ByteScout Image To Video SDK - C# - 2x Speed by Parallel Generation - ByteScout

ByteScout Image To Video SDK – C# – 2x Speed by Parallel Generation

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2x speed by parallel generation in C# and ByteScout Image To Video SDK

How To: tutorial on 2x speed by parallel generation in C#

Writing of the code to 2x speed by parallel generation in C# can be done by developers of any level using ByteScout Image To Video SDK. ByteScout Image To Video SDK helps with 2x speed by parallel generation in C#. ByteScout Image To Video SDK is the SDK that is designed to generate video slideshow with 100+ 2d and 3D transition effects. Can generate WMV, AVI, WEBM video file with adjustable quality, framerate, output video size.

This rich sample source code in C# for ByteScout Image To Video SDK includes the number of functions and options you should do calling the API to implement 2x speed by parallel generation. In order to implement this functionality, you should copy and paste code below into your app using code editor. Then compile and run your application. Enjoy writing a code with ready-to-use sample C# codes to add 2x speed by parallel generation functions using ByteScout Image To Video SDK in C#.

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// You can speed up the conversion using the following technique: // 1) Generate video parts in parallel threads; // 2) Combine these parts into final video. // Let us say you have 20 slides. // Then you can run a thread to convert 1-10 slides and another one to convert 11-20 slides. // Finally combine these parts into a single one using .JoinWMVFiles(part1, part2, output) // or .JoingAVIFiles(part1, part2, output) functions. using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; using BytescoutImageToVideo; namespace MultiThreadProcessing { class ThreadData { public string[] InputFiles; public string OutputFile; public ThreadData(string[] inputFiles, string outputFile) { InputFiles = inputFiles; OutputFile = outputFile; } } class Program { private static int _numBusy; private static ManualResetEvent _doneEvent; static void Main(string[] args) { _doneEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); _numBusy = 2; // variable to store video file extension string sVideoFileExt; // are we using WMV or AVI video format for output bool isWMV = false; // if is WMV then use .wmv extension if (isWMV) { sVideoFileExt = ".wmv"; } else // else use AVI { sVideoFileExt = ".avi"; } // Start two conversion threads Console.WriteLine("Start first thread..."); ThreadData threadData1 = new ThreadData(new string[] { "slide1.jpg", "slide2.jpg", "slide3.jpg" }, "Part1" + sVideoFileExt); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(DoWork, threadData1); Console.WriteLine("Start second thread..."); ThreadData threadData2 = new ThreadData(new string[] { "slide4.jpg", "slide5.jpg", "slide6.jpg" }, "Part2" + sVideoFileExt); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(DoWork, threadData2); // Wait for both threads finished _doneEvent.WaitOne(); // Join generates parts Console.WriteLine("Join parts into the final video file..."); ImageToVideo converter = new ImageToVideo(); if (isWMV) { converter.JoinWMVFiles("Part1" + sVideoFileExt, "Part2" + sVideoFileExt, "Result" + sVideoFileExt); } else { converter.JoinAVIFiles("Part1" + sVideoFileExt, "Part2" + sVideoFileExt, "Result" + sVideoFileExt); } // Open the output video file in default media player Process.Start("Result" + sVideoFileExt); Console.WriteLine("Done. Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); } static void DoWork(object data) { ThreadData threadData = (ThreadData) data; try { // Create BytescoutImageToVideoLib.ImageToVideo object instance ImageToVideo converter = new ImageToVideo(); // Activate the component converter.RegistrationName = "demo"; converter.RegistrationKey = "demo"; // Add slides foreach (string file in threadData.InputFiles) { Slide slide = converter.AddImageFromFileName(file); slide.Duration = 3000; // 3000ms = 3s slide.Effect = SlideEffectType.seEaseIn; } // Set output video size converter.OutputWidth = 640; converter.OutputHeight = 480; // Set output video file name converter.OutputVideoFileName = threadData.OutputFile; // Run the conversion converter.RunAndWait(); // Release resources Marshal.ReleaseComObject(converter); Console.WriteLine("Thread finished."); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref _numBusy) == 0) { _doneEvent.Set(); } } } }


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