TOP-10 Jenkins Plugins - ByteScout

TOP-10 Jenkins Plugins

Jenkins has many advantages, so it’s difficult to pick just one. One of the most crucial benefits is that it has a vast array of plugins. This post is all about the top 10 Jenkins plugins. Let’s take a look at it in more detail.

Jenkins’ competitive edge is that its plugins quantity is almost 1,700. These plugins help the mechanization of different product assignments and were specially designed to satisfy the requirement for CI and CD in Java Code Environments (JCE). The expansion jobs that all these plugins back contain—but are not restricted to—driving tests, static code research, installation of projects, and deployment, among numerous other abilities.

Jenkins is not the only alternative for continued integration; yet, there are some other tools also known. But the Jenkins is more meaningful and most widely utilized because of its service and unique qualities. It would benefit if users spend some time exploring Jenkins, and certainly, it will show a lot of great characteristics. It is also comprehended as the Soul of the DevOps pipeline. There are a bunch of advantages of utilizing the Jenkins pipeline. But as mentioned earlier, this post is all about its plugins. Below are some amazing plugins.

1. Maven

Maven plugin can be used with Jenkins to create projects (maven projects) and deliver the related JAR or WAR build products. This plugin is applied to create projects that employ Apache Maven in Jenkins. Jenkins inspects the project reliances from the POM file and produces the relics. It is also utilized to fire assignments founded on SNAPSHOTs posted/finished automatically. Jenkins comprehends all types of dependencies in POM. It also allows the computerized design of reporting plugins, automated initiating over jobs based, accumulative builds, similar builds, and deployments of binaries.

2. Jira

Jira is one of the most suitable and most utilized ticketing techniques. This plugin allows users to depict builds inside Jira, transmit data to Jira, follow Jira problems (including adjusting standing) in Jenkins, and more. Jira is extremely configurable and adaptable to enable usage in a broad mixture of environments and functions. The Jira workflows, case styles, and screens allow tailoring for virtually any design and can effortlessly be adjusted via the management GUI.

3. Build Pipeline

“Build Pipeline” is one more fascinating plugin because it offers a picture of all the jobs within the build pipeline. It also displays all the interconnected upstream as well as downstream jobs. One of the coolest things about this plugin is that if users have any jobs that need attention before they run, hands-on triggers can be specified. Constant integration has become a hugely embraced tradition in contemporary software evolution. This plugin is useful for helping continuous integration.

4. Kubernetes

This plugin is amazing for automating form agents on a Kubernetes group. Basically, the plugin will assemble Kubernetes Pods that accommodate a formation agent that has been created and will prevent the agent once the build has been finished. Agents are fired as inbound agents, so it is desired that the receptacle links implicitly to the Jenkins controller. For that, some background variables are implicitly infiltrated.

5. Amazon EC2

This is one of the most widely used plugins. It stations build agents to the current Amazon ECS group. These builds function within different Docker receptacles that are excluded upon realization of the build. It permits users to configure the use of Amazon EC2 once it acknowledges that the build set is overwhelmed, and removes instances once it releases up.

6. Blue Ocean

This plugin improves the experience with a contemporary, personalized strategy by decreasing intricacy and improving visibility. When users build a pipeline for a Git server, Blue Ocean initiates for the certificates to use the warehouses on the Git server. The Blue ocean plugin reports the Jenkins file to the warehouse. After establishing the Blue Ocean plugin, users can begin utilizing it by connecting the “Open Blue Ocean”. They can also insert “/blue” to the Jenkins URL to use the Blue Ocean.

7. ThinBackup

This plugin is one of the most important plugins. This plugin helps users in handling job backup and settings with its formation record. Its major characteristic of computerized backups is much more useful than any other plugin, and it can be configured easily. Users can squeeze a backup environment by using a backup manager, that can start a backup job. Backups are the most important action users need to take in the case of an intrusion attack.

8. Multijob

“Multijob” is an open plugin that is beneficial for cleansing up clutter with chain descriptions from upstream and downstream positions. It’s also convenient if users wish to form a ranking of jobs that require to be performed either consecutively or in resemblance. This plugin can also be used to insert data to the build flow executing parameter legacy from the MultiJob to all its Steps and processes, Steps are consecutive whilst jobs inside per Step are similar.

9. Subversion

This plugin inserts Subversion warehouses as an alternative in the SCM branch of the job environments screen. An essential message for those desiring to utilize client credentials to certify to users subversion server. The users’ PKCS12 file should include an empty passphrase or a blank export password as it will push authentication to fall. It also permits the advantage of server certificates to attach to the warehouse.

10. Dashboard view

This plugin delivers a fresh Jenkins dashboard that permits a user to observe the status of all the jobs. This plugin also has time following abilities for the course taken per job and also displays the whole time performance. These are the basics that allow users to handle Jenkins.


With Jenkins users can place alerts in various methods, for instance, users can obtain email messages, pop-ups, etc., and automate it. By executing the correct configuration, users obtain almost instantaneous feedback. They will permanently understand if the build failed. They will get to understand what the cause for job fail was and they can also get to learn how they can retreat from it.

Ultimately, it is worth noting that Jenkins has numerous plugins that might be extremely valuable for any project. Users may feel that their existing CI assistance is acceptable and does not require further plugins but it’s useful to check all plugins open from the Jenkins’ website.


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