Class Application ' Application-level events, such as Startup, Exit, and DispatcherUnhandledException ' can be handled in this file. End Class
Imports System.Text Imports Bytescout.BarCodeReader Class MainWindow ' Select image file Private Sub btnBrowse_Click(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles btnBrowse.Click Dim dlg = New Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog dlg.Filter = "Supported formats (*.bmp;*.gif;*.tif;*.png;*.jpg;*.pdf)|*.bmp;*.gif;*.tif;*.tiff;*.png;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.pdf|All Files|*.*" If dlg.ShowDialog() = True Then tbFileName.Text = dlg.FileName tbFoundBarcodes.Text = "" imageContainer.Source = Nothing Try Dim bitmapImage = New BitmapImage() bitmapImage.BeginInit() bitmapImage.UriSource = New Uri(dlg.FileName, UriKind.Absolute) bitmapImage.EndInit() imageContainer.Source = bitmapImage Catch ex As Exception End Try End If End Sub Private Sub btnDecode_Click(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles btnDecode.Click ' Create barcode reader instance Dim reader = New Reader() reader.RegistrationName = "demo" reader.RegistrationKey = "demo" ' Specify barcode types to find reader.BarcodeTypesToFind.All = True ' Select specific barcode types to speed up the decoding process and avoid false positives. ' Show wait cursor Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait Try ' Search for barcodes reader.ReadFrom(tbFileName.Text) Finally Mouse.OverrideCursor = Nothing End Try ' Display found barcode inforamtion: Dim stringBuilder = New StringBuilder() For i As Integer = 0 To reader.FoundBarcodes.Length - 1 Dim barcode = reader.FoundBarcodes(i) stringBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}) Type: {1}; Value: {2}.\r\n", i + 1, barcode.Type, barcode.Value) Next tbFoundBarcodes.Text = stringBuilder.ToString() End Sub End Class
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