WordPress Framewords, WP Themes, Build a WP Website - ByteScout


How to Block Access to WordPress Website from a Specific Country
If you see a spike in popularity from particular countries to your firm's WordPress site, along with a significant rise in spamming in remarks or through web forms, you may ban all access from those nations. It's also possible that if your site isn't useful to individuals in particular nations, you'll get minimal or zero visitors from them. Then there's a sharp spike, your server's capabilities are depleted, and your website suffers. Malware and bots, [...]
TOP-12 Interview Questions in HTML and CSS
HTML Interview Questions 1. Describe the two types of web storage in HTML5. Answer: the two types of storages in HTML5 are Local storage: this storage property allows data storage without any expiration date. The storage of data for the given website is done on a permanent basis. It will not be deleted even if the browser gets closed. This means data will be stored till the next day, week, or year unless it is [...]
How to Create a WordPress Theme From Scratch
Creating your own WordPress theme from scratch can be a great learning curve. And, if you are a learner who wants to get started with WordPress, then it can change your perspective about WordPress. WordPress is the world’s number one content management system. It grew quickly in the past five years and is still continuing to do so. In today’s article, we will learn how to develop a WordPress theme just using basic HTML, CSS, [...]
Best Website Hosting Providers for WordPress or Where To Host Your WordPress Website
Wordpress became a dominant platform for websites. According to various analytics systems,  more than 30% of active websites in the world are currently using Wordpress at their content management system. Our own experience with WordPress vs others In our own experience, moving ByteScout website from our homegrown PHP based content system to Drupal CMS and then to WordPress brought us many new advantages: a wide choice of website hosting platforms, access to many design themes, [...]
How to change WP theme on a multilingual WordPress website
In this article, we will explain the process that needs to be done when changing a WP theme on a multilingual website. The website is tourexotico.com. You can check it to see how it looks like when everything is done. Here are the steps you should follow to change WP theme smoothly: Make a backup Create a Child Theme Create the Main Page Header and Footer changes. Main menu setting. Setting widgets for sidebars Customization [...]
TOP-10 Plugins in 2023 that make your WordPress Website Speedy and Rich
The speed of the website is one of the most important criteria, speaking about the quality of the website. Especially in our time, when a person got used to receiving information quickly. And small delays in sending this information from the website will lead to the fact that a person will go to search for another faster website where he will not have to spend time waiting. Therefore, it is important to give the website [...]
What is the Best Website Content Management Tool: Static HTML vs Drupal vs WordPress
  We went through multiple stages with our website. And here is our hands-on experience with various ways to host a website online. Static HTML website We've started our website (www.bytescout.com) many years ago as a set of simple HTML pages. It was easy to maintain, easy, and cheap to host, compact, and worked great. Advantages of static HTML website: Managing pages is as easy as managing files in a folder; You may add new [...]
How to create a simple plugin for WooCommerce and add new type of product
WooCommerce is the best WordPress plugin (and the most popular) for e-commerce. WooCommerce is a very powerful plugin and has wide functionality and a large set of settings. There are four types of products in WooCommerce. Simple Product Grouped Product External/Affiliate Product Variable Product In many cases, these types of products are enough when using the plug-in for the online store. But sometimes they are not enough. WooCommerce allows you to create custom types of [...]
How to Add a Widget at the Top of Each Page or Post in WordPress
Suppose we would like to add some information to our website at the top of the page or post, above the main content. This may be for example advertising, links, appeals, whatever you want, all that is enough fantasy. Functional blocks in Wordpress are called widgets. Widgets are placed on sidebars. Widgets and sidebars can be managed and configured in the WordPress administration panel. Administration panel - Appearance - Widgets Let's add a sidebar to [...]
How to enable classic editor in new WordPress (version 5.0 +)
One evening, after updating WordPress, I couldn’t find my usual text editor, but I saw a completely different modern editor. I tried to understand how to open the article in the classic editor. Found! I began to study and see how to work with this new editor, it turned out he was good enough! With the release of a new version of WordPress 5.0, the text editor has been completely updated, and in general the very [...]