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Online Code Editors
Online code editors are a fun and easy way to write codes in hypertext and style languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, and PHP, etc. The online editors are also commonly referred to as Integrated Development Environments (IDE) and are available on the internet for free. Convenience is a key advantage of online code editors as they have all the functionality to complete software development processes such as complying and debugging. They also allow you [...]
Java or C# – Programming Advice
Should you learn Java or C#? Which one is best for your project? If you here, you will find out as we go through a comparison post for Java vs C# programming. Before we start, it is important to know that both the programming languages are modern programming languages that fit most of your programming needs. We will go through their differences; you will be better positioned to decide which one is a “better” pick [...]
TOP-12 FREE Programming Courses and Apps for Kids
Have you ever struggled to find games that are fun but also educational for kids (your son, daughter, nephew)? Here is a list of free programming courses and apps for kids. It's time to try programming learning together with your kid! 1. Scratch Animation https://scratch.mit.edu A website provided by MIT lets children of all ages bring animated characters to life with code commands. 2. Kodable Pro – iOS APP https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kodable/id577673067 An app for iPad that uses [...]
What’s Your Backup Method?
I've only been using a terabyte external hard drive for backing up my laptop and was wondering if any of you guys had more secure ways to save your stuff in case of failure. These failures can be viruses, hardware corruption, or cyberattacks. Moreover backing up files regularly is important so I appreciate the answers you guys added to the discussion. The comments received are listed below and after these, I dive into deeper details [...]
TOP-20 Offline Programming Courses
There are thousands of online programming courses on the internet. Each month, more websites spring up that offer courses online. Although convenient, not everyone prefers to learn a skill as complicated as programming through the Internet. Starter League Galvanize it Girls Who Code Coder Dojo Girl Develop It Code Chicago Dev Boot Camp App Academy Maker Square Nashville Software School Epicodus Hacker Coding Academy Codesmith Turing Flatiron School Free Code Camp mBlock Khan Academy SitePoint Treehouse [...]
Codecademy vs Android Programming Basics
Android software development allows for the creation of applications that run on the Android operating system. Apps that run on the Android OS come with devices such as smartphones and tablets. Courses that teach Android app development will require that you master key programming languages, in this case, you will have to learn about Java, Kotlin, C++, and XML. Knowledge of HTML5 / JavaScript is also great if you wish to advance your skills and [...]
TOP-12 Top Free Online Courses for Programming Basics
Some time ago we published 7 Best Sources to Learn Programming Online. Is it time to learn more about coding learning? Here are 12 online courses on programming that are absolutely free. Check them out and share your experiences and expertise. 1. Codecademy – Interactive codecademy.com Codecademy makes learning programming basics fun with its interactive interface and responsive feedback. Codecademy features free courses, each taking 11 hours or less. There are a structured curriculum and 85 [...]
Learn Programming: What are bad coding habits you would tell others to avoid? (Discussion Topics)
Programming is like starting with a blank canvas which means that there is a lot of uncertainty from the beginning. Just like how an artist strokes his paintbrush to make a masterpiece, a programmer uses his keystrokes to create an application. In the same vein as art, programming involves recognizing patterns and learning from mistakes. Like any skill, it requires lots of practice. There’s a lot of information on the internet focused on advice about [...]
How to Copy Write Your Code
Many of our blog posts have had the goal in mind to provide tips, tricks, and market information to developers during the developmental stages of their projects, but we feel we haven't covered a big part of the picture, protecting what's yours from theft, as well as what license to attach to your project to reflect your sharing boundaries. If you find you're in the final stages of your project and haven't reflected on copy [...]