TOP-20 Programming Blogs & News Accounts on Twitter - ByteScout
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TOP-20 Programming Blogs & News Accounts on Twitter

The programming world is full of innovations. Twitter can be a valuable place for discovering technology specialists in your domain who convey artifices of the trade, and the most delinquent news and trends. This article is all about the top Twitter programming blogs and news accounts that you must follow on Twitter.

1. John Resig (@jeresig)

A JavaScript professional, John Resig is the founder of the JavaScript Evangelist for Mozilla browse. He presently operates as a Chief Software Architect at Khan Academy and has also written the book ‘The GraphQL guide’. He has delivered more than 125 instructive lectures since 2006 and has an amazing number of Twitter followers, he is a must-follow Twitter account, particularly if you want to become a skillful JavaScript developer. He tweets information and links to resources that can cause a significant difference in your learning method.

2. Jason Fried (@jasonfried)

Jason Fried is one of the best Twitter accounts to follow. He has written a book named ‘Rework’. It is a New York Times bestseller book. He is also the co-founder of a web application firm called 37signals. This firm creates various tools like Basecamp, Highrise, Backpack, Ta-da List, and Writeboard. He is presently the inventor and CEO of Basecamp, the creators of HEY. He recognizes himself as a non-serial businessman and an author having delivered a popular Ted talk on his exemplary ‘rework’ ideas. Apart from worthwhile blogs, his tweets include applicable guidance for developers.

3. Jeff Atwood (@codinghorror)

Jeff Atwood is a famous software developer who regularly tweets informative content. He is a co-founder of Discourse, Stack Exchange, and Stack Overflow. Stack Overflow is an online forum for all developers to learn and develop. He is also a writer, blogger, and businessman. He reports for his famous blog named Coding Horror, where he examines software programs and their applications. His coding stories are extremely informative, engaging, and unconventional, presenting a remarkable view of this cutting-edge career.

4. Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)

Scott is a programmer, educator, and lecturer. He has almost 20 years of experience in coding. He is a coding specialist, author, and speaker. He has a blog that contains various coding and programming content. The blog is more than 10 years old and persists to distribute coding and OSS knowledge. The blog contains a jewel of knowledge for both beginner and talented developers. He operates in the Web Platform Team at Microsoft. The open web is what attracts him the most among his inventory of other plans.

5. Brendan Eich (@BrendanEich)

Brendan Eich is the founder of the renowned JavaScript scripting language. He is nowadays working as the co-founder and CEO of Brave Software. Apart from this, he is also one of the creators of Mozilla and Firefox. His knowledge and insights are impeccable.

6. Sara Ownbey Chipps (@SaraJChipps)

Sara Ownbey Chipps is one of the co-founders of the ‘Girl Develop It’ organization. She aims to encourage and help women to learn and become software programmers. She is one of the best Twitter accounts there for people who want to learn programming and development.

7. Rasmus Lerdorf (@rasmus)

Rasmus is the inventor of the famous PHP coding programming language. He has earlier functioned as an architect at Yahoo! He has a vast knowledge of open-source projects. His tweets are encouraging for newbie developers.

8. Joel Spolsky (@spolsky)

Joel Spolsky is presently working as the CEO of Stack Overflow. He is responsible for developing some of the favorite tools of the developer community. He regularly shares fascinating blogs and links for developers and programmers. One of the best Twitter accounts.

9. Addy Osmani (@addyosmani)

Addy is presently working as an engineering manager on

the popular Google Chrome browser. He has developed different open-source projects such as TodoMVC, Yeoman, and Material Design Lite. His authored book ‘JavaScript Design Patterns is one of the best programming books. He regularly tweets valuable tips on JavaScript and web development.

10. Chris DiBona (@cdibona)

Chris DiBona is presently the director of Open Source at Google. He is an expert in Open Source, Programming Processes, C++, Python, Perl, and much more. In other words, he is an all-singing all-dancing technical wizard. He regularly shares amazing technical insights on Twitter.


If you want to get global tech news, guidance, and insights then ZDNET is the best Twitter account out there. One can learn about the latest trends and discover the information one needs to harness innovative programming solutions.

12. TechRepublic (@TechRepublic)

The TechRepublic team has one straightforward objective: helping individuals to make significant technology decisions. From giving IT news to best techniques, guidance, and how-tos… The Twitter account covers almost everything.

13. TNW (@thenextweb)

The Next Web (TNW) is a technology-centered Twitter account that regularly shares various technology news, business, and other necessary posts about programming and developments.

14. Recode (@Recode)

Recode explains the news. It is one of the most popular Twitter accounts out there. It shares amazing technology stories, programming, and development articles, and other important news.

15. TechCrunch (@TechCrunch)

The TechCrunch Twitter account is popular for technology news and research with a priority on founders and startup teams. The official Twitter account regularly posts various latest technology stories and software development guides.

16. Engadget (@engadget)

Engadget Twitter account is the authentic home for technology news and reviews. It is an editorially self-reliant newsroom and its Twitter account is one of the most popular technology accounts.

17. Ars Technica (@arstechnica)

The Ars Technica is the home for original technology news, reviews, research of technology trends, and masterful guidance on the most basic elements of technology.

18. Wired (@WIRED)

Wired’s Twitter account concentrates on how new technologies influence culture, the economy, and politics. The Twitter account is one of the most popular accounts out there. It regularly shares insightful technology news and various programming and development insights.

19. BleepingComputer (@BleepinComputer)

Bleeping Computer is an information security and technology news Twitter account. One can learn the most delinquent security threats, technology news, programming insights, and how to utilize computers more effectively.

20. GigaOm (@gigaom)

Gigaom Twitter account is the top global voice on rising technologies. The Twitter account aims to humanize technology and deliver an in-depth understanding of disruptive businesses, people, technical insights, and technology trends.


About the Author

ByteScout Team ByteScout Team of Writers ByteScout has a team of professional writers proficient in different technical topics. We select the best writers to cover interesting and trending topics for our readers. We love developers and we hope our articles help you learn about programming and programmers.  