10 Reasons Why You Need to Secure Your Daily PDF Files - ByteScout
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10 Reasons Why You Need to Secure Your Daily PDF Files

PDF has become a prominent document format for everyday use. Its use in businesses for corporate correspondence is even more pronounced. This format offers ease of portability, advanced security features, and wide support. PDF documents frequently contain sensitive personal, private, and confidential information. Regular PDF documents in general and corporate PDF documents, in particular, must conform to the latest security standards to keep the essential information secure.

Experts typically agree that PDFs are safe and appropriate means to distribute information over the internet. However, implementing a few extra measures goes a long way in securing PDFs to the highest standards. Businesses can ensure state-of-the-art protection of their client’s personal information using PDF encryption, DRM, and password tools.

10 Reasons Why You Need to Secure Your Daily PDF Files

Advantages Offered by PDF Format

  • PDFs are highly portable. They enable effortless creation, distribution, manipulation, and viewing. They are small in size and compact. Anyone can convert other files into PDFs quite easily.
  • They are editable and searchable. Advanced text search is available in all leading PDF applications. One can find one’s desired data in seconds.
  • PDFs are viewable on most devices because today, all digital devices are shipped with built-in PDF readers—additionally, all the browsers and most of the internet support PDFs. So, the reach of PDFs is unparalleled.
  • Their format is consistent. It preserves the look and the feel of the documents, incorporates editable forms, retains original fonts, supports a wide variety of images, etc.
  • PDFs boost efficient security features. Tools such as DRM, watermarking, signatures, password protection, etc., present flexibility in choosing appropriate security measures. A password-protected file allows exclusive distribution to only intended recipients.

Need for Security

Modern digital advancement is all about data. Large databases or big data drive innovation in the development of newer data analysis tools. Today, most PDF editors come equipped with advanced security features with high customizability. The most critical security feature is encryption. If a document is not adequately encrypted using the latest security standards, hackers may break your passwords or bypass other security measures. Some of the reasons for securing PDF documents are given below.

Standards Compliance

European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) aims to protect the client’s information. Under GDPR, safeguarding personal information is considered highly essential, and failing to protect it may result in heavy fines and other restrictions. Standards compliance is particularly pertinent in financial, health, and government organizations.

Intellectual Property Protection

PDFs with intellectual property and copyrighted materials often need extra protection. The documents containing corporate data, confidential organizational information, and sensitive secrets may need several protection layers if they are to be transferred through the internet. Other exclusive copyrighted material may need protection measures such as signatures, watermarking, and editing restrictions.

Limit Distribution

PDF format is very prevalent in the publishing sector. A staggering number of magazines, books, textbooks, etc., are illegally distributed. The publishing industry must take measures to curb document leaks. Similarly, leaked texts hurt the revenues and discourage the authors.

Limit Sharing

PDFs are easily exchangeable and shareable. A person with appropriate access can leak the file. This can be a significant problem, particularly if PDFs are shared with hundreds of people. This fear is becoming less of a problem, thanks to copying protection and DRM. If you share PDFs with more than a few trusted people, you will need to use these methods to avoid unintended sharing. This may be a substantial obstacle if the papers are confidential because you never know where your document will end up.

Limit Access

If your PDF file includes classified and sensitive material, the security measures must be thoroughly evaluated, and access must undoubtedly be restricted. In this scenario, a password-protected PDF would useful. Access limitations are also helpful in cases in which PDF files are circulated extensively, but at the same time, classified material has to be hidden.

Limit Printing

The author may block the right to print PDFs to avoid unauthorized dissemination. Those who want to exchange PDFs with anyone can easily print them out and then circulate them illegally. Unofficial PDF printing has been a severe problem in the past, but with modern DRM software, you can easily disable the printing option. The method can also restrict the cloud sharing of PDFs.

Restrict Copying

Another essential advantage of utilizing PDF files over other approaches is the freedom to copy and paste their material elsewhere. This is a massive advantage with specific applications, but for others, it may be a drawback. Suppose you need to deactivate the right to copy and paste the content of a file. In that case, an organization can achieve it conveniently through DRM, which can only encourage particular entities to copy file contents while other persons are restricted.

Limit Cashing

When the webserver delivers the PDF file on the internet, a browser may save the file in the computer cashed memory. This happens because the web pages are often loaded on the disk of the users. An unapproved person can later use those caches for file recovery and offline access. While this is standard practice and speeds up the page loading, it may still be consequential if you do not want to store your document elsewhere. To avoid this, you can ensure that your local caching on browser-based viewers and editors is disabled. The easiest way to safeguard your PDF file is to guarantee that it is entirely encrypted.

Restrict Saving

An additional purpose of PDF encryption is to disable the saving of documents locally. Read-only PDF viewing helps deter trespassers. By having PDF files stored only on a central, secure server, you mitigate how an intruder could attempt to penetrate your business’s cyber defenses, minimizing the likelihood of data breaches.

Restrict Screen Capture

If all the above measures are effectively in place, then an illegal distributor may try to screen capture individual pages of the documents in a desperate attempt. While mobile devices have features to disable screen capture in some instances, there is no standard way to restrict print screen function in computers and laptops. One way of discouraging this behavior is by placing customized watermarks on the pages of the documents. Most PDF editing applications include this feature.


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