Best Backpacks For Computer Geeks - ByteScout
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Best Backpacks For Computer Geeks

Here’s why you need a backpack in your life

A backpack is an extremely important accessory for anyone who uses a laptop. It is crucial to protect your laptop if you want to increase its efficiency and lifespan. No matter you are a student or a mountaineer, you need a backpack that can keep your laptop safe from external factors days in and days out.

Backpacks are one of the most underrated things in the world. Whether you are a college student/professor or someone who’s in their professional life, a backpack is something that can make your life easier. From carrying all your belongings in one place to looking chic while doing so, what else do you need from life?

The trend of relying on a backpack now days has increased in today’s world. It helps you accumulate all of your gadgets and notebooks in one place. Moreover, a good quality backpack puts less strain on your shoulders if you’re wearing one for a longer period of time.

To help you figure out which backpack would best fit you, below mentioned are a few features you need to cross-check before buying any kind of a backpack:

How to choose a good backpack

There are many things you need to remember while choosing a good backpack for your expensive machine. Some of them are mentioned below.

It should Fit your Laptop

You often come across people whose backpacks do not fit the size of their computers. You need to choose a backpack that can easily accommodate your machine to achieve maximum protection. An oversized or undersized bag will increase your chances of damaging your machine.

It should be Comfortable to Carry

You need to have the backpack which is comfortable to carry especially if you often have long walks. Straps should be soft, tight and well ventilated.

Do You Want to Carry Extra Things in the Bag?

A cheap backpack will do the job if you only carry the necessary accessories with your laptop. On the other hand, it is important to buy the bag which comes with especially designed pockets and extra compartments if you have to carry your iPhone, tablet, documents, pens, disks and other similar stuff to your university or workplace.

Safety from Knocks and Hard Impacts

The first and foremost job of your backpack is to keep your laptop safe. Safety requirements for every laptop vary. Your bag should be able to meet the requirement of your particular model. The bag should also have foam padding which is necessary to protect your laptop against bumps and shocks.

The backpack should be Waterproof

You can accidentally drop your bag in a puddle, spill any liquid on it or just get caught in bad weather. Therefore, your backpack should be showerproof and waterproof to minimize the effect of these extremely damaging elements.

It should Look Good

Last but not the least; you must also consider the overall look of the backpack after meeting all the other practical and important requirements. While satisfying your own taste, you must also consider how others see you. For example, a more formal backpack is a must if you are wearing corporate attire. On the other hand, complement your rugged appearance with a rugged looking backpack.

Should be spacious

Now, the first and foremost important feature your backpack should have is that it should be spacious. From a laptop to your notebook, from a water bottle to a tablet; it should be spacious enough to fit in all the things you could need to carry to school/office or basically anywhere. If you are a computer geek then that means lots of gadgets and notebooks to be kept in it. Along with a laptop charger, some books, a tablet, your backpack should be able to keep all of these things.

Should be made of good fabric

A good fabric makes all the difference. What good is a backpack if it looks stylish but it makes your shoulders and backache? When it comes to choosing the fabric for your backpack, go for the one which is the most durable and is able to withhold the weight of your belongings. Mostly used fabrics in backpacks include CORDURA, Nylon, PVC fabric, etc. In short, go for a backpack which is light on your shoulders but with a good fabric. Another important feature to look for in a backpack is it being waterproof.

Should have additional compartments

In order to sort your things out in a more organized manner, you would want to have more space for different compartments in a backpack. Other than the big gadgets like a laptop/tablet/notebooks, you would also want to keep small accessories like earphones, pencils, pens, calculators or even a water bottle in your backpack. A backpack with additional small pockets and compartments is something that would attract you and make it easier for you to carry everything without any hassle.

Should be fashionable

Last but not least, you would also want to look stylish while carrying a backpack. Select a backpack that satisfies the concerns mentioned above and also the one which looks good and goes with your priorities. Your first and foremost priority should be comfort. But what if you find a backpack with all the features mentioned above AND it also looks stylish? What’s better than that right?

NOW let’s get you to buy the perfect backpack!

Following lines compare some of the best, most stylish and cost-effective backpacks:

Laptop Fit
Asus ROG Nomad
Ice Red AVA Urban Backpack
Booq’s Mamba Daypack
Timbuk2 Rogue

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