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TOP-15 Django Interview Questions

Django Interview Questions

1. Outline the basic features of Django.

  1. Django is SEO optimized.
  2. It is very fast.
  3. It is a fully equipped framework.
  4. Django comes with authentications, content administrations, RSS feeds, etc.
  5. The framework is highly scalable. Hence, you can use it to monitor even the heaviest traffic demands.
  6. The framework is highly adaptable and hence can be used to design any website.
  7. The framework is highly secure.
  8. It has an Admin Interface (CRUD).
  9. It is a testing framework.
  10. It can be used for templating.


2. What are the basic differences between Django and Flask?

Django is a framework that is extremely able to work with large projects, while Flask can be used only with smaller projects. Templates and ORM come builtin in Django. Meanwhile, you will need to carry an external installation to get Flask templates. Django is best for full-web development and hence requires careful learning. Flask is an easier framework to learn.


3. Write a few advantages of Django.

  1. You could design a website with the Django app using minimal coding.
  2. Django is only loosely attached with tight cohesion.
  3. It provides flexibility when using URLs.
  4. The framework functions consistently in both low and high-level functions.
  5. The framework can quickly develop websites.
  6. The framework can easily drop into SQL.
  7. The framework generates web admin pages automatically to administrate websites.
  8. It easily separates business logic from HTML.


4. What is meant by Django MVT architecture and MVC?

MVT, also known as the Model View Template architecture, is the Django architecture. The MVT architecture is based on the Model View Controller architecture, MVC. The view model is used to present the actual form of data or content and is used for callback functions and executing calculations, etc.

The template component of the architecture focuses on the presentation of the data and hence is concerned with formatting the data for viewing. In this way, the content is hence different from the presentation in the framework. The view is used to command the template to present the data. The whole process is taken care of by the controller in Model View Controller architecture frameworks. However, in Django, the framework itself acts as the controller and executes commands for the presentation of data.


5. What is the Django ‘Field’ Class?

The ‘Field’ class in Django is used to present a column in the database table in Django and is an abstract class. The class falls under the RegisterLookupMixin and is hence a subclass. The fields are used to create database tables (db_type()). The databases are used for mapping in Python. Hence, fields are important concepts in Django APIs.


6. Explain the three inheritance styles in Django.

The three inheritance styles in Django are:

  1. Abstract base classes: The abstract base class is used only to hold information in the parent class. Hence, you need not type it for each child’s class.
  2. Multi-table inheritance: The multi-table inheritance is used when you want all models to have their own database tables. The class is used when you subclass an already existing model.
  3. Proxy models: The proxy model is used for exclusive change only in the Python level model behavior. It does not result in changing the model’s fields.


7. What are models?

Models are an inclusive source of information about your data that you will use. The models contain fields and behaviors. A single model is usually specific to its database table. Models in

Django function to manipulate your data. The models fall as a subclass to django.db.models.Model. Models also portray the database fields through attributes.


8. What are views?

The view in Django is a user interface layer that is used to encapsulate data and process it according to logic liability and user command. The view is hence responsible for returning data. The response given to the user is a HttpResponse. In case of an error, the response will be Http404. The response is hence what is to be presented to the user. Other functions performed by views are read records, minister to the templates, and form PDF files.


9. What are templates?

The templates in Django are responsible for generating HTML and relaying information to the user in an interactive manner. Hence, templates contain both static and dynamic parts of the content shown to the user. Any project in Django can work both with many templates and even no templates at all.


10. Explain the procedure of setting up a database in Django.

The command edit mysite/ is used to set up a database in Django. The command represents Django settings but is a normal Python-level module. The default database that the command will be set is SQLite database. Setting up this database does not require any installation. Hence, it is a simple process. You can also change the database from default to any other by modifying the default database using the following keys:

‘’, etc.

11. What does the loosely coupled feature of Django mean?

Django is a loosely coupled framework because it does not follow the typical MVC architecture but follows the MVT architecture. This means that the server code is attached to the client code. The server-side code is taken care of by the views and models of the Django framework. The functions performed include getting a database, running calculations, and returning information. On the other hand, the templates are usually HTML and CSS. They work by passing the models to the views. Hence, there is no dependency on the three factors, and, thus, Django is a loosely coupled framework.


12. Why is the migrate command used in Django?

The migrate command is used to apply or remove any migrations on Django models and sync the current model to the database. The common can run with or without parameters and run on default if you don’t specify any parameters in an app.


13. Why is the file used in Django?

The file is a command-line utility that is automatically formed upon the generation of a project and helps you interact with the project. The file sets the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable and also serves other functions similar to django-admin.


14. What are Django URLs?

Django URLs are simple and can be created with the framework according to your desire. The URLs can be generated after you form a file: URLconf or URL configuration.


15. How can you customize Django admin interface functionality?

Django admin interface can be customized using a piggybank to add or change the form, and to this, JavaScript modules can be added using js parameter. Another way to customize this is by writing your own views.


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