Our ByteScout SDK products are sunsetting as we focus on expanding new solutions.
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Our ByteScout SDK products are sunsetting as we focus on our new & improved solutions.Thank you for being part of our journey, and we look forward to supporting you in this next chapter!
ByteScout released NEW versions of Bestselling products
ByteScout released NEW versions of Bestselling products
Today is a great event at ByteScout. We are happy to announce our products update in May. We’ve been working hard to bring about this fantastic new versions of our existing developer tools.
You’re most welcome to try them for 2 months HERE.
Check the details of each product version update below. You’re welcome to CONTACT US and suggest your ideas on how to improve our products.
PDF.co Web API – May 2019 updates
Minor issues were fixed in e-signatures and e-signature API
Added ‘Ctrl-Shift-Home’ and ‘Ctrl-Shift-End’ hotkeys for fast navigation to the first or last page.
Added ‘Ctrl-C’ hotkey to copy the selected text to the clipboard.
Added hotkeys for zooming.
New properties to show resize handles and inactive selection color were added.
A new property that caches rendered PDF pages was added for faster switching to visited pages.
PDF Extractor SDK (May 28, 2019)
OCR engine stability was improved when working in strict environments.
Columns separation was improved by ‘CustomExtractionColumns’.
New parameters were added to specify regular expression options.
Support for merging and splitting streams was added.
A new property affecting the table detection in ‘Bordered Tables’ mode is now available.
Improved parsing and processing of PDF documents.
Other minor fixes and improvements.
PDF Multitool (May 28, 2019)
All tools now show elapsed time in the status bar.
Visited pages are now displayed much faster.
Keyboard navigation was significantly improved.
CSV preview works better now.
Parsing and rendering of PDF documents were updated.
PDF Renderer SDK (May 28, 2019)
Improved parsing of PDF documents.
Improved PDF rendering.
Other minor fixes and improvements.
PDF To HTML SDK (May 28, 2019)
Overlapping text objects was fixed.
Processing and parsing of PDF documents were significantly updated.
Other minor fixes and improvements.
PDF SDK (May 28, 2019)
Changing of the checked state of checkboxes and radio buttons in existing PDF documents was fixed.
Other important fixes and improvements along with improved parsing of PDF documents.
Barcode Generator SDK (May 22, 2019)
.NET Core 2+ support was added in this version.
Improved compatibility with strict environments like Microsoft Azure when used for barcode generation.
Spreadsheet SDK (May 18, 2019)
Now can set an optional password parameter to ‘SaveAsPDF()’ method when exporting spreadsheets as PDF.
Export to JSON format was significantly improved in this update.
A new option was added to disable automatic re-calculation of formulas inside the spreadsheet loaded.
A new set of properties were added. These properties contain options to control visual options for Excel tabs and scroll bars.
PDF To HTML SDK (May 6, 2019)
A major improvement was added to the parsing and processing of PDF documents when preparing for PDF to HTML export.
Other minor fixes and improvements.
PDF (Generator) SDK (April 29, 2019)
Editing existing PDF files was upgraded: editing of checked state of checkboxes and radio buttons now works properly.
Rare errors were fixed when merging some PDF documents.
We’re already getting the June update ready for you. We’d like to make our tools easy-to-use, flexible and powerful all-in-one. Stay tuned and get the best developer stuff!
The article was written by Daria Kizilova, freelance marketing expert and writer of https://tourexotico.com/en/
About the Author
ByteScout Team of WritersByteScout has a team of professional writers proficient in different technical topics. We select the best writers to cover interesting and trending topics for our readers. We love developers and we hope our articles help you learn about programming and programmers.
The default installation location of PDF extractor SDK is ‘C:\Program Files\Bytescout PDF Extractor SDK’ where you can find dlls for .net 2.0, 4.0, and core...