This sample shows how to convert JPG images to WMV video slideshow and apply Ease In and Ease Out slide effects using Bytescout Image To Video SDK.
Sample result WMV video:
Visual Basic
' Create an instance of BytescoutImageToVideo.ImageToVideo ActiveX object Set converter = CreateObject("BytescoutImageToVideo.ImageToVideo") ' Activate the component converter.RegistrationName = "demo" converter.RegistrationKey = "demo" MsgBox "The script will now convert 3 slides into Result.wmv video file" ' Add images and set the duration for every slide Set slide = converter.AddImageFromFileName("....slide1.jpg") slide.Duration = 3000 ' 3000ms = 3s Slide.Effect = 1 ' 1 = EaseIn slide.EffectDuration = 3000 ' 3000ms = 3s Set slide = converter.AddImageFromFileName("....slide2.jpg") slide.Duration = 3000 Slide.Effect = 2 ' 2 = EaseOut slide.EFfectDuration = 3000 Set slide = converter.AddImageFromFileName("....slide3.jpg") slide.Duration = 3000 Slide.Effect = 1 ' 1 = EaseIn Slide.EffectDuration = 3000 ' Set output video size converter.OutputWidth = 320 converter.OutputHeight = 240 ' Set output video file name converter.OutputVideoFileName = "result.wmv" ' Run the conversion converter.RunAndWait() MsgBox "Result.wmv is ready. Script will try to open the video in default media player" ' Open result in default media player Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") shell.Run "result.wmv", 1, false Set shell = Nothing Set converter = Nothing
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