Tutorial: download and save YouTube video to SWF file using Movies Extractor Scout
This tutorial explains how to use Movies Extractor Scout to extract video from YouTube and save YouTube clips to SWF flash video file on your computer.
Run Internet Explorer (Movies Extractor Scout supports Mozilla Firefox as well but we use Internet Explorer for this example)
Open YouTube and search for “Frank Sinatra”. In search results look for Frank Sinatra. recording session video and play it in a window:
Video with Frank Sinatra will be played (live recording session with lovely “It Was A Very Good Year” song). Please wait until it will be downloaded up to the end ( see grayed or red bar before the cursor):
Now click Movies Extractor Scout button on the Internet Explorer toolbar to launch Movies Extractor Scout:
Program will ask if you want to scan Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox and Opera cache now? Please answer Yes
Program will scan IE, Firefox, Mozilla and Opera browsers and you’ll see all available videos and flash movies at the left panel (“Extracted” list)
First movie get_video[1] is Frank Sinatra video movie.
To save it to the swf flash movie file use Save As.. command from File menu
It will display Save dialog – enter name of the swf flash file to save video movie.
Rename get_video[1] to Frank Sinatra Recording Session and click Save
You can also use Favorites to save flash video movie to review this movie again. Favorites movies are automatically saved to My DocumentsMy Flash Movies folder on your computer.
To add movie to the favorite right-click on the movie and select Add To Favorites… command
Program will show dialog to enter name of the movie. Enter Frank Sinatra and click Add
Now you’ll see Frank Sinatra video movie in the list of Favorites flash movies. Favorites movies are automatically saved to My DocumentsMy Flash Movies folder on your computer.
YouTube is a registered trademark of YouTube, Inc.