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What is the DPI Resolution Value of PDF Document?
We all use PDF files for one activity or the other. These documents have a significant level of functionality across different fields. In fact, most individuals and businesses prefer using PDF files as they are easier to use and more professional. However, only a few know the internal workings of the PDF file. In particular, many don’t understand the DPI of the PDF file. PDF is a vector-based format entity and there are no "classic" [...]
Robotic Process Automation in HR
The human resource department is entitled to some of the most labor-intensive tasks. Most of these tasks are paper-based and repetitive in nature. HR is responsible for handling most of the administrative and operational processes of an organization. A survey conducted a few years ago indicated that most of the tasks associated with HR are still paper-based and are heavily dependant on human intervention. They found that processes such as employee onboarding, separation, and file [...]
How RPA is Transforming Education Institutions
Automation is now the buzzword in virtually every sector - legal industry, healthcare, finance, and others. While some sectors are experiencing significant growth and improvement in their bottom line as a result of automation, the education sector seems to be lagging in getting on this fantastic and incredible technological trend. You will still find some educators following the old way of doing things which requires a pen and paper to manage attendance, grade students, or [...]
How To Introduce RPA Into Your Law Firm
Robotic Process Automation has been finding significant relevance in all fields, sectors, and enterprises. Every business wants to automate its processes to achieve productivity, efficiency, and quality customer experience. Law firms have bought into the idea, and RPA is presently being implemented to simplify work processes in the legal business. Any large law firm that requires extensive documentation, as well as data authentication, will find RPA useful. Law firms need to stay in the loop [...]
A Beginner’s Guide To Artificial Intelligence with Python
With over a decade of research and growth, artificial intelligence has started to show its promise. As a learner, this is probably the best possible time for you to learn AI. By 2021, $2.9 trillion of business will be generated by AI-enabled tools. Artificial intelligence is used almost everywhere. The most common use-case is social media, where AI works behind the scene to learn your viewing habits and recommend content that is more likely to [...]
TOP-10 Graphics Editors: Ultimate List
The one graphic design software that clicks the mind of most people is Adobe Photoshop, an image editing application that has in many ways set the trend when it comes to efficiency, sleekness, and creative freedom. But are there other graphics editors that offer equivalent satisfaction? The answer is yes, other top products rank as the best there's in the market. In this article, we compare the top 10 graphic editors in terms of their [...]
Build Your First ChatBot in Python
Chatbots are the “next” big thing. They enable companies to provide customer support and another plethora of things. It is a big industry, and according to reports, the Chatbot market will reach 10.08$ billion by 2026. Artificial Intelligence has made not only the lives of the companies easier but that of the users as well. Customers are more demanding than ever. The fact that customers need answers instantly can give you an idea of customer’s [...]
How to Use Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection and Condition Monitoring
When analyzing real-world data sets, a common desire to determine the data points that stand out from the rest arises. These data points that stand out are known as anomalies. The process in which these outstanding data points are determined is called anomaly detection. These anomalies are ordinarily brought about by errors in data. In some cases, the anomalies are brought about by underlying processes that are previously not known. Detecting outliers correctly is an [...]
Ultimate Tutorial about Microsoft Graph APIs
What is Microsoft Graph In this article, we’ll talk about Microsoft Graph APIs and will show you a quick preview of the essential features. This technology is growing up too fast so some existing features may not be longer available at the time of reading and surely new features will be added to it after the time of writing. Microsoft Graph API – formerly known as Office 365 unified API - is the new service-oriented [...]
RPA Use Cases in Manufacturing
Robotic Process Automation provides the tools and technologies that have the capability of fast-forwarding many aspects of the manufacturing pipeline. These tools give rise to what is known as 'smart factories' - interconnected smart devices, 3D printing, and much more. That being said, the 2020 industry outlook on manufacturing from Deloitte suggests it still remains very much a pipe dream. Even less than 25% of the manufacturers surveyed were truly ready for the changes needed [...]