Add tiled text watermarks to image using Bytescout Watermarking Pro - ByteScout

Add tiled text watermarks to image using Bytescout Watermarking Pro

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  • Add tiled text watermarks to image using Bytescout Watermarking Pro

Bytescout Watermarking Pro is a tool to protect images with visual text, logo based watermarks and stamps

This tutorial demonstrates how to add tiled text watermarks to image

Install and start Watermarking Pro. You’ll see the main window.

First of all let’s add input image files by clicking on “Add files” button.

Main window of Watermarking. Click Add File to add input image file

Select an image file (single or multiple images by holding SHIFT key):

Select image file to add watermarks to

You will see the image file added to the list of input images:

Source photo in the list of input images

Now click the Next button. You can see set of available presets and their options.
Select “Tiled Text” preset:

Select Tiled Text preset in the list of available presets

You can change fill rate for tiled text if you want:

Change fill rate for Tiled Text watermarking preset

You can also adjust transparency for the preset if you want:

Change transparency for watermark if you need

Now click Next button to continue .. and then click Start! button:

Click Start to start watermarking process

The program will process input photo files:

Watermarking was sucessfully done. Click Next to explorer output folder with output images

Output image (screenshot):
Output TIF document image file watermarked using Bytescout Watermarking

Watermarking PRO version for the professional use is also available (see the comparision table)

