I recently downloaded the demo version of ByteScout’s PDF text extractor. For most PDF files I tried, the software worked well. Unfortunately, for a series of PDFs central to my application, the PDF author had encoded the files in such a way that the text could not be extracted, so in the end, I couldn’t use the product. But while the ByteScout support agent and I were working through the issue, his attempts to help were simply outstanding. I never waited more than a day or so for a response to an email, and the responses were very detailed, helpful and easy to understand. He provided the kind of support that used to be the standard years ago but that you very seldom get from a vendor today. He even helped me find a workaround that let me accomplish my goals, even though it didn’t require me to purchase his product. If I ever need another product from ByteScout’s offerings, I won’t hesitate to try it based on the support I know I’ll get. — Alan Holbrook
WHY WE HAVE DEVELOPED THIS UTILITY: BaseCamp from 37 Signals is great for online project management tool but sometimes when you report issues or bugs with online and desktop software it is much more easier to just record a screencast from your screen instead of typing. So we’ve made this tool to record screencasts from your computer and upload this recorded screencast directly into a new or existing message in your BaseCamp account.
FREE DOWNLOAD (EXE, 2.5 MB): http://s3.amazonaws.com/bytescout.com/files/VideoBugRecorderForBaseCamp.exe
(also known as 10 Steps To Setup Video Bug Recorder To Send Recorder Video Bugs To Your BaseCamp Account)
1) Install Video Bug Recorder for BaseCamp
2) Run the utility, the main window will appear
3) Record a video bug by clicking on Record button (you can also use Record with webcam which will record video from screen plus video from your webcamera in the left top corner):
4) The program will record your desktop, to stop screen video recording press ALT+F12 hotkey
5) Then click Upload button to upload recorded screen video to your BaseCamp account:
6) The built-in BaseCamp file uploader will appear. Click Settings to set your BaseCamp account to use:
7) Settings dialog will appear, enter your BaseCamp account settings:
Enter address of your BaseCamp account in URL field, for example: MYACCOUNT.BASECAMPHQ.COM
You also need to copy and paste your API Key into API Key field. This key is a autogenerated password to allow file uploader to upload files into your BaseCamp account
To get your API Key for your account do the following:
a) login into your BaseCamp account
b) Next make sure you have API access enabled.
To enable API access (skip this step if you have API access enabled already) click Settings tab link:
and then click API, Export tab link:
And finally scroll the page and enable API Access by checking the checkbox and clicking the button to confirm:
c) Now get your Authentication token to do this click on My Info link at the right top corner:
Then scroll down the page and click Show your tokens link to show your API Token:
d) This will show your Authentication Token, now copy and paste your Authentication Token as shown below. Just double-click on it and right-click and select “Copy” command in the menu to copy the token into the clipboard:
e) Finally copy and paste your API Token into API Token field (right-click on the field and select Paste command from the menu) and click OK button:
8) File Uploader will load current settings for your BaseCamp account and you will see this window:
9) Click UPLOAD button and the program will upload the video file into your BaseCamp account into new or existing message as selected. You can view this message by simply clicking the link below the Upload button as shown below:
10) TADA! The new message will appear with the video file attached to it in your BaseCamp account: