This example demonstrates how to use SWF To Image from ColdFusion script and convert SWF into JPEG image
Thanks to Aaron D. Neff – What iT iS dESign studios ( for contributing this sample
Adobe ColdFusion example, using CFScript syntax (SWFToImage_CFScriptSyntax.cfm):
Filename: SWFToImage_CFScriptSyntax.cfm (Adobe ColdFusion example, using CFScript syntax, for’s SWFToImage ActiveX/NET library)
Author: Aaron D. Neff – What iT iS dESign studios
Copyright: 2007 What iT iS dESign studios
Created: October 12th, 2007 (ver. 1.0)
Purpose: An example for creating an image (.bmp, .jpg, or .gif) from a swf file
Please Note: The SWFToImage.DLL COM object must first be registered with Windows, per these instructions: Basically, if you save the .dll to c:dllsSWFToImage.DLL, then you must run the following command from the DOS Command Prompt: regsvr32 c:dllsSWFToImage.DLL
<!— Set path to existing SWF & location to save image —>
<!— Note: this example assumes the URL to the existing .swf file is —>
<!— Note: this example assumes the URL to save the image file is —>
imageWidth = 775; //default is 320
imageHeight = 150; //default is 320
rootPathToSWF = “/assets/swfs/myswf.swf”; //absolute path, from wwwroot, to swf
rootPathToIMG = “/assets/images/myimage.jpg”; //absolute path, from wwwroot, to save image
filePathToSWF = expandPath(rootPathToSWF); //automatically creates full system path by expanding absolute path
filePathToIMG = expandPath(rootPathToIMG); //automatically creates full system path by expanding absolute path
<!— Create JPG —>
SWFToImage = createObject(“com”, “SWFToImage.SWFToImageObject”);
SWFToImage.InitLibrary(“demo”, “demo”);
SWFToImage.InputSWFFileName = filePathToSWF;
SWFToImage.ImageOutputType = 1; //(0=.bmp, 1=.jpg, 2=.gif)
SWFToImage.ImageWidth = imageWidth;
SWFToImage.ImageHeight = imageHeight;
<!— Display Image —>
<cfoutput><img src=”#rootPathToIMG#” /></cfoutput>
Adobe ColdFusion example, using tag syntax (SWFToImage_TagSyntax.cfm):
Filename: SWFToImage_TagSyntax.cfm (Adobe ColdFusion example, using tag syntax, for’s SWFToImage ActiveX/NET library)
Author: Aaron D. Neff – What iT iS dESign studios
Copyright: 2007 What iT iS dESign studios
Created: October 12th, 2007 (ver. 1.0)
Purpose: An example for creating an image (.bmp, .jpg, or .gif) from a swf file
Please Note: The SWFToImage.DLL COM object must first be registered with Windows, per these instructions: Basically, if you save the .dll to c:dllsSWFToImage.DLL, then you must run the following command from the DOS Command Prompt: regsvr32 c:dllsSWFToImage.DLL
<!— Set path to existing SWF & location to save image —>
<!— Note: this example assumes the URL to the existing .swf file is —>
<!— Note: this example assumes the URL to save the image file is —>
<cfset imageWidth = 775 /><!— default is 320 —>
<cfset imageHeight = 150 /><!— default is 320 —>
<cfset rootPathToSWF = “/assets/swfs/myswf.swf” /><!— absolute path, from wwwroot, to swf —>
<cfset rootPathToIMG = “/assets/images/myimage.jpg” /><!— absolute path, from wwwroot, to save image —>
<cfset filePathToSWF = expandPath(rootPathToSWF) /><!— automatically creates full system path by expanding absolute path —>
<cfset filePathToIMG = expandPath(rootPathToIMG) /><!— automatically creates full system path by expanding absolute path —>
<!— Create JPG —>
<cfobject action=”create” type=”com” name=”SWFToImage” class=”SWFToImage.SWFToImageObject” />
<cfset SWFToImage.InitLibrary(“demo”, “demo”) />
<cfset SWFToImage.InputSWFFileName = filePathToSWF />
<cfset SWFToImage.ImageOutputType = 1 /><!— (0=.bmp, 1=.jpg, 2=.gif) —>
<cfset SWFToImage.ImageWidth = imageWidth />
<cfset SWFToImage.ImageHeight = imageHeight />
<cfset SWFToImage.Execute() />
<cfset SWFToImage.SaveToFile(filePathToIMG) />
<!— Display Image —>
<cfoutput><img src=”#rootPathToIMG#” /></cfoutput>