TOP-16 Interview Questions on Vue - ByteScout
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TOP-16 Interview Questions on Vue

Hello Coder! If you want to ace your interview with flying colors or want to brush up your skills, you have landed in the right place. Now, you can be smarter with every interview you give and perform better every time. So, boost up your core interview skills with the help of the following interview questions on Vue.

TOP Interview Questions on Vue

1. What is Vue.js? How can you work with it?

Ans. It is a progressive Javascript framework that helps you create single-page applications and to create dynamic user interfaces.

You can work with it by simply adding the Vue.js library to your project, eliminating the need to download or install anything. All you have to do is add dynamic features to your website.


2. Why do you think Vue.js is a progressive framework?

Ans. A progressive framework is the one that is continually being changed and developed.


3. What are components and filters in Vue.js?

Ans. Components, which are one of the most powerful features of Vue, help in extending basic HTML elements to encapsulate reusable code. Simultaneously, filters help you transform the output that is going to be rendered on the browser. It’s a function that s denoted by | (pipe) and takes a value, processes it, and then outputs the processed value.

<element directive="expression | filterId \[args...\]"></element>

4. What is the Vue plugin?

Ans. When we want to add global level functionality to Vue, we use Vue plugins. One can add globally accessible methods, custom APIs, mixins, assets, and various other features. VueFire plugin is one of the Vue plugins used to add Firebase bindings and specific methods to the entire application.

5. Tell me some of the advantages and disadvantages of Vue.

Ans. Vue has various advantages like it can control the states, have a natural thought process, supports two-way communication, and is very easy for applications and interfaces development. However, it has few disadvantages as well. The biggest of which, is that it has a very small community of developers. Also, it has limited scope.

6. What is mixin?

Ans. Mixins help you write reusable functionalities for Vue components. If you wish to reuse component options across multiple components, you can write a mixin for it, and all you have to do is reference it in the component.

7. What is Virtual DOM?

Ans. DOM stands for Document object model. It allows programming languages like Javascript to manipulate an HTML document. We represent elements with nodes of a tree and use the interface to manipulate and tweak them. However, it comes with a huge cost and will slow down the page if multiple DOM operations are being carried out simultaneously.

8. What is a keep-alive element, and when will you use it?

Ans. As a result of some reactive state or data property, we tend to switch components and get re-rendered every time dynamically. Sometimes, this situation is desirable, while many times, it is not. So, when this element is not suitable to use, enclose the component within the keep-alive element. This will catch the component, fetch it from there over the re-rendering option.

9. What is a directive in Vue.js?

Ans. If you wish to empower template HTML tags with special reactive capabilities, you can add directives. They are special attributes that allow elements to react to the changes as per the given and defined logic with methods, computed properties, data properties, and inline expressions.

10. In a Single page Vue application, how would you implement routing?

Ans. In a Single Page Vue Application, abbreviated as SPA, we implement routing using the official vue-router library. This library provides a comprehensive feature set that includes transitions, HTML 5 history/hash mode, route parameters and wildcards, nested routes, and customized scroll behavior. Nevertheless, Vue can support a few third-party router packages as well.

11. What do you know about computed properties?

Ans. When dependent properties change, there is a special category of functions that auto-compute, as a result of which we get outcomes known as computed properties. To better express complicated logic, computed properties are used in place of inline expressions.

So, each computed function can be found as a property in the template section. The computed method auto-computes when dependent properties change and catch the result, making it better than plain methods. If the properties used within the method remain unchanged, a computed property will not recompute compared to the methods that always recompute when accessed.

12. What are lifecycle hooks? Please list some of them.

Ans. Vue components or instances go through a lifecycle, from when they are created or initialized to the moment they’re dumped or destroyed, or removed. Now, Vue allows a lot of developers, a feature, to run custom functions. These functions are nothing but lifecycle hooks.

Following is a list of some of the lifecycle hooks:-

  1. Created
  2. Mounted
  3. Updated
  4. Destroyed

13. What are watchers?

Ans. If we want to observe particular properties for the changes and then perform custom functions (which are also defined as functions), we will be able to achieve this with the help of watchers. When a certain data property changes, watchers perform custom actions and run very expensive operations. A lot of times, watchers use cases that match with that of computed properties.

14. How can you explain slots?

Ans. Slots define elements that can accept child document object model elements and encapsulate them. We denote it with <slot></slot> in a components template. For any document object model elements, the above enclosing serves as outlets.

15. How would you pass the data from a parent component to a child component?

Ans. We can use props to transfer or pass the data from the parent component to its child component. It acts as one-way inlets in components.

16. What is a Vue loader?

Ans. Vue loader is a loader module. It allows developers to write single file components with the help of the .vue file format. There are three sections, namely template, script, and style, in a single file. To allow webpack to extract and process each section, we use Vue loader modules, allowing us to seamlessly author apps using .vue files.


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