Codecademy vs Android Programming Basics - ByteScout
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Codecademy vs Android Programming Basics

Android software development allows for the creation of applications that run on the Android operating system. Apps that run on the Android OS come with devices such as smartphones and tablets.

Courses that teach Android app development will require that you master key programming languages, in this case, you will have to learn about Java, Kotlin, C++, and XML.

Knowledge of HTML5 / JavaScript is also great if you wish to advance your skills and work on how to build applications on any other platforms (iOS, Mac, Windows).

The basics of these courses equip you with the coding skills you can advance on to successfully create and build applications real-world. In the real sense, Codecademy and other programming courses will take you through such things as Java packages, classes, collections, and concurrency.

Courses will also provide hard skills in the basics of using SQL, a language that helps you organize the application’s databases. Working with the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) allows you to access all the tools you need to develop good applications. The SDK gives you access to sample code and other software tools that make it possible for coding, building, testing, and debugging Android applications.

Codecademy vs. Android programming basics

Interested in learning how to code and don’t know where to begin? Likely you have considered the popular Android programming basics or have heard a developer talk about Codecademy. Before taking up any of these and any other course, find out about what you need to make the most of online courses. As you are wont to hear, some projects don’t provide enough for you to master Java and crack android app development.

Luckily, several top online programming courses do offer high-quality coding lessons. Check out what we have under these TOP-12 offline courses and get the basics of programming and more.


Codecademy has been around for over 7 years, offering online coding lessons to millions of people. The great thing about the course is that it lets you choose what you want to learn – it could be web development or app development. Learn the basics and write code in no time, with interactive feedback. Tailor-made quizzes are also a worthy addition to test progress.

Maybe you want to compare Codecademy with other similar courses. Check out these TOP-12 online programming courses.

These courses give you that- which means you can comfortably navigate the Android API and build your first real-world app. Note that Android is an open-source OS designed for mobile devices.

What about Android programming basics?

This is a course that will teach you the basics of programming using the Java language. Complete with videos, learn and master the basics of Java and have fun creating Android apps.

YouTube is an awesome place to check out for step-by-step guidance on how to become an app developer. The tutorials are tailored for beginners, the meaning experience won’t be a factor if you want to master basic Android programming.

Live comments are fun

You might need more first-hand experience reviews; forums provide this aspect of valuable information. Listen and learn from android app developers and other users who have checked out both courses. This post provides a snapshot of live comments on Codecademy vs. android programming basics.

Here then is just a short account of what users of the two platforms and others have to say.

Live comments are always interesting!

I’m one of those people who get bored with tasks unless there is constant feedback on my progress. (probably why I play too many video games) I have experience with code-academy and can tell you that it’s awesome because it’s interactive and lets you write out the program and tells you if you’re correct, but the only thing is I found myself unable to remember most of what I learned after I was done because that’s as far as it went.

I know what you’re talking about. General knowledge definitely helps when using code academy or you’ll find yourself reading what to do, typing the same thing in, getting the answer right but not understanding why. I personally love Khan Academy because they walk you through like it’s a course, but it’s a pact with videos and exercises which makes it easier to walk away with new knowledge.

Android programming basics is awesome, I love watching videos to learn about things I’m interested in, especially youtube. you can also just type in programming and what you’re interested in learning into youtube and find TONS other playlists.

Use the coding skills you develop to make the next step in Android programming. There are several other online and offline programming courses to check out if you want to become a professional app developer. Udemy, Coursera, and Udacity are some of the most popular.

Try online courses for programming and share your experience too!




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