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How to Work Remotely from Another Country (Tips and Tricks)


Working remotely might be tough or funny if you have never done it before. I will share a few stories with you so that you know what to expect. Learn some tricks on how to be a remote developer and live a paradise life in a faraway country.

Many people are afraid to start traveling and working at the same time. It happens even when they actually work from home. Why? What factors take you away from the decision to start a remote work?

  1. First and the most powerful fear is to believe that it is actually possible. Honestly, you can never truly decide if something is doable or not unless you try it yourself.
  2. Lack of comfort when you travel: of course, it is so much easier to do your tasks in the usual working space. When you constantly move from town to town, you also need to find time to plan your trips and to make your living and working conditions ready.
  3. It becomes difficult to organize the day. Sometimes, you don’t have a proper place to work and you need to find a decent corner where you can fit your laptop. At times, you should change locations during the day. Or maybe, you stay at your temporary home the whole day and it is hard not to find reasons to get another cup of coffee, browse something random on the Internet, etc. Of course, when you work in the office, in most cases, self-organization is an easier reachable thing.
  4. WiFi connection is unreliable. Depending on your trips and locations, it might be hard to get good quality WiFi without interruption. That is why a good skill is to be able to work this right moment. While you are connected – get the most of it. Sometimes it is not so easy as you need to force yourself into work and keep up with your tasks without any relief.

I have traveled to many different corners of the world. It has been quite a rich and unique experience, especially of working online.

Here are a few tips by country of how to survive and deliver a good working schedule every day:

These are mostly exotic or hard to reach places because in most of the European and American countries WiFi and working online is not really a problem.


Although this incredible country is in South America, it is very well-developed. There is a huge layer of programmers living here. Many people work online or on a flexible basis. WiFi is a common thing in cafes, restaurants, even bus stations in little towns. I remember myself working at 5 am at the bus station in a very small and lost town in the south of Brazil. The connection was perfect.

In Brazil, the south is meant to be richer while the north is where all the local Indians live in the jungle. Well, I am not sure if there is Wifi in the Amazon jungle. Probably, in some touristy spots. But north of Brazil is where you may catch a fine signal in the streets and train stations. It is funny to be working on the computer surrounded by a whole bunch of traveling Brazilian families.


What is so interesting about Nepal? It is one of the poorest countries in the world, it was devastated by natural disasters but it still has one of the best WiFi in the world!

When going far away into Nepalese Himalayas, you would never think that it is possible to work there. It is strange but the Himalaya mountains have a very clear signal that may be due to the height and the atmosphere in that region.

Every guesthouse on the way for most popular Nepalese treks would have a WiFi connection. In order to stay competitive, it is important to provide the Internet for tourists. The WiFi is fast and perfect for working even in remote villages at 3000 m!


One of the scarce countries where it is impossible to work. There is no free Wifi in Cuba. The only place you can get it is a hotel. But you still need to pay for it, and it is so expensive! Don’t think about working if you go to Cuba unless you have your own satellite.


This huge country provides so many options for remote workers and multiple job opportunities. There is a greater flow of freelancers every year. It is easy to get a residence in Argentina by certifying the freelance income – you don’t even need to get a land-based job!

I can’t say that Argentina has good connection spots throughout the country. The North is OK and you can probably work anywhere in public areas. The WiFi signal is not so good as in Brazil though.

There are plenty of coworking spaces where you can meet locals and find new opportunities.

The South of Argentina is not the best place to be a freelance hard worker. The Internet is not as easy to get. The closer to Ushuaia, the slower the connection becomes.

There are many things to do in Patagonia, so working is probably not the best option unless you need to finish an important project or deliver some deadlined tasks.

Pacific islands

If you happen to travel to this corner of the world, don’t worry – you can still work here. Even if it seems that the islands are remote with no amenities, there is still a WiFi signal allowing you to work in a moderate mode. It depends on the island, of course.

For example, Easter Island is totally not the best place to work. You can stay connected only in the public library which is open certain times. Anywhere else, you can get a limited mobile connection which is not enough for voluminous tasks. The island is very remote from anything else, the closest land is 2000 and 3000 km away.

Tonga is OK if you are staying in a hotel or hostel. Otherwise, you won’t be able to work in public places. The connection is slow and interrupted.

However, not all the islands are like this. For, example, French Polynesia is a place with the greatest signal compared to others. There are direct cables coming straight from Hawaii. Even at the fish market on lost Marquesas islands, I was able to work a few hours daily with no problem.


Anyway, if you are traveling on a long-term basis and working (I was doing it a lot), you can definitely plan your trip in accordance with what countries are on your list. So that you do most of your tasks when you are granted a good connection. And in other days, try to offload your schedule. 


The article was written by Daria Kizilova, freelance marketing expert and writer of


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