ByteScout SWF To Video SDK - ASP.NET - SWF to PNG (VB.NET) - ByteScout

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SWF to PNG (vb in ASP.NET using ByteScout SWF To Video SDK

How to code SWF to PNG (vb in ASP.NET: How-To tutorial

Writing of the code to SWF to PNG (vb in ASP.NET can be done by developers of any level using ByteScout SWF To Video SDK. SWF to PNG (vb in ASP.NET can be implemented with ByteScout SWF To Video SDK. ByteScout SWF To Video SDK is the SDK that is capable of converting SWF macromedia files into WMV and AVI video. Supports dynamic flash movies, can transmit variable values. Options to change output video size, framerate, quality are available.

ASP.NET code snippet like this for ByteScout SWF To Video SDK works best when you need to quickly implement SWF to PNG (vb in your ASP.NET application. This ASP.NET sample code should be copied and pasted into your application’s code editor. Then just compile and run it to see how it works. Use of ByteScout SWF To Video SDK in ASP.NET is also explained in the documentation included along with the product.

On our website you may get trial version of ByteScout SWF To Video SDK for free. Source code samples are included to help you with your ASP.NET application.

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<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="SwfToPng._Default" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" > <head runat="server"> <title>Untitled Page</title> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> </div> </form> </body> </html>


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'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' <auto-generated> ' This code was generated by a tool. ' Runtime Version:2.0.50727.4927 ' ' Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if ' the code is regenerated. ' </auto-generated> '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ''' <summary> ''' _Default class. ''' </summary> ''' <remarks> ''' Auto-generated class. ''' </remarks> Public Partial Class _Default ''' <summary> ''' form1 control. ''' </summary> ''' <remarks> ''' Auto-generated field. ''' To modify move field declaration from designer file to code-behind file. ''' </remarks> Protected form1 As Global.System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm End Class


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' x64 IMPORTANT NOTE: set CPU to x86 to build in x86 mode. Imports System.IO Imports BytescoutSWFToVideo Public Partial Class _Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page ' IF YOU SEE TEMPORARY FOLDER ACCESS ERRORS: ' Temporary folder access is required for web application when you use ByteScout SDK in it. ' If you are getting errors related to the access to temporary folder like "Access to the path 'C:\Windows\TEMP\... is denied" then you need to add permission for this temporary folder to make ByteScout SDK working on that machine and IIS configuration because ByteScout SDK requires access to temp folder to cache some of its data for more efficient work. ' SOLUTION: ' If your IIS Application Pool has "Load User Profile" option enabled the IIS provides access to user's temp folder. Check user's temporary folder ' If you are running Web Application under an impersonated account or IIS_IUSRS group, IIS may redirect all requests into separate temp folder like "c:\temp\". ' In this case ' - check the User or User Group your web application is running under ' - then add permissions for this User or User Group to read and write into that temp folder (c:\temp or c:\windows\temp\ folder) ' - restart your web application and try again Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Dim inputSwfFile As String = Server.MapPath("Shapes.swf") ' Create an instance of SWFToVideo ActiveX object Dim converter As New SWFToVideo() ' Set debug log 'converter.SetLogFile("log.txt"); ' Register SWFToVideo converter.RegistrationName = "demo" converter.RegistrationKey = "demo" ' Enable trasparency - set BEFORE calling input SWF filename converter.RGBAMode = True ' Set input SWF file converter.InputSWFFileName = inputSwfFile ' you may calculate output video duration using information about the the source swf movie ' WARNING #1: this method to calculate the output video duration is not working for movies with dynamic scenes ' and interactive scripts as in these movies it is not possible to calculate the precise duration of the movie ' WARNING #2: you should set the input swf or flv filename (or url) before this calculation ' So the movie duration is calculated as the following: ' as swf frame count (number of frames in the swf) / movieFPS (frames per second defined in swf) ' and then multiplied by 1000 (as we are setting the .ConverstionTimeout in milliseconds) ' as the following (uncomment if you want to set the length of the output video to the same as the original swf) ' or as the following source code (uncomment to enable): ' converter.ConversionTimeout = 1000 * (converter.FrameCount / converter.MovieFPS) ' Select the frame to extract (20th) converter.StartFrame = 20 converter.StopFrame = 20 ' Run conversion. ' Empty parameter means conversion to binary stream instead of file. converter.ConvertToPNG("") ' release resources System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(converter) converter = Nothing ' Display the extracted image: Response.Clear() ' Add content type header Response.ContentType = "image/png" ' Set the content disposition Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline;filename=result.png") ' Write the image bytes into the Response output stream Response.BinaryWrite(DirectCast(converter.BinaryImage, Byte())) Response.End() End Sub End Class


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To use SWF To Video SDK on Web Server you may need to do the following adjustments to the server. Confirmed: SDK works on virtual Windows 2003, 2008, 2012 servers with these adjustments. 1) Windows Server 2003 or later: If you are using WMV format then install Windows Media Player from "Desktop Experience" 2) Update flash player for Internet Explorer to the latest version. To update do the following - run Internet Explorer - open - click on Update Flash Player - follow the instruction and install the latest flash player plugin for Internet Explorer NOTE: on x64 Windows you should run Internet Explorer for x86 (not x64 version) 3) To convert interactive flash movies you should enable "allow interact with desktop" option IMPORTANT: this may cause security breaches so pleaase be careful! Recommended way: - create new IIS user - use it to run web application to convert swf to video only - set it to x86 mode only - set it to "allow desktop interaction" 4) For Windows 2008, 2012 or later: If you are on Windows Server 2008 or higher and you have set "allow desktop interaction" already but still having the issue please try the following solution as suggested by Microsoft specialists: Windows Server 2008, 2012 no longer allows interactive services, by default, which makes the Interactive Services Detection service unnecessary. if you must run a the application that installs an interactive service on Windows Server 2012, you may sacrifice server stability for compatibility by changing the following registry value from the default of "1" into "0": "NoInteractiveServices" in "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows" After doing so and rebooting, the Interactive Services Detection Service will start. 5) for x64 windows: you should set IIS to run your web application in x86 mode 6) for x64 Windows: you should compile your ASP.NET web application for x86 platform instead of AnyCPU POSSIBLE ISSUES: 1) Flash movie with dynamic XML data shows "Can not load XML data". Solution: To check this issue try to run Internet Explorer on the server machine and open that flash movie (or URL to flash movie in Internet Explorer) 2) if you suspect the issue is caused by flash movie not properly running you may need to run it in Flash Player Debug version Solution: You should download "Windows Flash Player 11.7 ActiveX control content debugger (for IE)" from this page Install, follow the instruction and try to open that flash movie in Internet Explorer again and flash player will display debug error messages from flash if needed 3) If your flash movie is designed to run on machines with sound card then you may experience issues related to the lack of audio devices. Solution: if you are able to recompile flash movie then add the additional check for sound devices presented/installed 4) If your XML or external is loaded from different domain/subdomain then data can be restricted by cross-domain policies in the latest flash versions Solution: make and upload cross-domain policy domain XML file to the domain(s) with the source data See -- Updated June 11, 2013


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Interact with desktop permission may be required to run Screen Capturing SDK or SWF To Video SDK from service or to convert interactive ("live") flash movies with SWF To Video SDK You may set this "Allow to interact with desktop" checkbox for the user that is used to run the service/app For IIS apps this user name is typically IIS_... user name Important note for Windows Server 2008 or later Newest Windows has disabled interactive services New Windows versions are no longer allowing to run interactive services by default to prevent services from accessing the desktop (to provide more security) If you must run a Screen Capturing SDK or SWF To Video SDK from an interactive service then you may sacrifice server stability for compatibility by changing the following registry value from the default of "1" to "0". HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows NoInteractiveServices Then reboot so Windows will pick the new value from the registry and the Interactive Services Detection Service will start. To make this change manually please do the following Start the registry editor (regedit.exe) in As Administrator mode Locate the following Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows on the left side double-click the NoInteractiveServices entry on the right side and change its value from 1 to 0 Then click OK and close the registry editor Restart the computer


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<?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <appSettings/> <connectionStrings/> <system.web> <!-- Set compilation debug="true" to insert debugging symbols into the compiled page. Because this affects performance, set this value to true only during development. --> <compilation debug="true" /> <!-- The <authentication> section enables configuration of the security authentication mode used by ASP.NET to identify an incoming user. --> <authentication mode="Windows" /> <!-- The <customErrors> section enables configuration of what to do if/when an unhandled error occurs during the execution of a request. Specifically, it enables developers to configure html error pages to be displayed in place of a error stack trace. <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="GenericErrorPage.htm"> <error statusCode="403" redirect="NoAccess.htm" /> <error statusCode="404" redirect="FileNotFound.htm" /> </customErrors> --> </system.web> </configuration>


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