13 Useful Shortcuts In Google Chrome And Other Browsers - ByteScout
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13 Useful Shortcuts In Google Chrome And Other Browsers

Google Chrome offers some really great and useful shortcuts to its users. It is a fact that most of us remain online during and even after our working day. Therefore, it is imperative for us to take maximum advantage of Google Chrome shortcuts. It will not only help you to save precious time but also enhance your efficiency.

Google Chrome Shortcuts

Best Chrome Shortcuts to Use

The following are the most useful Chrome keyboard shortcuts to learn.

  1. Bookmarking the Current Page
  2. Reopening the Last Closed Tab
  3. Open Next and Previous Tabs
  4. Take Cursor to Search Bar
  5. Opening Downloads Folder
  6. Opening Incognito mode
  7. Opening new tabs and closing opened tabs
  8. Going to the previous or next page
  9. Task Manager Shortcut
  10. Developer console panel
  11. Screenshot Shortcut
  12. Clear Cache
  13. Refresh shortcut

1. Bookmarking the Current Page

Sometimes you come across a really great article and want to save or bookmark it for further referencing. Well, it is not very difficult to do when you are using Chrome shortcut keys. Simply, hold Control and Press D or Command and Press D for Windows and Mac respectively.

2. Reopening the Last Closed Tab

To err is human and every one of us accidentally closes the pages which hold great importance for our work. You don’t need to worry because you can quickly restore them by pressing Control, Shift, and T in Windows and Command, Shift and T in Mac.

3. Open Next and Previous Tabs

You can open countless tabs at the same time using chrome or any other modern browser. However, it is a cumbersome task to drag your mouse to each of those tabs to view them. Now, you can quickly open the next tab using a handy Chrome switch tabs shortcut.

If you are using Windows, just hold Control and press Tab. And, if you want to go in the other direction hold shift along with control and tab. For Mac, hold Command and Option together and then press the left or right arrow key to use the Chrome tab shortcuts.

Similarly, you can rapidly visit the last tab by holding control and pressing 9 in Windows. You can also quickly visit the nth tab by holding control and n, where n is the number of tab between 1-8. One of the Safari shortcuts also includes this one where you can select one of your first nine tabs by pressing command-1 to command-9.

4. Take Cursor to Search Bar

When you are browsing the internet, you have to search for new things regularly. Well, you really don’t like to drag your mouse to the search bar again and again to start a new search. In this regard, Google Chrome makes things really convenient for you. You can take your cursor to the search bar by merely holding Command and L in Mac or Control and L in Windows. This shortcut is also one of the safari keyboard shortcuts which takes up the same command to enter into the search bar.

5. Opening Downloads Folder

Sometimes you download something for quick referencing but cannot open the Downloads folder quickly enough. If you are using Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts, you can open the Downloads folder and locate your desired file in a flash of light. For Mac, hold Command and Shift and then press J for instantly opening the Downloads folder. In Windows, you can accomplish the task by holding control and pressing J. There is also a similar Firefox downloads shortcut available in which you press the control and J button together.

6. Opening Incognito mode

If you want to browse something without saving any internet history, cookies, and any information entered into the browser, you need to know about the incognito window shortcut. One annoying long way is to pick your mouse get into options and select opening a new incognito browser, but we will tell you the incognito shortcut. The incognito tab shortcut is holding control, shift, and N together on your keyboard to open up a new incognito window on your browser. If you are a mac user, the chrome incognito shortcut is command + shift + N.

7. Opening new tabs and closing opened tabs

To open up a new tab, press the control and T buttons together to use the new tab shortcut chrome, and other browser uses. Mac users can use the command button instead of control for the same functionality.

We all know that we can just press the X sign on the right side of your chrome tab and close the tab. But you can also do that without the need for a mouse using the Chrome close tab shortcut. You have to hold control and w button or f4 button together to use the close tab Chrome shortcut. In mac, only the command and w button pressed together closes the current tab. You can use the same command which you used in chrome to use the firefox close tab shortcut. But, if you have pinned any tab, it doesn’t close on using this shortcut.

8. Going to the previous or next page

There is also a Chrome back shortcut where you can press the Alt and left arrow together, and you will be redirected to the last page in your browsing history on the same tab. And if you want to go forward, you can press the Alt and right arrows together to move forward. This shortcut can work for both windows and mac operating systems. Some of the alternatives like this one are also available as Firefox shortcuts with similar commands.

9. Task Manager Shortcut

Google Chrome also has a built-in task manager in which you can see how much memory and web pages, extensions, and processes the browser is using. It is beneficial when the browser has become sluggish, the screen freezes because the browser is using too much memory. The long way is to click on settings, select more tools, and click on task manager. But when the mouse isn’t working hold the shift and escape button together to use the Chrome task manager shortcut.

10.   Developer console panel

If you are a developer, you should know about the Chrome console shortcut. To open the console panel, you can hold the control, shift, and J buttons together to open the console panel. And to open the elements panel, you can press the control, shift, and C buttons together. In mac systems, you can use command and option buttons instead of control and shift.

11. Screenshot Shortcut

You can quickly take a screenshot in firefox using the Firefox screenshot shortcut. You can press the Control button, along with shift and then S button in windows and Command + Shift + S on Mac. The long way is to go in the Page Action menu in the right-click menu.

12. Clear Cache

It takes up a lot of time to clear cache memory in a browser. Fortunately, with the help of the Firefox clear cache shortcut, you can quickly remove your cache if you press the shift button, control button, and delete button altogether in your windows device. The same command can be used in Google chrome and works similarly.

13. Refresh shortcut

To refresh the current page and use the chrome refresh shortcut you can press F5 or Ctrl + R in your windows operating systems. And if you want to reload the current page ignoring the cached content, you need to press Shift and F5 together or Control, Shift, and R altogether.

All of these browser shortcuts are very easy to learn. You must invest a few minutes in learning them, especially when you are spending 80% of your time online.


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ByteScout Team ByteScout Team of Writers ByteScout has a team of professional writers proficient in different technical topics. We select the best writers to cover interesting and trending topics for our readers. We love developers and we hope our articles help you learn about programming and programmers.  