How to apply Pan and Zoom slide effects when converting images to video - ByteScout
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How to apply Pan and Zoom slide effects when converting images to video

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  • How to apply Pan and Zoom slide effects when converting images to video

This sample shows how to apply Pan and Zoom slide effects during JPG to WMV conversion with Bytescout Image To Video SDK.

This result WMV video lets you see all 12 pan and zoom effects for slides:

Visual Basic

' Create an instance of BytescoutImageToVideo.ImageToVideo ActiveX object
Set converter = CreateObject("BytescoutImageToVideo.ImageToVideo")

' Activate the component
converter.RegistrationName = "demo"
converter.RegistrationKey = "demo"

' set default in effect for slides (you can also set effects for each single slide)
converter.Slides.DefaultSlideInEffect = 0 ' default effect
converter.Slides.DefaultSlideInEffectDuration = 1000 ' 1000 msec for slide transition effect effect

converter.Slides.DefaultSlideDuration = 2000 ' total duration is 2000 = slide transition (1000 ms) + 1000 ms of slide it self (with pan and zoom effect applied)

' uncomment to use background picture
' converter.SetBackgroundPictureFileName "....background.jpg"

' apply transition effect to the very first slide
converter.UseInEffectForFirstSlide = false

Randomize ' initialize random values generator

bChangeSlide = True ' temporary variable to change slides

' now try all 12 pan zoom effects for slides from 1 to 12
' list of PanZoom effects (Slide.PanZoomEffect property)
'   pzeNone = 0, // default
' pzeMoveCamFromLeftTopToRightTop = 1,
' pzeMoveCamFromRightTopToLeftTop = 2,
' pzeMoveCamFromLeftTopToRightBottom = 3,
' pzeMoveCamFromRightBottomToLeftTop = 4,
' pzeMoveCamFromLeftCenterToRightCenter = 5,
' pzeMoveCamFromRightCenterToLeftCenter = 6,
' pzeMoveCamFromLeftBottomToRightBottom = 7,
' pzeMoveCamFromRightBottomToLeftBottom = 8,
' pzeMoveCamFromCenterTopToCenterBottom = 9,
' pzeMoveCamFromCenterBottomToCenterTop = 10,
' pzeMoveCamFromLeftBottomToRightTop = 11,
' pzeMoveCamFromRightTopToLeftBottom = 12,

for i=1 to 11

' Add slide image, set the duration

if not bChangeSlide then
Set slide = converter.AddImageFromFileName("koala.jpg")
Set slide = converter.AddImageFromFileName("penguins.jpg")
End If

bChangeSlide = not bChangeSlide ' switch to use another slide next tim

slide.Duration = 2000 ' 2 seconds (2000 ms)
slide.InEffect = Rnd * 100 + 1' set random slide transition effect
Slide.InEffectDuration = 1000 ' 1000 ms for slide transition effect
slide.PanZoomEffect = i ' set panzoom effect will be shown on whole slide duration (2000 ms)


' Set output video size
converter.OutputWidth = 640
converter.OutputHeight = 480

' Set output video file name
converter.OutputVideoFileName = "PanEffects.wmv"

' Run the conversion

MsgBox "Done! See PanEffects.wmv"

Set converter = Nothing

