Zig vs. Rust - ByteScout

Zig vs. Rust

Zig vs. Rust

In the dynamic world of software development, programming languages play a vital role. Two languages, Zig and Rust, have been making significant strides, each offering unique functionalities to developers. This article seeks to compare these languages, focusing on their features, strengths, and weaknesses.

Understanding Zig

Zig, a general-purpose programming language introduced by Andrew Kelley, aims to compete with C while providing enhanced features like safer memory management and improved debuggability. Its core principles are simplicity, optimality, and robustness, and it’s mainly intended for system-level programming.

Strengths of Zig

  1. Simplicity: Zig offers a reduced feature set, making the language more approachable for beginners and easier to master for experienced programmers.
  2. Excellent Debugging: It incorporates built-in debugging support, thus enhancing the debugging process.
  3. Safer Memory Management: Zig removes the need for manual memory management, significantly reducing the risk of memory leaks.

Weaknesses of Zig

The primary downside of Zig is its relative immaturity compared to other programming languages. While it’s developing rapidly, the lack of a comprehensive standard library and limited community support may be problematic for some developers.

Understanding Rust

Rust, developed by Mozilla, is another systems programming language that promises memory safety without the need for a garbage collector. It’s well-known for its focus on performance, reliability, and productivity.

Strengths of Rust

  1. Memory Safety: Rust offers memory safety without the need for a garbage collector, reducing runtime overhead.
  2. Concurrent Programming: It allows for safe concurrent programming, thanks to its ownership system.
  3. Strong Community and Library Support: Rust enjoys wide community support and has a mature standard library, making it a more robust choice for complex projects.

Weaknesses of Rust

Rust’s steep learning curve is a commonly cited weakness, with its unique concepts like ownership, borrowing, and lifetimes adding to the complexity. Additionally, compilation times can be relatively long, which may slow down development.

Zig vs. Rust: A Comparative Overview

When comparing Zig and Rust, both exhibit their respective strengths. Zig’s simplicity and robust debugging capabilities make it an attractive choice for projects that value clarity and ease of use. On the other hand, Rust’s comprehensive standard library, strong community support, and advanced features position it as a robust choice for more complex projects.

Efficiency and Performance

Zig requires only 75% of the data that Rust needs, making it relatively more efficient in data usage. Furthermore, Zig is faster to type and speak than Rust, contributing to its speedy performance. However, it’s important to note that while Rust is slightly behind C in terms of vocabulary, Zig is still significantly behind Rust.

Compilation and Run-time Efficiency

Both Zig and Rust are based on LLVM, providing low-level control for users. Consequently, their best-case run-time efficiency is almost identical. The key difference arises during the compilation process. Due to its lower count of high-level expressions and less stringent safety assurances, Zig’s processor can compile code faster than Rust. Benchmarks using simple programming tasks indicate comparable compilation times between the two languages.

Safety and Generics

Rust ensures type safety for every possible value of the generic criteria when writing a generic process. Conversely, Zig only checks type safety for the parameters used to call it. Zig’s approach allows the use of arbitrarily chosen compile-time logic, providing significant expressive power and simplifying the language. However, it doesn’t offer the same level of automated, machine-checked type constraints documentation as Rust, potentially complicating IDE assistance.

Casting and Memory Management

Both languages support implicit casts among primitive types and pointers when safe and require explicit casts otherwise. However, Rust offers certain safety features that Zig does not, such as preventing multiple mutable pointers to the same memory region from existing simultaneously.

Compile-time Reflection and Extensions

In Zig, features that required extending the compiler in Rust, like ad-hoc coding and characteristics that vary their design based on data elements, can be implemented using Zig’s compile-time reflection. This approach also applies to generic functions with specialized implementations for specific types.

Security and Bug Protection

Rust is superior in terms of security, as Zig lacks a method to prevent Use After Free (UAF) from escalating into security flaws. Rust can also protect against many types of bugs, such as data races and iterator invalidation, and makes it more difficult to leak memory/resources, particularly along error paths.

Cognitive Overhead and User Experience

Zig offers a lower cognitive overhead than Rust, allowing users to express themselves more directly. It’s also more likely to achieve faster feedback mechanisms, such as sub-second hot code reloading for large projects.

However, the choice between Zig and Rust ultimately depends on the project’s needs. For smaller projects or applications that require straightforward code, Zig might be the best fit. Conversely, for complex, concurrent programming tasks that demand a mature ecosystem, Rust would be the ideal choice.


Most locations where Zig is easier than Rust are unrelated to the lifetime system, and claims that all of Rust’s other characteristics are needed to support the lifetime system are not convincing.

Promoting something like nano processes is a more promising alternative. This would not prevent UAF, but it would make it more difficult to exploit by requiring the attacker to exit several runtime environments before obtaining access to valuable features.


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