How to set Flash as desktop wallpaper using Movies Extractor Scout - ByteScout

How to set Flash as desktop wallpaper using Movies Extractor Scout

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Desktop Wallpaper Tutorial: How to set flash movie as desktop wallpaper on your computer using Movies Extractor Scout.


This page contains step-by-step tutorial that will show how to create change desktop wallpaper to your favorite flash movie using Movies Extractor Scout

If you want to create re-distributable flash wallpapers with standalone EXE installers then please take a look at Wallpaper Scout

First download and install Movies Extractor Scout

There is empty desktop wallpaper on our computer. Let’s change wallpaper to flash wallpaper with video using Movies Extractor Scout:

Desktop Wallpaper on Windows computer

Run Movies Extractor Scout You can see list of all available flash movies at the left and we will select one of these flash movies and will set it as desktop wallpaper:

Movies Extractor Scout displays extracted flash movies from web browsers

Select flash movie you want to set as desktop wallpaper. In our example we have selected flash video movie with Britney Spears, Madonna and Christina Aguilera

You can also find lot of funny flash movies in Funny Flash Movies section in our web-site.

Select flash movie and go to File menu and click “Set as Desktop Wallpaper…”:

Set as Desktop Wallpaper command will set flash as wallpaper

Movies Extractor Scout will confirm background color of flash desktop wallpaper:

Select background color for flash wallpaper

Select another color if needed and click the OK button.

Now Movies Extractor Scout will change desktop wallpaper to new flash desktop wallpaper with selected flash movie.

Now your desktop wallpaper looks like:

Flash movie used as animated wallpaper

That’s all! You can set any flash movie as desktop wallpaper.

If you need to make manual change of wallpaper then go to Start menu and then Control Panel and click Display icon. And then in Desktop tab you can change wallpaper.
