TOP-12 Interview Questions on Bootstrap - ByteScout
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TOP-12 Interview Questions on Bootstrap

1. What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is a highly responsive framework for front-end web development. The implementation of HTML, CSS, and JS is greatly instrumental in building web applications, (especially mobile-based web apps) with great efficiency. It is a sleek, intuitive, and open-source framework used popularly among developers.


2. What do you understand about Bootstrap containers?

Containers are fundamental building blocks of the Bootstrap framework. It constitutes one of the most basic forms to format the layout of the page. Containers are mostly used to contain, pad and center align content. They can be nested if required. There are three different types of containers.

  • .container – It’s purpose is to set a max-width at breakpoint.
  • .container-fluid – It sets width 100% at all breakpoints.
  • .container-{breakpoint} – It sets width100% at the specified breakpoint.


3. State some of the key components of the Bootstrap package.

  1. Bootstrap provides dozens of reusable components are some important Key components of Bootstrap.: dropdown menus, navigation bars, button groups, labels, breadcrumbs, alerts & progress bars, pagination, typographic, jumbotron, media object, and Wells
  2. CSS – It is backed up with an advanced grid system, fundamental HTML, and extended classes.
  3. Customizing options – LESS variable and jQuery plugins can help to customize the various components of Bootstrap.
  4. Scaffolding – It forms the skeleton of Bootstrap. It provides a basic structure with link styles, background, and grid system.


4. How is code displayed?

The first code to be used is the <code> tag. If code is to be displayed inline, the code is to be used as the <code> tag.

Second is the <pre> tag. If the code has to be displayed as a standalone block element or if it has multiple lines, then the code to be used is the <pre> tag.

<p>To display code as a standalone block element use &tl;pre&gt; tag as:</p>



          &tl;h1&gt;Article Heading&tl;/h1&tg;




5. State 10 common uses of Bootstrap.

Easy to use: Bootstrap is very simple to use for development.

Easy integration: Bootstrap is easy to integrate with bulky frameworks.

Saves time: It helps save a lot of time due to the standard pre-built coding blocks and high responsiveness.

Grids’ reinforcement: It supports and offers 12 column grid styles, counterbalance, and embedded elements.

Implementation of Basics: Bootstrap supports basic styling tools of HTML like tables, buttons, images, typography, forms, icons, and lists.

Range of JavaScript elements: Bootstrap is popular among developers because it can be easily accessed even without proper knowledge of scripting. It offers easy availability of JS tools like modal windows, alerts, tooltips for effortless implementation.

Community support: Bootstrap offers large and agile community support of developers. It presents a well-documented set of demos and examples.

Numerous customization options: As stated, due to the availability of JS tools, common CSS, utilities, containers, it is extremely resourceful to customize the web page as per requirements.

Consistency: Mobile and web applications render efficient pairing with developers.

Recent Updates: Bootstrap is frequently updated, making it robust all the time.


6. What is Bootstrap well?

Bootstrap well is used for customized elements. It adds a rounded border around the specified element with padding a grey hue as background. It distinguishes it as a container that displays content.

The tag class .well is invoked with tag <div> to add well. The default size of the well is medium, but it can be changed later to suit needs. Well .well-sm is used for smaller wells and .well-lg is used for bigger ones.


7. What are Bootstrap plugins?

Bootstrap is packed with 12 jQuery plugins to enhance the interaction of the created site. Proper utilization of Bootstrap API can lead to effective use of plugins without writing a single line of code. There are two ways to incorporate plugins into your website.

Compiled – by using *.js files

Individually – by using bootstrap.js or bootstrap.min.js

The list of Bootstrap plugins is as follows:

  • Affix Plugin
  • Modal Plugin
  • Carousel Plugin
  • Dropdown Plugin
  • Collapse Plugin
  • Scrollspy Plugin
  • Button Plugin
  • Tab Plugin
  • Tooltip Plugin
  • Alert Plugin
  • Popover Plugin


8. What are the advantages of Bootstrap over Foundation?

Bootstrap has an edge in terms of extending mobile support for applications.

The grid system of Bootstrap is not only fluid-based but associated with fixed patterns as well.

In comparison to Foundation, it offers a vast variety of UI elements. Aided by the use of pixels, Bootstrap offers to design for desktop and mobile (both).


9. What are the types of lists supported by Bootstrap?

Lists are one of the core styling elements using Bootstrap. List group classes are coupled with contextual classes to render different colors. The most applied ones are primary, secondary, info, success, danger, warning, light, and dark. To create a list, Bootstrap element ul (<ul>) has to be modified.


10. What is a navbar? How do you create one?

Navbar is a navigation header for Bootstrap websites. It is a prominent feature that is the very responsive meta component. In the mobile version, it collapses to three horizontal bars.

To create a basic default navbar:

To <nav> tag, add the classes .navbar and .navbar-default.

Assign “navigation” to the role to the above tag, for ease of accessibility.

To the <div> element, add the header class .navbar-header. Adding an <a> element with class navbar-brand will render larger text size.

To further enhance responsiveness, wrap the matter to be collapsed in <div> by classes .navbar-collapse and .collapse.


11. Explain glyphicons and their use.

Icon fonts used in web projects are called glyphicons. Legitimate licensing is required to implement these. However, some glyphicons are free for use.  For the Bootstrap 3 version, glyphicons are available in their downloaded directory within the fonts folder.

Code to execute glyphicons:

<span class = "glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span>


12. What are Bootstrap Dismissal Alerts? How to create one?

Bootstrap offers a convenient way to create predefined alerts.

Example: A green dialogue box “Success” to indicate successful operation. The class .alert is used for this purpose.

First, add a basic alert by creating a wrapper class <div> and then add a class of .alert along with any of the four contextual classes. Then add optional .alert-dismissable to the above created <div> class. To conclude the operation add a close button at the end. Lastly use the <button> element and assign data-dismiss = “alert” attribute.


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