SWF To Image library - converting set of SWF into BMP in Visual C# using SWF TO Image library - ByteScout

SWF To Image library – converting set of SWF into BMP in Visual C# using SWF TO Image library

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  • SWF To Image library – converting set of SWF into BMP in Visual C# using SWF TO Image library


This example demonstrates how to use SWF To Image in Visual C# application to convert SWF into BMP image

Download source code for this sample: swftoimage_visual_c_sharp.zip (17 KB)

Screenshot of Sample.bmp image produced by the sample application from Sample.swf flash movie:

screenshot of output BMP image

SWF To Image library is freeware. However you are welcome to purchase 12 months tech support for it and so support development of SWF To Image library.
12 Months Tech Support via e-mail for SWF To Image library ($95 USD)

Visual C# code (Program.cs):

using System;<br>
using System.Collections.Generic;<br>
using System.Text;<br>
using SWFToImage;<br>
using System.Diagnostics;</em></p><p><em>namespace HelloWorld<br>
class Program<br>
static void Main(string[] args)<br>
SWFToImage.SWFToImageObject obj = new SWFToImage.SWFToImageObject();<br>
obj.InitLibrary ("demo", "demo");</em></p><p><em>obj.InputSWFFileName = "sample.swf"; // input SWF file<br>
obj.SaveToFile("sample.bmp"); // save to bmp file</em></p><p><em>Process.Start("sample.bmp"); // open generated BMP file in the default viewer<br>

Download source code for this sample: swftoimage_visual_c_sharp.zip (17 KB)
