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MongoDB is a type of document-oriented database server developed in the C++ programming language. The word Mongo is derived from Humongous. MongoDB is an open-source database server product that is used for document-oriented storage.
MongoDB has improved performance because it makes data storage faster and easier by using dynamic database schemas similar to JSON instead of traditional relational database systems of tables and SQL .
Therefore, MongoDB is categorized as the NoSQL database server. The dynamic database schema used in MongoDB is called the BSON.
MongoDB version history dates back to 2007. It was developed in 2007 by a New York-based organization 10gen which is now called MongoDB Inc. MongoDB was developed as a PAAS (Platform as a service) initially.
Kevin P. Ryan, Dwight Merriman (CTO and founder), and Eliot Horowitz (founder of ShopWiki, founder), the founders of DoubleClick, are the developers of MongoDB. The three developers, in Mongo history, experienced serious relational database scalability problems while developing internet applications at the company.
Due to the need or idea of the database processing data in large amounts, according to Dwight, the database was named MongoDB, a word obtained from the term “humongous.” This explains the Mongo origin. The founders received venture capital funding worth $81 million to support the business.
Intel Capital, Red Hat, New Enterprise Associates (NEA), Union Square Ventures, Flybridge Capital Partners, Sequoia Capital, and In0Q-Tel were the companies behind the funding.
It began to develop the database on the platform as a service development architecture just like Window azure. However, no existing database satisfied its cloud architecture “principles.”
Later on in the year 2009, MongoDB was introduced in the market as an open-source database server that was maintained and supported by MongoDB Inc.
It became the first in MongoDB release history. The company continues to release new versions on a consistent basis. The most recent in MongoDB versions list is version 2.4.9.
The product became available as a document-oriented database platform. The company changed its name from 10gen to MongoDB Inc. in 2013. By 2012, the company has offices in Reston, Sydney, Palo Alto, Barcelona, London, and Dublin, including the west coast.
Many large and medium scale organizations such as SourceForge, Foursquare, Craigslist, and eBay are now using MongoDB development for their database applications. Listed on NASDAQ as MDB, public trading of the product began on October 20, 2017, at $24 IPO price for every share.
The Wall Street Journal ranked the company 9th in 2012 as “The Next Big Thing 2012” as a software developing firm. The great features of MongoDB led to its adoption and continued use by many companies worldwide. For instance, the New York Times newspaper developed a web-based application for photos submission using MongoDB.
MongoDB has various built-in features that appeal to many users worldwide. Unlike contemporary database servers such as relational database management systems, MongoDB benefits are many and difficult for any developer to overlook. They include:
MongoDB, being a non-SQL database management system, is much simpler and complexities that come with relational databases are removed. JSON like document-oriented storage simplifies database systems. It also lacks complex joins because it uses the BSON format.
The database application, unlike RDBMS, is easier to set up and offers JavaScript client for database queries. The database is also easy to scale, one of the best benefits of MongoDB.
Furthermore, you need knowledge of JSON to understand collection structures in the database. However, no background in coding is required. Load balancing is also easier if the database application is used as a file system.
MongoDB is a schema-free database. This means that different data types can be stored on separate documents in a single collection. The documents vary in content, fields, and sizes. The result is increased freedom and flexibility for the storage of varied data types. This is one of the best advantages of MongoDB over SQL.
MongoDB allows users to replicate data on multiple mirrored servers which ensures data reliability. In the case of a server crashes, its mirror is still available and database processing remains unaltered.
Data replication and gridFS features don’t just improve MongoDB reliability, but also database availability. As a result, the application delivers high performance, making it one of the best advantages of MongoDB.
MongoDB has a non-SQL query mechanism that results in lightning-fast data storage and retrieval functionalities. JSON Based document-oriented queries are extremely fast as compared to traditional SQL queries.
When making a query, data is obtained from a single document. Unlike relational databases, there’s no referencing to various documents. And, the single document is easily recognizable using an ID.
The document-oriented database makes it easy to access or retrieve documents through indexing. Fast document access is also due to the usage of internal memory to store working sets.
Unlike relational databases, MongoDB has up to 100 times faster speeds. The powerful dynamic query of collections or the documents stored is based on a deep query feature.
Lack of SQL queries also makes the database secure and indexing of any document field improves query performance. This also makes one of the best advantages of MongoDB over SQL servers.
Large data for storage is distributed across various servers connected to the MongoDB application. It minimizes the risk of server failure resulting from an incapability to handle big data.
MongoDB is built to support ad hoc queries. It’ll be ideal for queries support in the future.
In MongoDB, the schema is defined by the code. Hence, in case of database migrations, no schema compatibility issue arises. The database schema depends on the code.
MongoDB is a non-relational database, hence it is best suited to the scenarios where horizontal scalability is important. The horizontally-scalable database is handy when handling big data, enabling distribution to various servers or machines for storage.
The database uses servers with high processing requirements, without the need for additional memory and CPU. This also helps cut on costs of buying additional memory and CPU and maintenance costs.
Last but not least, MongoDB is a database server that is open source and customizable according to the requirements of the organization.
MongoDB comes with professional support offered by the company behind it, MongoDB Inc. The client support system for the application is available 24/7.
Document oriented database advantages also include compatibility with different platforms. MongoDB is compatible with various platforms such as Debian, Windows, Mac OS, Ubuntu, Solaris, etc. This explains why the application gained popularity fast among developers worldwide.
The database is based on a flexible data model. Unlike a fixed data model based on schemas as in relational databases, MongoDB’s schema-less model of data doesn’t just make it scalable, but also dynamic. This makes it easy to alter or add fields in the database. The evolving data structure also becomes easier.
Built for fast performance and ease of use, the lightweight database application is ideal for content management and delivery, big and complex data, a data hub, user data management, and media and social infrastructure.
MongoDB is highly recommended in scenarios where fast processing and simplicity is the key. Due to its NoSQL based query mechanism, it is robust, scalable, and highly efficient.
Once you acquire MongoDB, you should know the right time to use it for maximum benefits. Among other moments, you should use this document database built on scale-out architecture and get the best result when you want to:
When you have massive amounts of data from diverse sources and want to bring them together, you need to look for a database to create the desired unified single view. Otherwise, you may fail many times until you start using MongoDB. This document-oriented database is unique in that it is specifically designed to solve such problems.
The scale-out architecture is designed to support large numbers of transactions. As we have said, MongoDB is scalable. The unique architecture is responsible for this and gives you the perfect option when you need to deliver enormous amounts of data in a wide variety of high-performance applications.
MongoDB can run on a desktop, in a public cloud, or a massive cluster of computers. If you have hybrid and multi-cloud apps, you need the database to support any configuration.
To get specialized data formats that are resilient, you need MongoDB. It embeds documents to describe nested structures and supports geospatial and other specialized data formats.
Once you know when to use MongoDB and reap the desired benefits, be sure you fully understand how to manage and configure the database. The best way to do this is via the command-line interface. The good news is that all its functionality is accessible through the command-line interface (CLI) that enters commands and receives output using the Mongo Shell.
To use the Mongo Shell, do the following:
Now you can enter the commands to configure the cluster, get some information about the running cluster, or create databases.
MongoDB’s release of improvements to the shell in June of 2020 makes the management and configuration incredibly easy. If you prefer a visual interface, you could opt for MongoDB Compass that offers a graphical user interface. The GUI can enable you to visualize your data, create indexes, and more.
Developers who want to build scalable apps using agile methodologies should learn how to manage and configure MongoDB first. It is suitable for addressing all the above problems, but you cannot be assured of success if you ignore this simple step.
High availability and scalability are some important cornerstones of MongoDB application, making it easy to use visualizer tools. NoSQL databases, specifically, MongoDB, supports real-time data analytics. It can handle growing data by changing the structure.
Optimized for document storage, MongoDB uses indexing to facilitate fast data access and replication. MongoDB development includes the use of schema visualization tools.
Use sharding based on zones, the WiredTiger engine, short field names, etc. to improve prevailing database optimization. Built to support semi-unstructured and unstructured data decisions, the database is used for big data, real-time analytics, and mobile apps, among others.
The types of data supported include the following:
It can also store structured data. Companies such as Cisco, Google, Facebook, Expedia, and SAP use MongoDB applications. MongoDB visualizer tools allow for all or part of the data under storage to be visualized.
The Mongo shell is the primary interface for accessing the MongoDB database. The interface is powerful, but new users find it unfriendly. GUIs are interactive and easier to use, making it easier to access databases and manage the data in storage.
MongoDB document management systems allow visualizers to access data in storage for database management analysis, aggregation of data, and visualization.
GUI schema visualization tools work as query builders and data analysis platforms. They analyze document collections and allow for schema visualization.
MongoDB schema visualizer tools include Compass and Flexmonster Pivot Table, among others. They support data visualization, including data adding, editing, and deletion aspects of the schema of the collection. Unlike the Mongo shell, the tools deliver better results.
The schema visualization tools obtain new insights and define dataset patterns. The tools allow users to interact with data in storage in real-time. You can also filter data with simple or complex queries, and user-generated histograms to analyze data type and values of fields’ distribution.
MongoDB visualizer tools connect to the database for data loading. The often user-friendly GUIs are built with features that allow for data sorting, aggregation, and filtering. The best visualizer tools can either be free or paid. The latter comes with free trials to enable you to assess its features and functionalities.
MongoDB is highly recommended in scenarios where fast processing and simplicity is the key. Due to its NoSQL based query mechanism, it is robust, scalable, and highly efficient.
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