Digital Transformation Trends, Paperless Digitization, Business Automation - ByteScout
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Digital Transformation News, Paperless Automation Tools, Digitization of your Business for Growth

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How to Track New Trends and Find Market Opportunities for Your Startup and Find What People Want
Technology innovations have significantly changed our lives during the last decade. New opportunities arrive every day and thanks to the Internet you don't have to be in Silicon Valley to keep track of new trends. Here is the list of sixteen online services, apps, articles, and resources that will help you to track new business trends and find new opportunities. Online Services and Apps to Automatically Track New  Trends 1. Exploding Topics — free online [...]
Main Digital Transformation Trends in Healthcare
Check the main digital transformation trends in healthcare: Artificial Intelligence is the Driving Force in Healthcare Digital Transformation Transformation of Imaging Telemedicine and Wearables A Revolution in Access to Health Records Conclusion Artificial Intelligence Is The Driving Force In Healthcare Digital Transformation Today one of the main drivers of digital transformation in healthcare is artificial intelligence (AI). This AI is a sophisticated programming code that processes large volumes of data and is used by multiple [...]
What is the Best Strategy of Digital Transformation?
Digital transformation can be a success or a failure, depending on how strong your strategy is. A good strategy should connect the digital transformation to your vision, and lobby all stakeholders to help make the digital transformation success. While it is evident that digital transformation can bring success to virtually all industries, it is important not to implement it in a rush. Read on to discover how you can come up with the best strategy [...]
TOP-20 Helpful Resources to Learn About Digital Transformation
Your digital transformation journey can be less turbulent if you have all the right resources. At ByteScout, we have included the essential resources you need to start your digital transformation journey. However, you can benefit further by exploring additional resources out there. Read on to discover 20 helpful resources, which you can use to learn about digital transformation. 20 Helpful Digital Transformation Resources 1. SAP - Enterprise Digital Transformation Resources SAP is a German software [...]
How to Implement Digital Transformation in Your Company
About 70% of all businesses never complete their digital transformation journey, or they never achieve all their objectives. Most of them fail to achieve their digital transformation goals fully, because of a poor implementation strategy. In this guide, you will discover how to avoid such pitfalls when implementing your digital transformation strategy. Implement Digital Transformation in Your Company in 5 Steps Step 1: Identify What You Want to Achieve You need to have a clear [...]
TOP-10 Mistakes in Your Digital Transformation Strategy
Recent research on digital transformation carried out by 451 Research, over 50% of organizations in healthcare, finance, and retail industries have launched a digital transformation initiative that spans across all departments. And about 20% to 25% of the other 50% is taking a siloed approach in their digital transformation. In total, they are all going to spend over $1.3 trillion in their efforts to use automation to streamline their operations, in the hope of becoming [...]
TOP-10 Digital Transformation Examples in Medicine
Medical advancements have always impacted the world and ultimately lead to massive changes in the health and well being of individuals. For instance, in 1796  Edward Jenner introduced the smallpox vaccine, it was a stepping stone in medicine and the first successful vaccine to be developed. Today, smallpox has been totally eradicated all over the globe. The next huge medical advancement is set to be in the realm of digital transformation. Even the NHS has [...]
The Ultimate Guide to Digital Transformation
It may seem that digital transformation is making companies modernize their business models, the reality is that digital transformation is customer-driven. There are few aspects of our lives that remain untouched by technology. For example, technology wakes us up in the morning and keeps us company until we retire to bed. Customers are always connected and they typically desire real-time interactions facilitated by digital transformation. Modern technology has a ubiquitous stronghold in our society and [...]
Is Digital Transformation about Technology?
Digital transformation has grown to become among the most researched topics globally because it has been anticipated that companies have been unable to fit into the digital world.  Digital transformation normally involves evoking digital technologies to render a particular process more efficient and effective. Technology is not meant to replicate an existing service in digital form, but employ technology to transform the service to something better. While companies are embracing digital transformation, studies have shown [...]
TOP-20 Business Transformations of the Last Decade
The last decade has witnessed a variety of attempts by businesses to service products i.e. businesses have resulted in hiring or leasing products rather than selling the products themselves. This, on the other hand, has a range of consumer and environmental benefits. Under the leadership of Raty Anderson, Interface has been the first company to build a radically new business model around the concept discussed above. The company has been avoiding the emission of carbon [...]