ByteScout SWF To Video SDK - VB.NET - 32bit RGBA AVI - ByteScout

ByteScout SWF To Video SDK – VB.NET – 32bit RGBA AVI

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  • ByteScout SWF To Video SDK – VB.NET – 32bit RGBA AVI

ByteScout SWF To Video SDK – VB.NET – 32bit RGBA AVI


' x64 IMPORTANT NOTE: set CPU to x86 to build in x86 mode. 

Imports BytescoutSWFToVideo

Module Module1

    Sub Main()

        ' Create an instance of SWFToVideo ActiveX object
        Dim converter As New SWFToVideo()

        ' Set debug log

        ' Register SWFToVideo
        converter.RegistrationName = "demo"
        converter.RegistrationKey = "demo"

        ' Set RGBA Mode. IMPORTANT: Set .RGBAMode = True BEFORE calling .SetMovie()
        converter.RGBAMode = True

        ' Set input SWF file
        converter.InputSWFFileName = "circles.swf"

        ' you may calculate output video duration using information about the the source swf movie
        ' WARNING #1: this method to calculate the output video duration is not working for movies with dynamic scenes 
        ' and interactive scripts as in these movies it is not possible to calculate the precise duration of the movie 
        ' WARNING #2: you should set the input swf or flv filename (or url) before this calculation

        ' So the movie duration is calculated as the following:
        ' as swf frame count (number of frames in the swf) / movieFPS (frames per second defined in swf)
        ' and then multiplied by 1000 (as we are setting the .ConverstionTimeout in milliseconds)
        ' as the following (uncomment if you want to set the length of the output video to the same as the original swf)
        ' or as the following source code (uncomment to enable):

        ' converter.ConversionTimeout = 1000 * (converter.FrameCount / converter.MovieFPS)

        ' Set output video file
        converter.OutputVideoFileName = "result.avi"

        ' Set output movie dimensions
        converter.OutputWidth = 640
        converter.OutputHeight = 480

        ' Run conversion

        ' release resources
        converter = Nothing

        ' Open the result movie in default media player

    End Sub

End Module

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