Tutorial: how to create slide show flash using SWF SlideShow Scout library and Visual Basic.NET (Visual Studio.NET) - ByteScout

Tutorial: how to create slide show flash using SWF SlideShow Scout library and Visual Basic.NET (Visual Studio.NET)

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  • Tutorial: how to create slide show flash using SWF SlideShow Scout library and Visual Basic.NET (Visual Studio.NET)
“Hello World!” example for SWF SlideShow Scout library in Visual Basic.NET: generating a flash slideshow from images

You can download the source code of this example here: swfslideshowscout_vb_net.zip

This page contains step-by-step tutorial describing how to create flash slideshow from JPG images in Visual Basic.NET application using SWF SlideShow Scout library.


1) Install SWF SlideShow Scout library on your computer and run Microsoft Visual Studio 2003.NET
Go to New menu and click Project… to create new project as shown on screenshot below:
File menu in VB net IDE
You will see New Project Wizard. Select Windows Application in Visual Basic Projects group:
New project wizard
2) VB.NET will create a new project:
New project generated by wizard
3) To use SWF SlideShow Scout in Visual Basic.NET we have to add reference to SWF SlideShow Scout library for current VB.NET project. Select Project in the main menu and click Add Reference command:
Add reference menu command
Switch to COM tab and find SWF SlideShow Scout library in the list of available COM objects:
Add reference dialog
Now click on Select button to add reference to SWF SlideShow Scout and click OK
Click OK button
4) Now add the code that will create “Hello, World!” slideshow flash movie. Double-click Form1 to create Form1_Load event procedure:
VB.NET project form
The source code editor window will be appear:
Source code editor window
5) The code that generate “Hello, World!” flash slideshow is below. Created .swf animation file will be saved into “HelloWorld.swf” file. You can simply copy-and-paste this code into your project.
Dim SlideShow As SWFSlideShowScout.SlideShow
SlideShow = New SWFSlideShowScout.SlideShow

‘ initialize library
SlideShow.InitLibrary(“demo”, “demo”)

SlideShow.BeginSlideShow(320, 240)

‘ slide #1, show with “stetMosaicLarge” effect, 1000 msec
SlideShow.AddSlideFromFileName(“Slide1.jpg”, SWFSlideShowScout.SlideTransitionEffectType.stetMosaicLarge, 1000)

‘ slide #2, show with “stetBlur” effect, 1000 msec
SlideShow.AddSlideFromFileName(“Slide2.jpg”, SWFSlideShowScout.SlideTransitionEffectType.stetBlur, 1000)

‘ slide #3, show with “stetZoomCircle” effect, 1000 msec
SlideShow.AddSlideFromFileName(“Slide3.jpg”, SWFSlideShowScout.SlideTransitionEffectType.stetZoomCircle, 1000)

‘ slide #4, show with “stetLiquid” effect, 1000 msec
SlideShow.AddSlideFromFileName(“Slide4.jpg”, SWFSlideShowScout.SlideTransitionEffectType.stetLiquid, 1000)

‘ slide #5, show with “stetShuttersBias” effect , 1000 msec
SlideShow.AddSlideFromFileName(“Slide5.jpg”, SWFSlideShowScout.SlideTransitionEffectType.stetShuttersBias, 1000)

‘ save to flash movie file

MsgBox(“Slide show was generated successfully and saved to HelloWorld.swf file”)

You can simply copy the source code from the snippet above and paste into Visual Basic.NET code editor window.
6) Press F5 to run the application (you can also use “Debug” | “Start” menu command) and Visual Basic.NET will run the application:
Run project menu command
The application will generate flash slideshow animation file and will save it as “HelloWorld.swf file. 
You can view generated SWF movie using Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or another application that is able to open and play flash movies.


You can download the source code of this example here: swfslideshowscout_vb_net.zip

