// CaptureFromEntireScreen.cpp : main project file. #include "stdafx.h" using namespace System; using namespace System::Threading; using namespace System::Diagnostics; using namespace BytescoutScreenCapturingLib; int main(array<System::String ^> ^args) { // Create Capturer instance Capturer ^capturer = gcnew Capturer(); capturer->RegistrationName = "demo"; capturer->RegistrationKey = "demo"; // Set capturing type capturer->CapturingType = CaptureAreaType::catScreen; // Set output video width and height capturer->OutputWidth = 640; capturer->OutputHeight = 480; // WMV and WEBM output use WMVVideoBitrate property to control output video bitrate // so try to increase it by x2 or x3 times if you think the output video are you are getting is laggy // capturer->put_WMVVideoBitrate(capturer->WMVVideoBitrate * 2); // uncomment to enable recording of semitransparent or layered windows (Warning: may cause mouse cursor flickering) // capturer->CaptureTransparentControls = true; // Set output file name capturer->OutputFileName = "Output.wmv"; // Start capturing capturer->Run(); // IMPORTANT: if you want to check for some code if need to stop the recording then make sure you are // using Thread.Sleep(1) inside the checking loop, so you have the loop like // Do { // Thread.Sleep(1) // } // While(StopButtonNotClicked); Console::WriteLine("Capture the desktop for 5s..."); // Wait for 5 seconds Thread::Sleep(5000); // Stop capturing capturer->Stop(); // Release resources System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal::ReleaseComObject(capturer); //capturer = NULL; Console::WriteLine("Done."); // Open the capture video in default associated application Process::Start("Output.wmv"); return 0; }
// stdafx.cpp : source file that includes just the standard includes // CaptureFromEntireScreen.pch will be the pre-compiled header // stdafx.obj will contain the pre-compiled type information #include "stdafx.h"
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