Top-10 SVN Commands - ByteScout

Top-10 SVN Commands

Here is a list of the TOP-10 most-used SVN commands:

  1. SVN Checkout
  2. SVN Commit
  3. SVN List
  4. SVN Add
  5. SVN Delete
  6. SVN Diff
  7. SVN Status
  8. SVN Log
  9. SVN Move
  10. SVN Update

1. SVN Checkout- Create a working copy

The checkout command is used to copy sources from an SVN repository to a functioning copy. SVN checkout generates a functional copy from which you may modify, delete, or add content.

You may check out a single file, a folder, or the whole project. To checkout, you must know the URL of the parts you wish to checkout.

|svn co

2. SVN Commit- Save changes to the repository

When you make modifications to the working copy, they are not reflected in the SVN server. To make permanent changes, utilize SVN commit.

|svn commit -m "Commit message." 

3. SVN List- Lists directory entries

When you wish to inspect the content of the SVN repository without downloading a functional copy, use svn list.

|svn list 

The svn list command will offer a more detailed description of the files with the verbose option.

4. SVN Add- Add a new file to the SVN repository

You must use the SVN add command to add the file to the repository. Will the storage have a recently introduced file when you perform an SVN commit?

|svn add <filename>

5. SVN Delete- Removing a file from the repository

The SVN delete command removes a file from the working copy (or repository). When you commit a file to SVN, it is removed from the repository.

|svn delete <filename>

6. SVN Diff – Display the difference

The svn diff command is used to compare two types of a file. The discrepancies between the working copy and the remote (SVN) copy can be discovered. We can also locate the two versions and pathways and other information.

|svn diff filename 
|svn diff -r R1: R2 filename 

7. SVN Status – Status of the working copy

To determine the current state in the working copy, use the svn status command. It shows if the active document has been edited, whether it has been added or removed, and so on.

|svn status path 

8. SVN Log – Display log message

SVN retains every modification made to your files and folders. Use the SVN log command to see all of the changes made in a file or directory.

|svn log Path

9. SVN Move – Rename file or directory

To relocate files from the working directory, use the svn move command. These files, however, can be committed to the SVN server.

|svn move src dest  

10. SVN Update Command

To update the project’s working copy, use the update command. It propagates changes from the working copy to the repository. By default, it compares the current working copy to the HEAD.

It is also used when other users modify the repository, which requires us to update it.

|svn update Path 



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