given rectangle on screen) or to caScreen = 3 (to capture entire screen) capturer.CapturingType = 2 ' set width of the rectangle to capture from capturer.CaptureRectWidth = 640 ' set height of the rectangle to capture from capturer.CaptureRectHeight = 480 ' set width of the output video capturer.OutputWidth = 640 ' set height of the output video capturer.OutputHeight = 480 ' uncomment to enable recording of semitransparent or layered windows (Warning: may cause mouse cursor flickering) ' capturer.CaptureTransparentControls = true ' set border type to show around captured area capturer.CaptureAreaBorderType = 2 ' CaptureAreaBorderType.cabtDashed; ' uncomment to set Bytescout Lossless Video format output video compression method ' do not forget to set file to .avi format if you use Video Codec Name ' capturer.CurrentVideoCodecName = "Bytescout Lossless" MsgBox "Script will record 640x480 region around the mouse cursor for 10 seconds. Output video will go to CaptureScreenVbs.avi" ' run video capturing capturer.Run() ' IMPORTANT: if you want to check for some code if need to stop the recording then make sure you are ' using Thread.Sleep(1) inside the checking loop, so you have the loop like ' Do ' Thread.Sleep(1) ' While StopButtonNotClicked ' wait for 15 seconds (15000 msec) WScript.Sleep(15000) ' stop capturing capturer.Stop() ' destroy Capturer object so the video will be saved into the disk Set capturer = Nothing
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